I had my first ablation last September with very good results except for the occasional "runs" which got fewer and fewer. I really thought my first ablation would be my one and only even though I've read that would be unusual especially since I had been in persistent afib for 3 months before the afib. Yesterday I started feeling weak and very tired in the afternoon and got to the point where I could not stand up. Just thought I was overdoing or coming down with a 24hour bug. A few hours later I was experiencing a bad afib attack,. My heart beat was so fast I could not begin to count it as well as the abnormal rhythm. After a few hours of this I took a beat blocker pip and went to sleep well should I say tried to sleep. The beta blocker kept me up all night and makes me nauseous as does any of the heart medications. Do I just call it a good run and sign up for my second ablation now??? My EP told me back in January that he would not be surprised if I needed a touch up and to let him know if things started to go downhill. I'm afraid if I wait and see this will turn into persistent again. Discouraged but not surprised......tired and scared at the thought of going through this again. Would really appreciate your feedback. Thanks
Is it time for second ablation? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Is it time for second ablation?

If your back in AF then I would let your EP know as he advised. It looks as if you will need a second ablation which is not unusual. I am waiting for my second ablation and as Bob says it can take up to 3 procedures for some people. Good luck but ask to see your EP soon for a review.
Without a doubt. Your EP thought you might need a second and he was right. If you don't go for the second one, the first was a complete waste of time. Bite the bullet and end this nasty condition once and for all.
Your EP is unlikely to say yes, I can fit you in for an ablation next week. There will be a wait, so grasp the nettle now and seek your EP's advice. If you get on the list, you can then see how things go.
Courage may be required, but you managed last time and a touch up may be quite short and sweet.
Agree with all the above - get it moving now - sometimes it can take much longer for the second one to come up.
If it helps I had my first ablation for PAF last July and the second last week. My EP suggested in February I have the second one although as ever it was my choice. Somewhat easier this time as I had a general anaesthetic and the procedure , although similar, less complex as he was trying to find any gaps from the first effort.
Whatever the longer term outcome may be I don't regret having it done as I now feel more optimistic.
It very much emphasises that ablation is a far more elective procedure than many others and about potential improvements to quality of life than life saving.
Very best wishes.
Immediate contact with EP to arrange second ablation Eliza2. My first was in March last year. Had setbacks which were unpleasant but the second ablation in September has kept me in sinus rhythm to date and have gone on to get a replacement right knee. Sinus rhythm puts you on top of the world. Go for it!