Been on flecainide 4 months now, take it morning and evening. Only side effect for me is stomach upsets, particularly in the evening. Mint tea helps. But... I will put up with that as up to now no AF, except ones lasting seconds. So I am happy for now. Best wishes, Pat
Flecainide: Been on flecainide 4 months... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hi Ruskin,I'm on meds for Rheumatoid Disease as well as AF meds ,my GP prescribed a stomach protection tablet, to prevent stomach upsets with the medication. I take one called Pantoprazole, you may like to discuss it with your GP.
I had the same problem. I am glad you are happy but be careful. Stomach cramps can be a symptom of gastritis. I had suffered from gastritis the previous year, which can develop into a stomach ulcer (I was too long on daily aspirin - a stomach irritant - as an anticoagulant which is now not recommended) . Anyway, gastritiis/ulcer is not good if you are on Warfarin with implications for bleeding. The doctor gave me omeprazole to protect the stomach lining, which stopped the pain. But as I had just had a cardioversion which stopped the AF for a while, I came off the Flecainide. I had an ablation in May and haven't needed to take Flecainide since then so far.... so many things to consider. But good luck with the AF. It's nice to know the Flecainide is working for that.
Hi Pat, are you taking it the same time each day and be religious about taking it on an empty stomach and one hour before any food? Otherwise keep trying different things like Mint tea. Good luck.
Thank you Orchardworker