My husband sailed through his first ablation on Monday but started Tuesday afternoon with agonising chest pain. Went straight to a and e and they admitted him...after much tooing and frowing they eventually did an ultrasound this afternoon and not a heart attack but inflammation of the heart which they don't think is connected to the ablation(!). He's now spending his second night there drugged up on morphine as the pain is that bad! Has anybody else experienced this?
Pericarditis after ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pericarditis after ablation...

Pericarditis is inflammation of the sack which the heart sits in rather than the heart. Endocarditis is an infection of the heart itself and much more serious. Whilst there is always a small risk of tamponade during ablation when the wall of the heart is punctured allowing blood to seep into the pericardium (sack) this is usually picked up during the ablation and a drain put in to reduce the pressure. I think that if the hospital's diagnosis of infection is correct then it would be a very unusual event and coincidence. I do wonder if they have sent copies of the ultrasound to the EP who performed the ablation for his view of things.
So sorry this has happened to your husband and understand how worried you must be.
Please update us when you can.
My father had pericarditis, developed whilst on holiday in Greece. Luckily they were with friend who was a cardiologist who diagnosed the condition and got him to hospital. Although in his 80s he recovered with antibiotics but took a long while. Dad hadn't had a ablation.
So sorry this happened to your husband, like Bob says I think it could just be an unfortunate coincidence. Do hope he is feeling better soon.
My husband had pericarditis many years was an infection ....and caused him to feel like he was having a heart attack he had almost collapsed while driving his truck....we had to persuade him to pull over as he was scared no one would help eldest son and I got to him first on the freeway got him to stop and we had called an ambulance to meet him there too....he was in agony....antibiotics and heavy pain killers soon had it under control and he made a full recovery..... after about a week he came home....still to this day we don't know why it happened....but please as Bob said make sure the EP is aware and he gets the ultrasound results and any other results as he may need other treatment as well... and if he has dental work in the future make sure they know he has had this infection.....
good luck and we wish your hubby a speedy recovery ....
Hi I too have been diagnosed over the years with recurrent pericarditis after an AF attack. Last time I was in coronary care for 3 days but noone was really bothered about it once they decided thats what it was. It went of its own accord so try not to worry.
Pericarditis is quite common following ablation. Inflammation caused by irritation with the ablation. This is not infection.
Will get better over a few days.
Most important when things don't go to plan is to ensure contact is made with the EP team that did your procedure. They know about complications and how to treat them.
I had Pericarditis a few years ago ,began on plane back from Tenerife,I was too scared to say much in case they did an emergency landing,so waited til we got home,went to see GP,blue light thro to hospital,on Coronary care for 3 days! Saw 4 doctors,no 4 diagnosed Pericarditis,after usual investigations I was discharged next day with Steroids! Mine was due to my Rheumatoid Arthritis !
This year spent 9days in hospital in Tenerife with rapid Atrial fibrillation- 180,
I don't think I'll be going back to Tenerife any time soon!!!
I to have had pericarditis, exactly 2 years ago yesterday I was rushed into A&E in the middle of the night. The pain is excruciating and I was hospitalized for 4 days and then sent home with pain killers and a note for my GP.
The reason I am replying to you is to warn you that it may take months before your husband feels really well again, no one told me and as I had been discharged I thought I was better but I wasn't - I was washed out and felt OLD.
I am fine now but it took months to regain most of my energy, so be patient with the patient.
By the way I hadn't had any procedure for anything but had been diagnosed with AF
a few months earlier.
The pain is so bad that I wished I was dead - 28 yrs ago and I still shudder at the thought.
Yup, whatever Drs say ....he'll have to pace himself when he's 'better'. Too much of a coincidence - but hopefully his ablation is a success. All the best
Thanks for all your kind comments, he's home now with bag full of painkillers. Been confirmed that it was secondary to ablation, they don't warn you of that beforehand! Whatamug...I think my husband will agree with you, he wanted a gun to shoot himself. So helpful all the comments on this forum 😀
My heart attack only confirmed by a cardiac MRI scan as angiogram was normal. ???
I hope he's ok which hospital is it ?
I got a very Sharpe pain a few weeks after my ablation thought it was a heart attack lasted only 10 mins though and they told me it was normal following ablation??? They just forgot to tell me that.
Glad to hear you have some answers and hope your hubby is feeling a little better now. Yes I think they don't tell us enough about secondary effects from ablations even though it will probably scare the hell out of us it also can let us feel a little less anxious if things do go wrong and also helps us to make an informed decision to go get help....and not wonder if its normal or took me months to find out about the gastroparesis and have it confirmed along with a wrong diagnosis that left me and my family chattered for find out it was a ghastly mistake by a guess I am trying to say better informed leaves one less anxious and more empowered.
again hope your hubby is well on the mend
best wishes
Jo x
Well, not only is he suffering with pain still but he's back in AF! As many sufferers on here must be feeling, were devastated! He's got a manual job and not been able to work for six months due to af with no help from the government (he's self employed) 😢😢
I'm sorry to hear things are not going well for your hubby....hope your both getting the help you both need and keep going back to the doctors until he is better....and don't take no for an answer as he must be feeling lousy with the pain and the AF as well....I wish you a better outcome really soon
x Jo
About 30 hours after my ablation, I began to feel pain in my shoulders and upper back, increasing difficulty to take a normal breath,and hard to move from sitting to standing. Lying down was out of the question. SLight fever, and some cough (also painful). I tried ice packs, tens unit and Tylenol with limited help and called my doctor the following day after sleeping in the recliner. Nurse relayed my problem, asked a few questions, and called back with an RX for colchicine which the pharmacist flagged; another phone call to the cardiologist cleared that up, Now, two days later the pain is just some discomfort but I can idenitfy the symptoms of pericarditis in what I was experience and am glad I had knowledgable doctor! 2x daily for a week was prescribed