Today was my second visit to at Heart Rhythm Clinic. Since the last visit in November, I have had Echo and worn the Zio for two weeks and he told me then that if all showed ok when I saw him next time ( today) he would be planning for me to have a pacemaker fitted as, as well as AFib I have Bracycardia.
Today just after I arrived at the clinic started feeling so tired, my heart going mad, usual Afib symptoms so popped to the toilet and used my Kardiomonitor to check and yet AFib with a heart rate 140. I then was called for an ECG then waited to be seen. As past few months when had AFib I started to feel so tired, real battle to keep my eyes open, kept having to go to the toilet and splash water on my face plus the usual pain in my shoulder and feeling as if heavy weight on chest.
When I was called in doctor said you are in AFib as it is showing on ECG and asked how I was feeling. He then said forget about pacemaker just now and other things previously discussed as he can tell my quaility of life is poor - very true I spend now most of time in bed as so fatigued, been getting worse for years ( only Dx'd AFib last May as previously when asked doctor about racing heart etc told just panic attacks - exercise and meditate, that went on for 3 years till a GP actually decided to do halter for 24hrs and in AFib 22hrs that day).
So he said he was sending me for an MRI of my heart to check, aggg cannot remember as was feeling so bad, but he said if it showed the part was ok I was to take Flecainide, so he was giving me the tablets to take home and as soon as he has results of scan if all ok he would contact me to start them rather than wait until my appointment in clinic.
No with feeling so urg I did not ask why the change in plan or anything else, to me, it felt like something had shown up in the ECG that changed everything but daft me did not ask.
I know no one here is medically qualified to help but just now so worried about what is going on, feel as if he thinks something urgent that needs sorting and so that is more important than the pacemaker and my bradycardia.
Has anyone else had this happen - still in AFib, been 12hrs but usually my attacks last at least 16hrs so hopefully should ease soon.
Oh yes, he told me to take as many of my pill in my pocket as needed - I take Bisoprolol 1.25 ( was on higher at first but so dizzy) and in Nov told me to take an extra one if HR went over 70 but now he has given me 2.5mg and as said to take as needed. If take HR comes down but then goes up over 70 after a few hrs to take another and another till it stays down. My normal resting HR is 45-55 ( Bradycardia as definitely not fit).
I guess not used to a doctor suddenly saying my quality of life is so poor it must be addressed .
Reading up on Flecainide it is quite a scary med but if it works should certainly help but am scared as I tend not to react well to a lot of meds.
Sorry for rambling on just feeling rather scared I admit, I know am making a mountain out of a molehill