Hi all,
first time post here. So I was having palpitations which were really bad lasting 20 - 25 minutes. I then also developed arrhythmia. My cardiologist did a couple of halter monitors but could not catch the palpitations, only the arrhythmia. He prescribed low dosages of 100mg Flecanide and also 6.25mg Carvedilol both taken twice a day. After about a year I started feeling a constant feeling of doom. Finally it all came to a head before a scheduled trip to Ireland which resulted in my cancelling my trip and I then started to work my cardiologist. I also had developed weird feelings in my left leg (like the skin was too tight) and also on both my shoulder, abdomen and on my right side of my face. I first stopped taking the flecanide and once I was clear of it I stopped taking the Carvedilol.
This was all about 3 months ago, I am still not feeling myself, my arrhythmia has not returned but I am still get palpitations sometimes when I exert myself. I was hoping once I stopped taking the meds that I would return to normal, but instead I have the same feelings on my leg, shoulders etc and I also have been suffering from depression and anxiety and just do not feel right. In some respects I feel like I have had some sort of mental break.
Has anyone else experienced these sort of long lasting effects? I know I do not feel mentally as bad as I did when I came off these drugs but physically feel very little difference.
Thoughts? I really feel every day is now such a struggle just trying to keep things together, my doctor has done many tests but they have all come back clear.
Thank you for listening.