Heart beating faster,strange sensatio... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Heart beating faster,strange sensation across scalp and flashing vision.

24 Replies

Today I was in a meeting which I always find extremely uncomfortable...Maybe you can recognize the scenario,heart beating faster,face flushed and feeling pretty uncomfortable...Nothing new that is how I have always felt in that situation for as long as I can remember....

Sometime ago on here I asked a question whether anyone else had a strange sensation across there scull also vision disturbances...Some months later I can now identify when the heart is beating irregularly I can feel my scalp pulsating....Also lights flashing all around.like a migraine but no headache...plus the ringing in ears increase...can anyone else identify with any of these sensations....My GP refered me to eye specialist a few months ago but couldn't find any abnormality..C also a tingling across the shoulders...

24 Replies
Jackieboy55 profile image

Hi Caromia, i can identify with some of what you describe. I find that my when my tinitus becomes more noticeable there is a sensation of pressure increase and this coincides with a very slight involuntary movement of my eyes, but no lights though. Also, but not at the same time, a tingling sensation on my scalp. Ditto, across my shoulders.

I wish I knew cause and whether it is af related, my GP seemed a bit perplexed and I haven't asked since. Maybe it is blood pressure spiking ? If I get stressed or overtired it seems worse.

Maitha profile image

It looks like you are describing my symptoms which I'm having daily since few months back

I linked the vision with hidden migraine( I read recently there is migraine with all symptoms but no headache and it is called hidden ) and irrythemia , it starts usually with irregular beats fast or missing beats then pressure in both ears and flashes in the eyes , light head ,hot flash in my face others can notice that , sweating and hot sensation in shoulders and top of my back then tightness and discomfort in my chest

I feel not balance and dizzy if I tried to move , usually it ends with the need to go to toilet soon ,It lasts from seconds to 30 minutes .

I think it is related to ectopic beats and migraine together , none of my doctors gave me any explanations , earlier one doctor linked it with AF but after my ablation no flutter recorded and I'm still having the same episodes , actually today I had one before few hours during a family gathering

If you found the cause please let me know


in reply to Maitha


Interesting, symptoms sound almost identical..C

Maitha profile image
Maitha in reply to

I had it few times when I was under holter monitoring. And the record showed ectopic beats PVC PAC not sure what do those means

Sometimes I had to stop my car till I feel normal again

Can I know what is your diagnoses till now and what medication are you on ? And for how long you are having these symptoms ?

Are you suffering from migraine also ? If yes how long ? Do you notice it us linked to irrythemia ?

in reply to Maitha

Hi Maitha,

Diagnosed with PAF just over 12 months ago...All these symptoms started around that time..medication is Bisoprolol 2mgs ....Flecainide 50gms...and Warfarin 8[9mgs.

I have had only one attack where I was hospitalized and nothing has been seen since with weekend monitors...

No migraines just this weird sensation and vision as though a bright light has been flashed in my eyes...Yes it is exacerbated when in a situation that I find stressful...C

Maitha profile image
Maitha in reply to

Similar diagnose and medication here and also the symptoms started along with PAF about two years ago

Is it possible it is caused by short term flutter or missing bests which may not be recorded just we feel it

Since when getting to ER later nothing showed more than panic !

Do you notice any ectopic beats ? Since they are related to stress also and tired

in reply to Maitha


Perhaps l have always had this.l certainly always recollect chest thumping,flushed face and chest whenever l had to perform anything in public...lf the heart fluttering is ectopic beats then the answer is yes...l always thought everyone felt the same....if on occasion heart is fluttering at GP,s he will take my pulse and it will be normal but face flushed and hands clammy.....c

chrisharmer profile image
chrisharmerVolunteer in reply to Maitha

I've had the zigzag flashing lights too - starts at one side, and gradually moves across until it disappears off the other side. Takes 30 minutes to an hour to work through, and no headache. With me, it was usually associated with stress. I was referred to an eye specialist, and the diagnosis was "ocular migraine" BUT researching on the web makes me question that. Regards, Chris H

in reply to chrisharmer

Hi Chris H...

