I was diagnosed with abfib 19 days ago. It was my first major episode. My heart rate went up to 144 bpm. I was put on 5mg of bisoprolol a day for a week. I reacted badly - was very drowsy, dizzy, short of breath when walking, numb fingers, always tired.
I stopped taking it after one week. I have been off it for 11 days. I'm better than when I was on it. I don't get out of breath when I go on a walk, but I still get dizzy. I'm also drowsy but it is not as bad as it was. Headaches stopped about two days ago. I still don't feel right and I'm very lethargic and light headed.
Should I still be feeling withdrawal symptoms from bisoprolol at this stage? And how long will it last?
Interested on any feedback and advice anyone might have.