Normal HR and AF: I have a normal HR of... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Normal HR and AF

RoyM profile image
19 Replies

I have a normal HR of 65 bpm but does feel a little "lumpy" is it possible to be in AF with a pretty normal HR. I always understood a rapid HR and AF came together. Thanks Roy

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RoyM profile image
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19 Replies

No Roy, AF need not be fast , which is one reason why so many are undiagnosed.

RoyM profile image
RoyM in reply to

Thanks yatsura

Musetta profile image

Hi Roy,I've had AF for the past three years and through this terrific forum and the doctors that have treated me, it is my understanding that during an AF episode the HR/pulse rate is irregular. My normal resting pulse is generally 60 - 68bpm but during

an AF episode it's always irregular and can jump from a regular 60, to 100 - 120 bpm.

So, with AF the operative word is irregular HR.

All the best to you,


Beancounter profile image

Hi Roy

Oh yes, perfectly possible. Welcome to my life, "normal" heart rate of around 70 ish every day and not even one minute when my heart beat doesn't sound like a pair of trainers in a tumble dryer.

AF most certainly does not necessary mean a raised heart rate, and as Yatsura so wisely says that is why so many people are undiagnosed.

Be well


Mrspat profile image

Yes. My HR is usually 60-80 but often irregular and sometimes loud or with strong


RoyM profile image

Thanks to everyone for their advice and knowledge so readily passed on to help others pretty new to this AF club. Cheers Roy

Geza10 profile image

I'm 58 had AF for 4 years 1 ablation lasted 1 year ready for my 2nd but its a bit of a tough call I'm on apixaban play football 3 times a week total 4hrs then light weights, on other days hr resting 45-50 in the middle of a game 130 max but all the time it will beat steady for around 20-25 beats then its like holding its breath for 2 seconds.

Can still hold my own with guys half my age so its like do I or do I not have an ablation just don't like the idea I may not be the same after, just to let you know played football since I was 2-3 years of age played for the army and was a PT instructor came out played up until now.

RoyM profile image
RoyM in reply to Geza10

Thanks Geza great story and long may it continue. Roy

yanbart profile image

I'm also one of those with AF and a slow HR. In my experience health professionals are only really concerned if AF accompanies high HR.

RoyM profile image
RoyM in reply to yanbart

Interesting observation yambert I wonder if being coagulated is just as important with AF accompanied with a Slow HR. Perhaps others with more experience than I have a view on that. Roy

yanbart profile image
yanbart in reply to RoyM

I'm not sure but all I can say is that when I first started AF back in the Summer I went to A&E with AF and high HR. I was given bisopropol and injected in the tummy with an anticoagulant. I then started Flecanide. It didn't work straight away and I went back to A&E a few days later for the same thing. The Flec had obviously done something to my HR as it was lower. This time they sent me home with no treatment citing my low HR as a reason for them not to treat me further. As it happens the Flec started working a day or so later...

Geza10 profile image
Geza10 in reply to yanbart

Hi Yanbart sounds a lot like me apart from the drugs I only take apixaban just to be on the safe side even though my chad score is 0, you are a young man and you could try a few life changes, I have stopped drinking alcohol, coffee, tea, curry anything with hot spice and eat a very sensible healthy diet and I am trying to loose weight which I think is a major benefit to help with AF.

Try this before an ablation don't rush into it.

yanbart profile image
yanbart in reply to Geza10

Yes I too have made lifestyle changes. I know that there is nothing physiologically wrong with my heart so it is just simply triggers. The main one, I believe, for me is alchohol. Yes I am trying Flecainide for as long as I possibly can before even thinking about an ablation. Touch wood, so far, I have only had ectopics since being on the meds. Long may it continue!! Good luck yourself.

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to yanbart

There maybe some less issues but I think that it depends on the person and all the relevant facts. People on here with AF have had pacemakers fitted because of low HB.

yanbart profile image
yanbart in reply to PeterWh

Yes of course. I guess it depends on what's causing the slow HR. It could be an athletic heart or a defective one. It's like anything in life there's never a simple answer...

RoyM profile image

Since being diagnosed with PAF and with a chad score of 1 (I am 68) I have lost over 3 stone I have been a vegetarian for over 16 years and don't drink alcohol. Since losing the weight the AF is different HR never goes over 70/75 bpm I am not on any coagulation and use Bisoprol 1.25 as a PIP. The EP considers I am borderline for coagulation.....I am really not sure what to do. Roy

Geza10 profile image
Geza10 in reply to RoyM

well done Roy your doing everything which could help you with PAF but i would maybe look at apixaban you dont want a stroke i had a tingle in my right hand lasted no more then 5-10 seconds went to A&E done an MRI scan could see nothing wrong but i made a choice to go on the coagulation even with a 0 chad score

RoyM profile image

Thanks Geza I am certainly Leaning towards Apixaban if nothing else but peace of mind. Roy

glenpointe profile image

Hi RoyM,

My situation is similar to yours. My resting HR is averaged 68, but I have Afib at all time. I did not know that I have Afib until I went in for a regular checkup and taking Eliquis now.

Point is, when I'm running @ 8:30 minute pace, my HR shoots up to 150 -170 BPM . The funny thing is, I feel less tired when my heart rate fluctuates between 150 and 170 BPM. However, when my heart rate stays between 130 to 140 (for the same pace), I feel extremely tired. can someone explain why I feel less tired at higher heart rate? because of less blood circulation at lower HR? Thanks,

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