Hi, I've just been diagnosed with Prox AF. Suddenly had an attack of mad crazy heartbeat during the early hours after a toilet visit. It was terrible. Anyway, my question is, does any one suddenly have a very short episodes of mad heart bumping, and racing for no reason? Sat here writing, watching telly, no exertion? It suddenly goes mad and my chest, clothes actually move. If I have some thing held at my chest it moves too with the beat? I'm actually very frightened. I'm on Pradaxa and 2x 5 mg of bisopropol. My heart rate is a steady 60, but then I have these bumps!. Thankyou
Newly diagnosed, scared, and needing ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Newly diagnosed, scared, and needing info please.

Hi Yanny...yes i have these......i cud see my clothes moving too.....have to have a monitor fitted for the day next tues.....i have Prox AF too......the hossy said these areectopic..extra beats......very scary....they seem to think its caused by anxiety...we shall see..
Yes! I get my very worst attacks of AF while resting. Very horrible I know.

Have you found a pattern? I'm going to make a diary in case I'm doing something I can change? I do drink a few cups of tea ( decaf) in the mornings. Saying that, it can happen anytime.
No pattern whatsoever. I can just be sitting watching tv and my heart will feel like it's flopping about. I don't drink alcohol, or caffeinated drinks, I simply don't know why it does it.

Mines not flopping, its banging, as if I've been running, luckily it fosnt stay long. I'm off up to see the GP I think. I have no caffeine either. Last night I had 2 of those tiny bottles of wine ( 1 glass in each) but the specialist said I could drink in moderation. Its flipping rubbish
It is scary to have your heart going bonkers. What you describe all sounds very familiar to me - especially the middle of the night timing and the visible thumping - except I hardly ever have very short episodes. I've no idea what sets it off. Often I'm OK until I get up (although I can wake with it) and it will last for an hour or maybe four or five. Or sometimes longer. It usually settles, slows and improves very gradually and I don't find it easy to know exactly when the silly rhythm stops as I get short or longer runs of normal rhythm and the odd one out of place. Years ago, when I think all the wobbles were tachycardia, it used to stop and I would know at once that normal rhythm was back. I don't find it as worrying now as I used to, but it is tedious. I have a pocket ECG and this will record 30 seconds. The recordings vary - I have started in the last few months to get tachycardia again as well as AF - but mostly they look OK but irregular in a fairly steady way. The beats per minute vary too - 135 or higher or just over 100 or a bit lower. I was lucky that the last session occurred on the day of my EP appointment at the beginning of this month and there was a routine EGC done with all the leads.
Blimey! Seems I'm lucky. Sad for your state, it must be awful. Take care.
Actually I'm not too badly affected and can function quite well when it visits - it doesn't stop me in my tracks and I don't get any breathlessness like some people do. And I can go weeks between one occurrence and the next, so I don't find it too much of a bother. The uncertainty is annoying. I have had dodgy heartbeats now and then for many years.
great that you are anti-coagulated Don't worry too much about the AF make sure you get good advice form cardiologist and Electrophysiologist
This is the place to be if you need advice .....
The more post you read the more you will understand the unpredictability of af, you will learn as you progress, don't be scared to ask questions.
You are at the start of a journey that with medication, surgical intervention and life style changes can be manageable.
I personally started with af Easter last year and am now waiting for ablation, I have stopped drinking alcohol, started to loose weight, do a bit of exercise, I am due to see a doctor at a sleep clinic and feel a lot better and feel prepared for the future.
Good luck for the future although you may be frightened now with knowledge and the help you get it does become easier.
I've come to the conclusion I'm a lucky one. Tablets for life providing nothing changes. The doctor isn't happy that I've been put on Pradaxa by hospital tho. They want to change me to warfarin. Nothing to do with cost they say. Huh! Thanks and wishing you the same good luck Bauldy.
I take warfarin, no worries.

I've read warfarin has to be monitored with blood tests etc. Plus many foods have to be avoided? I must read up I suppose, I'm expecting a fight on my hands over the costs.
NICE guidance now includes patient preference on anti -coagulation so do insist
I do home testing. I bought the coaguchek machine from Roche, and my health centre supply my test strips. Works perfectly.
If it was a bowel movement and you passed a hard stool that could cause it by stimulating your vagus nerve. I had a conversation with the ward sister when I was having my pacemaker fitted and she said that patients often come staggering out of the toilet after passing a hard stool.