After my last AF event I spoke with my cardiac nurse and she brought up the idea of not drinking enough water. I thought I did drink enough water and only have 1-2 toddies of 1 OZ alcohol with the nightly news (unless our our little despot trump is speaking). Anyway I am going to drink 16 oz of water before my toddy to make sure I am adequately hydrated from now on. I ONLY drink water during the day anyway and no soda.. Here is an interesting article for the big 7 AF triggers:
AFIB triggers - Dehydation! - Atrial Fibrillati...
AFIB triggers - Dehydation!

Recommended VOLUME is 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day. Dehydration is a great way to bring on AF. ectopics and a load of other problems... I use the colour test and check my pee looks like dry white wine. If it looks like Lucozade I drink more.
I just had an Epiphany. I DO pee ALOT (small bladder) and that must be a trigger for me. Thanks Bob!
No AF causes the body to get rid of salt (An enzyme the distressed heart secretes) which makes us pee more. It is not peeing being a trigger.
thank you for all that info fellow (I'm not going to say "sufferers" (I won't give in ) I particularly find the "triggers" article very useful. I wish this information had been available to me before I went on holiday to Canaries, came back did all the laundry (only for 2 I admit) had words with my partner, drank copious amount of tea , (never drink alcohol, never smoked,) went to visit my daughter, walked up the drive, couldn't use my arm and I was having a massive stroke. There followed 11 or 12 weeks in hospital and rehab. BUT I'm still here causing trouble LOL (as they say ) I was particularly interested in reason we pee so much after an episode. No-one has been able to answer that for me.
Happy Christmas (AF free if possible ) love Annlynne X
I'm convinced that at least 3 of the 5 times I've been visited by AF were brought on by being dehydrated.
I am going to start monitoring and drinking a lot more H2O to see how that goes!
Here is one thing that i have tried in the last week drank 6 small 500cc of water a day my heart has changed and gone much calmer beats 20-30 steady then 3-4 quick beats only small problem is a bit of blood on my tongue in the morning im on appixaban PAF
Interesting about the possibility of air pollution being a trigger. I'd never heard that before.
I think watching the nightly news might be a trigger for PAF.
Hi Rideronthestorm,
I am 3 week’s post ablation and I have found that I have zero tolerance for alcohol. I used to have one beer every night and more on the weekends. If you have problems in the future, you may want to cut out alcohol all together and see if that helps. I know that is a depressing thought, Iam still dealing with it!
I may have to cut coffee or add even more water. Who knows. I think it is stress derived that builds up since I only had 2 bouts post ablation in a years time. Giving up ALL alcohol is a habit that I developed over time I can learn to be without it. After all I did not start drinking until after age 40 anyway and it is very little anyway.
The jury seems to be out on this one. I feel better for drinking lots of water, but I have not found any science to back this up. Many argue that drinking water isn't important it's the fluid intake that counts whether it's tea, coffee or whatever. I think that ignores the diuretic effect of many drinks.
Maybe it's more a case of drinking enough water to avoid dehydration; more than that and the obvious disadvantages may outweigh any further benefit. Sprinting to the nearest restroom as I think you guys call it, never helps my AF!
You can go without food for maybe 3 months but water 3 days in normal conditions very important water intake it defiantly had something to do with my AF
Really interesting article. My afib has been worse in the last 2 weeks as we approach Christmas. Even going on holiday or a party affects it so the triggers mentioned certainly apply to me
Thanks for the link. Useful stuff + I didn't know about the association between PAF and air pollution.