Has anyone had a shingles vaccine if so did it have any adverse affect I am taking Apixaban
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I had the shingles jab last year with no side effects whatsoever. I had shingles on my head about 20 years ago shortly after my sons had chickenpox. I understand that it is especially important to have the shingles jab if you have had shingles.
I have also had the pneumonia jab with no side effects.
To-day I had the flu jab and was lectured about possible side effects, taking paracetamol and resting. Are they expecting trouble?
Yes, I had the shingles vaccine 1-2 years ago. I was on Warfarin at the time. I can't remember much except maybe I felt a bit poorly for a few days, not sure, it was minor otherwise I'd have remembered it!
I'd had shingles in my eye, so was keen to get the vaccine as you can imagine.
I had to pay £100 for mine as it wasn't available under the NHS, even though my GP said it was essential.
Its shocking to hear you had to pay for it. Here in wales you have to be 70 to be eligible for a free jab I am 65 so I will have to pay for it.
Hi all, Sorry for using your thread Souljacs, but I am wondering why is it advised to have the shingles vaccine if you have had shingles. Sorry for butting in. Best wishes Kath
You may find this link helpful nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinati...
If youve had chicken pox, then shingles lurks in your spine and can come out and attack you at any time. Mine came out 60 years after chicken pox and my doctor said it was more likely to happen again now that it had happened once. What the shingles does or where it attacks depends on where it was in your spine.
I believe other countries give the vaccine at a much young age which is what my doctors all said should happen here in the UK.
Ps. That's my recollection of the detail, I could be wrong.
No because it is a live virus and I can't have vaccine with live virus in it. I cannot see why being on anticoagulants would affect the vaccine - immune suppressants and chemo definitely would be contra indicated.
I've had it. Complete non event. Ditto pneumonia and annual flu jab. On warfarin
Have had it, no problems x
I had the shingles vaccine, but it was about three years before starting apixiban. No effect that I'm aware of.
No, and I never will. For a measly 1.7% success rate, Ill take my chances with treating it. The last 3 people I talked to who got that shot, got shingles after!
The primary clinical trial prior to Zostavax’s approval showed that it reduced risk of developing shingles by about 50 percent, but this isn’t as impressive as it sounds. In the placebo group, 3.3 percent of the study participants developed shingles, compared to 1.6 percent in the vaccine group. Yes, that’s a 50 percent difference, but the real, absolute risk reduction is just 1.7 percentage points.
Another way of looking at it is 175 people would have to be vaccinated to prevent one case of shingles, and 1,087 would need to be treated to prevent one case of postherpetic neuralgia (lingering nerve pain after an initial attack)—at a cost of $150–$300 per shingles vaccination.
Of course, you should make up your own mind, but I can tell you that I would never recommend the shingles vaccination for my patients.
When you say my patients does that mean you are Doctor?
Is that percentage per annum though?

That was a double blind study with equal patients on meds and placebo.
Sorry, my point is that most of the stats produced by medical people are per annum. So the low percentage you quote may be low, for one year, but over a period of years it isn't low, it could be high. So a 50% reduction would be good.

Thats irrelevant if its per annum, the percentages dont change. The ratios are constant for observable data. It only means that according to Pharma, Mercks trial of shingles shots, 175 vaccines per one protected. So, 175,000 vaccinate and 1,000 are protected vs 3,000 unprotected.
As CDreamer said a if your immune system is in any way compromised, you should not have the shingles vaccine or any other live vaccine.
Had it yesterday together with the flu jab no problems yet but there's still time!!

Here the big push is on for the flu shot. Some doctors are warning against it this early and fear that it wont work now, and later people wont think they need another one. Again however, the flu shot warning label states there is zero proof it protects anyone against the flu. Check it out