Are there any AF help groups in York ... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Are there any AF help groups in York area?

30 Replies

Wondered if there are any groups hospital based or otherwise. This site is THE BEST, but it would be good to meet face to face with other AF sufferers.

30 Replies
BobD profile image

Support groups are quite complicated as you really need a medical lead and hospital approval but if not a social group such as my West Country Cell or Ian's Nosh and Natter plus the new Cardiff one all bring much joy. All you need is a nice venue and an invitation on here and see what happens.


in reply to BobD

Thanks Bob.

Nosh and natter group sounds fun. Will speak to Consultant for some leads.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to

Yes I licensed the title to Ian but not exclusively if you want to adopt it.

Hi joholl, if you check out "Patient Support Groups" in the Patient Information section of the AFA webpage, there seem to be groups in Sheffield and Bradford. Not sure if that helps!

Good luck, John

in reply to

Thanks John. A bit far to travel. Will think about setting one up myself. Will speak to Consultant for some guidence.

in reply to

Sounds good. Dr Matthew Fay heads up the Bradford group and he spoke at last weekends Patient Day seminar in Birmingham. His team there may be able to help if you decide to proceed.

Best wishes, John

in reply to

Hi John How do I contact him

in reply to

I don't know joholl. I live in Surrey and Matthew is a GP in Bradford. If I was you, I would take up RosyG's offer of help and contact her by private message. RosyG has successfully started the Surrey group and she can help you to get in touch with Daisy at the Arrythmia Alliance who is best placed to help you set up a "formal" group

If you would prefer to set up a social group first, just to meet informally then follow Bobs suggestion.

If you go to the AFA webpage and click on the link "patient information" and then click on "Patient Support Groups" you will see the information relating to the Bradford group. Hope this helps, John

in reply to

Thanks for all your suggestions.

Think initially l will go down social route and see how much interest there is.

in reply to

Sounds like a good route forward......good luck joholl

rosyG profile image

We have recently set up a patient support group in Surrey- We were fortunate in that one of the consultants at Epsom Hospital was willing to be our medical lead- however, Daisy, of Arrhythmia Alliance, helps new groups to find a medical lead- if you find your local hospital doesn't offer help. She also lets people know about the meetings if you affiliate to the Arrhythmia Alliance (easy process with a couple of short forms)

If your local hospital will help, it is best, as they might then provide a meeting space at no charge.

If you do go ahead, and need any info about how we advertise the meetings and get speakers etc, do private message me and I will let you have more details,

You'll find some members of this forum attend so it's the best of both worlds- I loved putting faces to names in Birmingham at the week-end- great to meet new friends who can exchange experiences!!

Rellim296 profile image

I've just enquired about meeting up in the North West, but I can get over to Leeds quite easily. York is quite a long haul on the train from Cumbria - quicker to go to London!

rosyG profile image

where we will see you again Rellim when Ian kindly arranges the next Natter and Nosh!!- great to see you at the weekend!

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to rosyG

Have railcard, will travel! Nice to see you again Rosy. I've been to Keswick today (by car though) and returned in typical Lake District rain, which (looking at the lack of water in Thirlmere) is actually much needed.

shirlygirly profile image

Hi from York area was treated initially at York hospital Dr.Durham

I was then transferred to Leeds Infirmary and am presently awaiting

an ablation, after one failed attempt. Dont know of any group in this

area but I would be interested if there was.


in reply to shirlygirly

Hi Shirley

Will speak with Consultant at York and go from there. Will keep you informed

in reply to shirlygirly

In the process of setting one up in York if l can get a medic to lead it. No problem about a Meal and Chat if anyone is interested; in the meantime.

frenchgoose profile image

I am in the York area too and woul love to be involved in a group, so keep me posted.


in reply to frenchgoose

Hi Ann. Who is your Consultant and at which hospital? Mine is Macgarry at YDH.

in reply to frenchgoose

How about a meal and a chat until the Group gets a medic to head it.

frenchgoose profile image
frenchgoose in reply to

Yes, maybe put a call out to see who would like to meet up in York area, I am attending!!!!


frenchgoose profile image


I have recently moved back to North Yorkshire, and had two ablations in Birmingham, so apart from a visit to A&E in York, I have not seen anybody there. How do you find Macgarry?? Is he an EP??? I noticed on a previous post that you are taking flecainide. I took it for 8 years with no problems and it kept me in NSR!!! But then it failed and ended up having two ablations. I am still taking it since the last one in May, as it is my comfort blanket!!! Weaning myself off slowly and down to 50mg twice a day. How are you feeling?? Ann

in reply to frenchgoose

Hi Ann

Dr Simon Macgarry is a Cardiologist at York District Hospital and the Nuffield Hospital in York. He is very approachable and very knowledgable l am told. Ask your GP to refer you to him.

in reply to frenchgoose

Hi Ann

Dr Simon Macgarry is a cardiologist at YDH. Not had the flutters for a few days now. On 100mg x 2 daily. Hope it does what it says it does. Some days l am fine and have plenty of energy; the next day sluggish. Hoping to go away for 5 days next week for a break.

in reply to frenchgoose

Hi Ann Come and join us Sat 13 December at 12.30 at Nags Head Askam Bryan. Great group of 8 after first meeting last month. Get in touch at

AFCyclist profile image

There is an AF support group at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield that meets 3 monthly. Next meeting in December.

Loo61 profile image

Could do with one on Merseyside. I don't think there is one and wonder why that is....? Might mention it to my EP & Co... but these guys are so busy I doubt they would have the time to be a maybe a 'nosh & natter' notice might be the best way.

Bagrat profile image

Don't know how I missed this thread. As I have no probs at present Dr McGarry has discharged me. He's such a nice guy and never rushes you. Would be happy to meet up although feel a fraud as no PAF episodes for nearly two years.

in reply to Bagrat

Please get in touch. The more positive stories the better. We are a group of 8 and enjoying each others company alot.

Please come. A success story gives me hope.

Please let me have your details - we may live round the corner from each other!

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