Thankyou to all who supported and adv... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Thankyou to all who supported and advised me after 24h tape showed a run of VT. It's good news...

Boombiddy profile image
16 Replies

I am so thankful for your support and a bit embarrassed too.

I received a letter from my GP today. She had consulted a local cardio she rates highly, re the non-sustained ventricular tachycardia that showed on my 24 hour ECG tape.

She enclosed this consultant's reply. He says that the NSVT run is in fact an artefact, and that it is (therefore) appropriate for me to wait to see my EP in July.

It has taken all day to sink in. I even rang British Heart Foundation and asked, how can someone be sure that this is an artefact, and was it possible that someone could dismiss as an artefact something that didn't make sense/appear to follow a typical pattern.

(This is overkill, right? I don't absorb info unless I know the reasoning behind it, so I do feel compelled to verify everything I can. I'm generally the annoying one who asks stupid questions, which is both a blessing and a curse).

Well, the BHF cardio nurse was really helpful and answered some questions. The cardiologist has a sub-specialism in electrophysiology and also works at St. Mary's hospital Paddington which appears to be a good indicator of his level of specialist knowledge. (Although the fact that my GP rates him highly is enough of a recommendation as my GP is excellent).

I should know this but had to be told that they would not take VT on an ECG lightly and would take pains to make sure it really is an artefact and not VT.

So it appears I am safe to wait to see my neuro specialist EP in July!

(Although I will see if I can get seen sooner when/if there's a cancellation during the snuffly season...)

To all who answered, messaged me, or gave me advice &/or encouragement, I just want to sat thankyou, thankyou, thankyou...

I just cannot thank you enough.

With my very best wishes, from Boombiddy.

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Boombiddy profile image
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16 Replies
mrsg46 profile image

That is good news Boombiddy as I remember you were very concerned when something was found on the 24-hour monitor and your GP surgery called you in for an urgent appointment. Sounds like you have some good people looking out for you, which is great.

Now all that's over you can look forward to Christmas without worrying ... enjoy!

Fanbloomintastic.....👍....Once it has sunk in....mefinks you are going to have a great Christmas. Thank you for letting us know.....John

BobD profile image

God news. Get the sprouts on!


Boombiddy profile image
Boombiddy in reply to BobD

That made me laugh out loud Bob!

Yes now I can just get on with life.

Rellim296 profile image

How good is that? Excellent news! I'm sure it will be putting a smile on the face for weeks.

dedeottie profile image

Not sure what is meant by an artifact but it sounds like good news so .....Yay!

Merry Merry Christmas x

Boombiddy profile image
Boombiddy in reply to dedeottie

Hiya Jane, yes I should have said.

It's sort of 'interference', maybe ECG things they stick to your chest got joggled, or electrical interference

... anyway something that was created by the ECG equipment/process rather than revealed by it.


irene75359 profile image

Just wonderful! Have a lovely Christmas!

Vony profile image

Over the moon for you. And you have no need to be embarrassed...I think you were very calm considering the information that you had been given. I would have been blowing a gasket, jumping to conclusions and the worst case scenario and howling my head off lol. Flip sake, I had prolonged QT and was toxic from a drug a couple of years ago and am still not quite over it! So believe me, you were a pillar of serenity! Have a great Christmas xxx

Boombiddy profile image
Boombiddy in reply to Vony

Was so overwhelmed I could not reply at the time Vony , just wanted to say that what you went through sounds worse. I really would have freaked at the toxicity.

What happened? Do you still have long QT and if not, how did it resolve itself?

Vony profile image
Vony in reply to Boombiddy

Really delighted for you :) my QT interval has been normal on every ECG ever since. It was apparently caused by an anti arrhythmia drug I was on at the time which had caused me to go toxic. Scary. Lucky it was captured and safely dealt with. I was going spare at the time. So glad for you. It is just horrible wondering what our hearts are up to isn't it. This forum is wonderful for support from people who understand xx

Boombiddy profile image
Boombiddy in reply to Vony

So lovely to hear from you and such a quick reply! I hope never to have to go on an antiarrhythmic drug, they sound awful.

You said you were still getting over it. Is that the toxicity or the shock of it all?

In any case, I do hope you will be over it, thoroughly.

Vony profile image
Vony in reply to Boombiddy

The toxicity of the drug resolved within about 10 hours. I was kept on telemetry until it was all out of my system and my QT interval became normal again. Just psychologically I have had to deal with it and worry about what could have happened if it hadn't have been caught. But there is no point in thinking that way. It was caught. It was dealt with and I am safe. Thank God. And still with a dodgy heartbeat lol

Jfib profile image

i know this was 5 months ago, but I just read it, and I wanted to say how happy I am for you! I hope all goes well with your subsequent appointment ☺️

Tess4 profile image

Just discovered this forum and your post. I’m awaiting an EPS/Ablation as on my24 hour tape they recorded 105 episodes of VT. I was called into hospital and hooked up for8 days - not a single VT. not even during stress test. I asked many staff whilst in ospital if it could have been an artefact as I did not register any palpitations. Everyone said it was not possible that it could be an artefact. You may have mov d on so may not get this post but if you do do you know how I could question it or get a second opinion?

Boombiddy profile image

Hi Tess4 , I got an email that alerted me that I had this reply from you, so I am hoping that means you will get an email to alert you to this.

My GP consulted a cardiologist she rates highly, who looked at the ECG and gave her his opinion that it was an artefact. She did this off her own bat.

You say you asked 'many staff' about the matter while in hospital, but don’t say which: were they cardiologists who had looked at your ECG? They would be the only ones that could confidently make that decision.

Is it possible you could ask your cardio consultant to explain why you could have so many apparent runs of VT, and then none during your stay in hospital? If you do not have an appointment lined up, you could email his/her secretary with a short letter asking the question.

If, once that issue is out of the way, you are still anxious about having an ablation, I think that is probably how everyone feels, but remember we have specialist surgeons who do this procedure day in day out and are very expert in it.

If a cardio specialist consultant has looked at your ECG, and if they are clear that these were runs of VT and not artefacts I would go for that ablation - sharpish.

I have not had an ablation and I think you could find it helpful to put your questions out there on this forum, as there are many many people here who have had ablations. I have found people on this site to be very kind and knowledgeable and ready to share their knowledge and experience. I think you would be very encouraged.

You can come through this and feel lots lots better and safer.

Best wishes from B.

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