Has anyone tried this with success? I get very tired in humid weather and my AF starts to 'thump'I am usually pretty active and not much of 'a relaxor' but would invest time in it if I thought it might help.
Relaxation/meditation and AF - Atrial Fibrillati...
Relaxation/meditation and AF

I think any form of calming is of use be it meditation or hypnosis if the vagus nerve is involved which for some people it is. I had a lot of ectopics going on at one time and my Bowen man did some work to relax the vagus which stopped them. My wife has a number of relaxation tapes and I have once or twice tried them- -- sea shore noises, bird song,, gentle music. That sort of thing.
It won't cure the AF but may well make it more bearable.
Hello......I was diagnosed just over 3 years ago and am now in persistent AF. Believe it or not I find this is easier to live with than episodes......however, sometimes my heart can be a bit more quivery or thumpy........
I have found that mindfulness has seemed to help me on a daily basis...as Bob said, relaxation won't cure AF, but it has generally made me a bit calmer (I am a very anxious person!) and the "breathing and focusing" helps.
You could argue that I have just got used to and accepted my AF so not so stressy about it on the whole.........and there ARE the odd nights that I cannot sleep at all and i am sure its my AF that is the cause!
But hey ho, what have you got to lose by giving it a try.....
I have an app on my mobile phone called Headspace, it was free to download and is just 10 minutes a day.........
I have spent a fair bit on whale song/wave noise CD's etc etc in the past with very little success but this really seems to help......it is also the 'new therapy' as often prescribed now for all sorts of things!!
Good Luck!
Wightbaby (aka Lin)......or could be 2tabbycats!!!....: )
Oh, lovely! 2tabby cats!...Thank you both Bob and 2tabbies.I will give this aspec t of my life more attention...and esp. over the winter when my life becomes a bit less frantic.I used to have night AF but it quietened down a lot when I started to take Verapamil...my AF is of the Permanent variety.I will look up' mindfulness' I believe my son used it......
I have had some success with listening to a heartbeat to bring my AF back into order. Hasn't worked EVERY time but it has worked on some occasions and it's very restful once you get used to it.
Here is an example - I use earbuds as listening through normal speakers is not as effective - I suppose in some ways it probably emulates being in the womb?
Also have you tried using magnesium?
I started supplementing January and have gone from bimonthly hospital visits LAST year to two 10 minute episodes of it...
You should always of course check with your doctor first.
There is lots of info here on the forum just search magnesium or email me and i can give you some more info.
Thanks Dave.Trying heartbeat. I started taking magnesium about 6 months ago and it has certainly improved my general well being...I have more energy since begin. it. I take mag. citrate made by Solgar. I have read spray on skin is good but I have nothing to go on. How long do your listen to heartbeat?
I have found the heat a real drag and a real drain during all summer. I am hoping that two weeks besides the sea later on will prove the tonic and relaxation technique
Yes. PeterWh. I so much agree with your remarks about the sea. I get away to the Isle of Wight for 4 nights X 2 yearly.It is marvellous while I am there but the feeling of 'well being' soon disipates when I return home......Maybe we should all put in tuppence and buy a timeshare there for AFers!
Meditation and the resulting mindfulness skills are definitely helpful in dealing with a-fib as well as all other areas of life.
I've posted on this before in this thread: healthunlocked.com/afassoci...
Yes definitely.
Like Bob the Vagus nerve is involved with me. Most evenings I take an hour out in a separate quiet room and have a routine: diarise 'the good things of the day', then mindfulness, prayer and one Qigong breathing exercise. It may sound too weird to many (and to me 2 years ago) but all I can say is I feel great afterwards and regard it as part of my treatment.
Thank you everyone for your excellent advice on relaxation,meditation etc,etc. I am creating a list of most things mentionedmention and will certainly engage in some of these activities. People are so overwhelmingly kind and generous on this forum.
Well, 10gingercats.....I live on the Isle of Wight! (Hence my ID Wightbaby) 10 minutes walk from the sea.....if only I had enough quids to open a guest house or holiday cottage with AF'ers in mind, relaxation included (laughing!)..........
but seriously, I noticed when we went to France for our holiday, i felt much better, not exhausted all the time and husband said I looked less stressed.....3 days back at work soon put an end to that.....I think there is def something to be said as far as avoiding stress is concerned?
I don't think everyone can take magnesium? I also have under active thyroid and I have a got a feeling magnesium would interfere with the thyroxin....if anyone wishes to comment on that i would be interested
If you are coming to the IOW and fancy meeting for a coffee and AF chat send me a PM....
I already have a very supportive AF buddy that I met thru this forum.......
Thank you Lin for the offer of a meet up on the Island.I MAY next be there in Oct. but life is short at 77 and I am quite busy! I was there at the end of March. Once the lecture 'season' and concerts start in Oxford it is 'all go'.I had a complex thyroid problem which was pretty well sorted out by a private consultant about 5 years ago after many years of misery... I can take magnesium and find it very useful for extra energy.....If/when a visit to the Isle looks likely I will be in touch.