hi I’m new to anything heart related! Also feeling rather alone and scared. I’ve been suffering with high blood pressure dizzy spells and low heart rate for quite some time I am now on rampiril to control it but I’ve been diagnosed after a recent ecg with LVH a heart block and slow heart rate. The g.p spoke to cardiology and they have requested a 48 hour tape. And bloods. The G.P said it’s irreversible damage and not a lot can be done other than keeping healthy. and await further tests oh and don’t google! What’s the first thing I did lol! I’m really confused , shocked and scared tbh! I am young (ish) fit healthy active but I do have chest pains dizziness , headaches ,confusion problems. Any advice thoughts be appreciated as feeling rather scared and lonely
Newly diagnosed: hi I’m new to anything... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Newly diagnosed

Hi Grace.
I'm only going to reply quickly as I'm really tired and need to sleep. I can give you a more detailed answer in the morning.
I’m really confused, shocked and scared
Of course, you are. We all were when we first told. I'm between about 5 -7 years in now with afib. It's not a fraction as bad as I thought it would be. You have your ups and downs but with the right treatment (many options) help IS at hand. That's a Paul's Promise. I don't make them unless I'm sure I'm right.
Stop your worry and panic - there's no need.
Gotta dash as I need sleep and my bed is calling - I just wanted to reassure you a little before I get some shut-eye.
I'll answer in detail tomorrow.
Stop your worry here and now OK.
Edit - welcome to the forum. I can see it's your first post.
I think you may have a better response on the BHF to any questions you may have as this forum is mainly focussed on arrythmias and in particular, AF. May I suggest you give the BHF (British Heart Foundation) nurses a ring and talk to them?
Any diagnosis about anything wrong with your heart is always a shock. My understanding is that LVH may be diagnosed via ECG but it not the most reliable method so maybe you need to wait until the tape & blood tests are in and see what further tests your cardio suggests. Whilst damage may be irreversible there may be things that may be advised which will lessen the progression.
Best wishes
Hi I joined the BHF and clicked on online community which sent me straight to here! I didn’t realise that this forum was for AF sorry!!!! Technology isn’t my best subject! ECG was looked at by 3 people including the cardiologist so seems definite diagnosis it’s just the what do you do about it especially including my heart rate variability tends to be 41-57 I have alerts on the Apple Watch -and obvs on the ecg HR was 52
I will contact the BH nurses thought thank you for your reply x
We have another member here who unexpectedly had LVH diagnosed along with AF in her case. I still remember her reaction which was very like yours. However as CD says it is early days. Waiting for tests and then the results is terribly stressful but I hope the results aren’t as bad as Google might suggest and that the GPs gloomy predictions aren’t born out, as most of us have discovered few GPs know much about cardiology beyond the very basics. Best wishes ❤️🩹 and big hug 💞
Try to remain positive. 🤞😌
I totally get you but you’ll get through this maze and hopefully you’ll come out a stronger person. It’s hard on your own but this forum is a life saver.
Hiya Grace.
Cor, I slept well. I had 6 hours and 23 minutes of sleep according to my AI watch. A lot of REM and restful sleep. I'm now fully refreshed (a strong coffee helped too!) and ready for my day.
Now to answer your post.
You have every right to feel scared and overwhelmed after hearing this diagnosis but remember that you have medical support. Peeps continue to live active and fulfilling lives with these conditions with lifestyle changes and by following their medic's advice. The 48-hour tape and blood tests will give your docs a better understanding of your condition.
The label "irreversible damage" sounds like it's frightening to you (understandable) but it doesn't mean that all treatment options have been explored. Numerous treatments will help to control your symptoms and can lead to a better outcome using medication adjustments and lifestyle modifications. Your cardio may recommend exercise routines (in moderation) and diet changes. There are treatments to help with dizziness and chest pain.
Try to maintain your health through regular activity while remaining confident that your medic is doing everything to improve your well-being. Tackle your challenges step by step and contact your medic whenever you need to discuss your concerns.
I'm pitching my tent next to CD's. The BHF forum may be better suited to your needs.
CD wrote:
My understanding is that LVH may be diagnosed via ECG but it not the most reliable method so maybe you need to wait until the tape & blood tests are in and see what further tests your cardio suggests
I'm in on this one too. Wait and see what your cardio suggests. Don't ask Doctor Google. He's a 'my glass is half empty' sort of guy. Half of what he says is tripe and remember anyone can post anything on the internet. Much of it is misleading and tends to be negative.
You've got this!
Good luck Paul
Not so good being diagnosed with anything let alone heart structurally damaged.
In Sept 2019 I was diagnosed with conditions. I was surrounded by machines and Drs and in cane a speech therapist.
She told me to hum and sing.
So stroke embolic, type, with rapid, persistent AF (irregular heart beat. 4th day later I was diagnosed with a shadow on my thyroid during the carotid arteries scan. Lovely worker Jade who had the samr name as my granddaughter.
Appearance dropped face and speech was unrecognisable to me. Whilst in the ward I walked past a young boy of maybe 6, I could hear him say that I looked like dracula! No Mother with him just other kids. I knew that I had some work to do.
On that 4th day I was transferred to my local hospital. I had been helicopted in to base hospital.
There I was fed sausages! It was Friday night. Weekend rest and Monday a new speech therapist and hand therapist. Home services booklet.
