Hi there fellow afibers ! Had a cryo ablation nov , I had to walk into the thearter and get on the operating table !!!! I was very humbled to see how many people were dealing with me ! So I decided to pack in the booze completely which I have (I am not a big drinker anyway) only trouble is I have not a clue what to drink when I go out !
The drink and af !: Hi there fellow... - Atrial Fibrillati...
The drink and af !

Lime & lemon, large enough to last a long time. Or alcohol-free shandy.
I don't like alcohol and used to be very embarrassed asking for "pop." I eventually discovered that hostelleries are very happy to supply non-alcoholic drinks as they are more profitable than alcohol. One local establishment thought that "my usual" was lucozade.

I drink pints of orange juice and lemonade. Lasts me a skittles match usually..
Lime and Soda. I love fruit but hate fruit juice. Strange I know. I sometimes have fentimans ginger for a tastier drink. I would much prefer bucket of red wine but after hearing that alcohol progresses A.F.,at last years arrhythmia conference, I have finally stopped even considering the possibility. X
I went tee-total a few years back, feel better for it; it's a big trigger for me.
Depends where you are re quality, but with alcohol-free beer in the UK there are some that are quite good (Becks Blue is OK if cold or with a drop of concentrated lemon in it, makes it like a Belgium Beer). In Spain though, where we go often, they are big into alcohol-free and have draft beers everywhere, and some you can't tell from the real thing, really fantastic. We drink mainly alcohol-free wine and champagne at home (not many places sell it by the glass).
There's other advantages apart from no alcohol; you can swig your pills down with champagne or beer. ....and wine and champagne from Sainsbury's is about £2.50 a bottle. That makes it taste even better to me somehow 😀.
Ginger ale (not beer) if you can get it. Add ice and lemon.
Hi Zak - Like you, when I had my last ablation in July I too had to walk (took the lift) down to the theatre and climb on the operating table. Not nice when you're in those silly gowns (had two on) and no underwear!
I hadn't touched alcohol for years, but encouraged by my daughter Christmas day I had 4 drinks. Needless to say my heart took off racing around tea time and stayed that way for a week, that taught me! Oh to be normal!
I appear to be ok with a lager shandy at Weatherspoons. When you find a drink that's okayish it's too scary to try anything else. Don't think I'd be brave enough to have one anywhere else though. Often I just have bottled water.
Hi Jeanie you had your 3rd ablation last year correct? How is your heart doing now? You still taking medications?
My heart is pretty good right now and I've started to gradually reduce my Flecainide, am down to 2 x 75g at the moment and any time soon will reduce to 2 x 50mg. Right after my ablation my EP came to my bed and said, Right you can stop your Flecainide now, which I did happily, but next day my heart took off racing badly before I had a chance to leave hospital and I was put back on Flec and kept in for another day. I'm hoping that the scarring has all formed well now and I may be ok. I think it's wrong to suddenly stop a medication that has been restraining the heart. I feel better now than I have for years.
I drink lots of sparkling water with lemon and sometimes ask to have it put in a wine glass. It helps to hold the wine glass but I must say I miss the warmth of the red wine. I truly miss a nice glass of wine but I am not willing to risk the monkeys in my chest anymore. Make the choice to honor your body with a toast with water! Gracey
I'm like Gracey - I use our best wine glasses to drink ginger cordial watered down with sparkling water. I tried various de-alcoholised wines - lovely they were too - but I blamed them for masses of ectopics and little heart races so I decided that nothing was worth the risk of triggering AF and gave it all up completely.
well done!!
Dry ginger and lime, tonic water with ice & lemon, if I can - good quality ginger beer - e.g. Luscombe, elderflower bubbly, I stay away from fruit juices & cordials because of high sugar content or there is always sparkling water.
I drink a brew called lemon, lime and bitters. Its lemonsoda or lemonade with lime cordial and bitters. Delicious but can be a bit sweet.
My non alcoholic drink of choice is tonic water (with lime or lemon) minus the gin. I can almost pretend it's as good as the real thing!
But then I read somewhere that you shouldn't drink tonic water while on NOACs (I'm on Rivaroxaban/ xarelto) because even the tiny amounts of quinine in tonic water are contraindicated. Has anyone else come across that? Grateful for your thoughts!
I would like to thank all you fellow
Afiber's for the non acholic drinks you have recomended CHEERS as they say !
Cheers to all of you from the USA and a Ginger Ale with lime for the Road! <3
Hi Eliza2! I'm from Chicago, IL...Northside! When it's 28 degrees that's not bad for winter but I do love the Florida warm sun and sand! Not to mention WDW!!!
I like club soda with lime