Hi, readers, I spit blood in large amount. I do not cough, I have no problem in swallowing. My Chest X-ray is clear, and the blood test is normal. Why is bleeding and from where?
BLOOD FROM THE MOUTH: Hi, readers, I... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Get advice from medical professionals we are not qualified and any answer would be speculation.
If it is happening right now and you are in the UK dial 111 for advice.
Blood doesn't always come from the lungs it can come from the stomach, ulcers cause bleeding for example, so rule of thumb when you are spitting blood you always go to the GP or if excessive call 111 or 999 and get help. My uncle had an ulcer, he lived alone and had a massive bleed from which he did not survive so never take these symptoms lightly.
When my daughter was young she began spitting up large amounts of blood. After taking her to our doctor he sent us to A&E with a note and she was admitted to a ward. It was discovered that the blood was coming from her adenoids and these were removed and she has had no problems since. There are so many different places that blood appearing in the mouth can come from and you really need medical advice.
Has this been going on for a long time and is that why you had your chest x-ray? Do you have atrial fibrillation and are you taking any medications that could possibly cause the bleeding?
Best get it checked. Are you on any anticoagulants?