a Bad day or week with my AF he tells me to calm down, after a bit I am ok again it comes on without warning sometimes, Suzy
Hi does anyone who has AF on a bad... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Hi does anyone who has AF on a bad day get Agitated? my husband says I get Ratty as he calls it, but I don't always realise just having

Oh yes. I don't enjoy being around people when I am in SVT or Afib. Since I maintain a good face all day for my work, I've become quite unsociable in the after hours! Hope you find some solutions. I use mediation apps to try and slow down!
Meditation is one of the strategies I have used including deep breathing, before I go out and during an episode. I also do affirmations before I go to sleep, and give thanks to anyone for all the other things during my day which I felt were pretty good, this lifts me up for the next day, so I don't feel ungrateful for those around me (even docs) but especially for my mind and body. Hope you will try it sometimes
I get very grumpy when my other half gets impatient for breakfast when I'm in Afib, if that counts! Maybe I need to meditate more
No Eatsalottie, that's when your other half needs to relax more. I don't have another half now but when I did he would get me breakfast, I would most likely get cranky if he didn't do it, now I can only get cranky with the walls, the stove the mess and myself, when I am at home.
I think I'd get cranky with the walls too if hubby and dogs weren't around... I don't know whether it's part of AFib, or AFib just makes you feel that way...
I don't know Eatsalottie, I have had to meditate a lot in my life, whether its to keep me calm or to keep me going or to give me a lift I really cant say, all I know is that this condition begs some sort of relief, and I give myself a day off now and again, and let the housework pile up, which is my pet hate anyway. Keep Happy.
You too! I'll have to get back into meditation properly I think...
Hi Suzy
Is it getting agitated because of AF, or agitation triggering the AF? With me it would be the latter and I've learned that number one trigger is my head, or used to be. If I can stay unbothered then I tend not to have any problems. May still get the wobbles but not bad. Very occasionally, I will pop an anti-anxiety pill which has in the past solved it and proved to me it was my head leading the heart and not the other way round, if that makes sense.
Best wishes

I think it is the physical thing happening to your body not your head.

Hi its a bit of both really, agitation can trigger it off, but I find if had a bad night with AF next day I am terrible, thank you for your help nice to know its not just me Suzy
I've found all sorts of mental triggers for me. Tiny, silly little things will set off my arrhythmia. One of the worst, just as an example, is feeling I have to watch a film I hate. Did it once, had heart wobbles for 4 days almost solid and felt agitated. It's not stress that sets me off, if we moved house I wouldn't be bothered, it's more annoying things and also emotion. So when I was told a member of my family was seriously ill that set me off. Also went to see my favourite band of all time play my favourite song of all time and I set off on the first note.
This is an interesting topic as its not something that is really talked about. Since I had my af I have become much quicker to reaact. I think this is because my heart beats fast and so adrenaline is pumped into my body putting me into flight or fight mode. As Wodehouse remarked about a character, " His temper is always keen to be up and doing" and that is how I feel. Whilst we need to control this at work I think loved ones do have to understand this - they too need to adjust their behaviour and know when to stop arguing.
Apparently this happens to bypass patients as well and again is not mentioned.
I think you may be right Lizwright. I have wondered about that for a long time. X
It makes me feel on edge all the time. I try to hold it together but just takes one small thing to tip me over! I only realised this recently as flecanide has stopped it completely for now and I am much more relaxed.x
Rather than "ratty" could it be that you are not so patient as usual? Is your body too tired and weary to be patient?

Interesting discussion. When I am in AF I get a little grumpy because it is interfering with my day, or because it has interfered with my sleep the night before and I am tired. Then there is the wondering about how long it will last before I convert. Thankfully my husband just takes over and does the meal prep, or the errands, or whatever needs to be done if I don't have the energy to do it. For me, all the irritation is directed at myself because I am angry at the prospect of a day out of rhythm in more ways than one.
Anytime you do not feel well you have less patience.
Hi,maybe like me you just hate not being well and make a bad patient.No matter whats up with me,not just AFif i feel i,ll i,m just grumpy I don,t take it out of the wife though I just keep quiet then she knows i,m a bit off and keeps out of the way.I,m sure your hubby understands.
I think that it is very natural to feel fustrated and anxious when our bodies let us down and limit our expectations.from life, even just for a short period.
Most of the time with my AF I am OK and determined to keep enjoying life to the full .although some days I can hardly move without my heart thumping and feeling awful
I have identified what appear to be the main triggers,like eating too much and not sitting and relaxing after,
walking too fast, climbing steps, allowing myself to become too tired,
becoming agitated when I forget of my physical limitations, especially my attempts at the gym etc.
No use being grumpy and angry about it, accept it .
"always look on the bright side of life, Tra la, la la, LA LA "
(easier said than done I know when you're feel hellish)