Please can you help, I am trying to piece together some lose ends: My husband had his first episode of AF last Feb and since then we have been failed by the medical profession really badly.. we switched GP but it just got worse (with added difficulty that my husband is downplaying his AF). But he still needs proper check ups and advice? So I'm trying to drive things a bit ( whilst treading on eggshells really as he is the patient not me).
The only way to get things done appears to be by submitting written statements to the medics (this way it took me 'only' 8 months to get the cardio to look at my husbands ECG and finally diagnose him correctly and this cardio is supposed to be the best in Bristol?)
So your forum is at the moment the only way I can get good snippets of information then to get some kind of plan of action together.
My plan is to get husband to see an EP and an Internist as some of the causes of his heart problem might be the medication he is on for his Thyroid problem (he was put on a very very highdose levothyroxine,of which known side effects are AF and diarrhea, both a real concern.
the Cardio only sees him once a year.
Next step (in an ideal world) would then for the EP, Internist and Cardio to agree on a treatment plan?
Can you please let me know if that sounds feasible?
My question is: can you recommend a good EP/Internist in the Bristol area?
Another question: he now used the 'salt trick' for the last 4 times successfully,stopping an episode of AF in its tracks. Did anyone find any scientific explanation for this?
Reason being, we are currently trying to drive his Cholesterol down naturally (so far from 5.5 to 5.1 in 5 months). I would like to create some diagrams to prove it can be done and for him to be put on a lower dose of medication to reduce side effects. So scientific links rather than just anecdotal evidence would help to so I get taken seriously. Sorry about all this but you guys are my only go-to point and it's really getting to me. Thanks so much, really appreciate your help!!