Hi all. Been suffering from AF for over a year but just discovered this forum so this is my AF story and my first request for advice/information (I’ve been reading posts for a couple of weeks and have learnt a lot).
Had a stroke 3.5 years ago which was subsequently blamed on paroxysmal AF – I had palpations for a while but ignored them as being normal. AF started in earnest in November 2016 and persisted. Had 2 electrical and one chemical conversions. They worked for a while – one of them for only 48 hours. Was on bisoprolol (5mg) and rivaroxaban. Had a second stroke in July 2017 despite the AC.
Shortly afterwards AF started again. Saw a cardiologist and put on apixaban, digoxin and bisoprolol raised to 15 mg. Stayed in AF for 4 months, very symptomatic, bag of ferrets in chest whenever I lay down to sleep (thanks due to member post for the ferret reference – perfect description). Fourth conversion 18 December 2017 (first appointment didn’t go ahead due to slow heart rate), started flecainide which has kept me in NSR since, despite the odd scare. Not yet back to where I was but so much better than when in AF.
Travelling to Aberdeen for my first cardiology appointment to discuss ablation next week.
If flecainide keeps me in NSR is this a ‘cure’ which eliminates the need for an ablation?
There are hints in some of the posts of more serious side effects of flecainide, what are these?
I’ve probably read the answers in posts already but there’s so much to take in. Any additional help/advice welcomed.
Thank you