I had ime to think that I was lucky. Why because if I hadn;t been in hospital and given the scan the thyroid cancer would have not been discovered. This type of diagnosis metasasises slowly and without evidence of symptoms.
The day prior to stroke I had arranged to have a lunch with POP who lives at mine to looks after wee JAZ my mini schnauzer. I was going into Kaitaia 40kms away. So he was home in Kaitaia and St John asked him to come down to look after Jaz as I had had a stroke and was on my way to hospital. That was lucky.
The late afternoon was me occupied in mowing the small lawns. I rested in between them. Lately about 2-3 months I was stopping whilst walking or on elevation or stairs. Another symptom was the uncontrollable sweating.
I'd been diagnosed with the ruggered rough Johnson & Johnson Mesh in the VT T kit 1mm from causing damage. Our ACC wouldn't pay for the removal by operation.
The stroke happened at 2am.
It had been a normal day for me.
My Echo shows structural damage. Severely Left Atrium dilated and so was the heart.
My Locum Dr, 80s has had an ablation done in Australia. When after 2 years 3 months my
H/Rate Day was uncontrolled she semy me to a private heart specialist. Immediately after doing my history he prescribed me a CCB Calcium Channel Blocker Diltiazem which controls H/Rate and a little control of BP but also acts as an anti-arrhymic. med very safe compared to flec..
Within 4 days I had the Dr from Healthline advise me as H/R within 2 hours went from the Bisoprolol BB 156 Day to 51. That was too low for me lightheaded. Scary.
Reduce Bisoprolol down to 2.5mg
Then the nurse at NZ Heart Foundation said she had worked under my specialist.
Rung him to reduce Diltiazem from 180mg 1/2 dose to 120mg CD. And separate CCb to AM and BB Bisoprolol at night.
3 years later the BB has been dropped as BP went low.Symptoms dizzy and losimg focus. Less energy and stopped walking every 15metres.
Happier at last.
Facial exercises improved face which is almost back to normal.
Game of rings up and over stick was stopped years ago.
It all takes time. You have ventricle damage so my CCB would not be suitble but there are others.
Bisoprolol reduced my heart size but the severely damaged LA remains. I cant go down the path of cardioversion. abration or anti-arrhymic med eg flec..
Bisoprolol is supposed to improve your heart my 80s Dr says but young H.Specialist laughed.
So one needs to fight to get as much information out of your cardiologist so he puts your question and answer in his report.
It was quite clear that if my H/R fell too low that I should stop the Bisoprolol. But it was not the Day H/R but the BP.
You need to read as much as possible google is great as I get research from the Medical Companies I have joined.
I made it to JAPAN in October. Problems were walking, stairs in railway stations underground and buses to get a seat with pack on and difficulty in getting up. I've just turned 76.
March I'm going to TASMANIA in another direct flight Auckland to Perth. I will have a rental car from Airport in and Airport out. Ask assistance from Airline and I was rushed about and through Customs in a wheelchair. So good.
Fight to get QOL your quality of life back.
Best to give your history to your Cardiologist for assessment of results from ECHO. ECG and 24hr monitor.
For me CCB for controlling H/R and BB for controlling BP. I went as low as 1,25mg Night with Bisoprolol. But now I have more energy. The betablocker in it skows one down.
All the very best for a QOL where possible.
Losing weight I did and it made a difference. Ear right, sleep right and exercise right.
The heart is a muscle so needs to be exercised to a level that just pushes you a little everyday. Never overdo it.
Find something that is positive, Start a new hobby etc.
cherio JOY. 76. (NZ)
Don't worry too much. Investigations need to be done in order
Bloods +48 HR tape with assess your HR. If you are in Heart block with Bradycardia you will need a Pacemaker (that no big deal they are brilliant) also check what % of the day your are in AF.
Pacemaker will record your AF.
You will need an Echo to check your LVH from not from a ECG.
The LVH could have been due to your high BP,
Your Consultant with them give you a personal plan.
All the best.
Hi, sorry about how you feel, but hopefully your medics will be able to help.
I was given a pacemaker for a low heart rate and heart block and that seems to work fine pulse doesn't go below 60 now.

Welcome to the Forum, it is natural to feel anxious upon receiving news of a new heart rhythm disorder, so you are not alone. I can see some of the members have welcomed your and offered their advice. If you need any help or support, please contact a member of our Patient Services Team: info@heartrhythmalliance.org
Kind regards
It is entirely normal to be in a state of shock and disbelief after being diagnosed with anything heart-related. I have dilated cardiomyopathy as well as AFib and it came as a terrible shock as no one in my family had had anything like that. To start off with I was so terrified that I wouldn’t stay in the house on my own. It has been an at times rocky journey with a cardiac arrest, an operation to put in an ICD, and lots of drug side effects on the road, but I am still here and living a fairly normal life including playing tennis 5 times a week, going for long walks, climbing stairs etc. Modern medicine is very good at keeping people going. Talking to other people with similar heart issues and getting advice from them based on their experience is invaluable, especially as GPs often don’t tell one everything one needs or wants to know. I joined various heart-related Facebook and charity groups early on after my diagnosis in 2017, but I find this group by far the most supportive and positive. A lot of people here have other heart issues as well as AFib.