Guess if the truth be known I am just falling apart..Kind regards,C

Hi jackieboy55.

I have had this heart a lifetime but never really taken much notice of it until this last 12 months..Its quite disconcerting I can only think the heart is vibrating with such a force that it has a knock on effect to the extremities of the body...Good to know that I am not alone with this... My GP is lovely but he just hasn't a clue....C

cupoftea profile image


I can sympathise, I get the feeling in my scalp, also a tightening in my neck and tinnitus gets worse. It makes you wonder what is going to happen next.

Hi cupoftea,

Somehow or other is quite reasuring that others experience similar sensations....Thank you for that....c

farmerwalt profile image

Hi Caromia,

I found through the years, when I was getting regular migraines, that migraine doesn't only give you headaches. I used to get aching limbs, upset digestive system and unexplained aches etc elswhere prior to getting the visual aura. The eventual visual aura then confirmed to me that it was migraine. Like you, I found that attending meetings, that the company I worked for at the time had regularly, usually triggered the migraines. As I said in a reply to an earlier post this week, the migraines have very much reduced since starting warfarin 13 years ago.

Apparently migraines are caused by a constriction of blood vessels in the brain, so depending on which vessels are constricted during an attack will affect different parts of the body.

Hope this helps to allay your concerns over the "strange happenings" during your migraine attacks.


Thank you Walter,

You comments have greatly reassured me also.

Just wish you had been sat next to me in one of those meetings or group discussions all those years ago...Everyone else seemed to be confidently sailing through them without the encumbrance of a Migraine,flushed face or pounding heartbeat...lol Take Care....C

GranJan profile image

Just about a month ago, while shopping in Tesco, I had a similar experience; flashing visuals, tingling scalp and increased tinnitus noise. I had to sit down for a [long] while until it gradually faded enough for me to be confident enough to drive home. I was concerned that I was starting a migraine, but it all passed and I had a doze in my chair. Do not want to do that again!


Your experience mirrors my own symptoms...Now I have assurance from other AFers of these symptoms I am in a stronger position with my GP who is is failing to get me to comply and just accept whatever!....Now I need to ascertain are these symptoms of the AF its self, or the medication...Oh by the way its not just Tesco (or aldi in my case) but it can happen out in the sunshine also...Thank You...C

Offcut profile image

I would go for stress leading to Blood Pressure leading to Stress leading to Blood Pressure and so on. When you mentioned your ears I have a wooshing in my ears when my BP is up. Try to relax your jaw rotate your shoulders before you get to the meeting and treat the meeting as if you are talking to friends.

I am lucky that public speaking has never been a problem ( I have been told I can talk the hind legs off a donkey :) )

Hope it all gets better for you.

Hi Offcut,

The hen and chicken syndrome !!!!

Well you can certainly put a good letter together if that is anything to go by..

I have been following your posts and you have been unwell recently I sincerely hope you are feeling much improved...

Thanks you for you kind comments and I will certainly take your advice...C


Loquitir profile image

Interesting post.

There is a mitochondrial disorder which has co-involvement of AF with hereditary retinal dystrophy of the retinal epithelium cells.

If you have retinal disturbance you should also ask for a referral or a neuro-ophthalmologist such as Nigel Davies at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

I first mentioned my concern to the optition during my last eye health check..my eye sight seemed to have progressively worsened since started on medication..Around 6 months ago when driving on the M6 it was dark so headlights where on.... when it first started,just a shimmer at first and then got progressively worse...I was not far off a service station so booked into a premier lodge for the night...It was very scary l can tell you...l would say it lasted a couple of hours.

Following that episode came a referal to eye specialist who could not make a connection with AF but just possibly the medication ....Or as with shortsightness the jelly pulling away from the back of the eye....He initially was looking for a torn retina...

As this only started with the onset of the PAF my own opinion is there is a connection....

Thank you for advice it is appreciated......C

Hi there,yes mine both eyes and affects my peripheral vision .....ls this brought on by the onset of bright lights then ie sunshine or carheadlights? C

Loquitir profile image

Well I know that AF can be caused my a mitochondrial dystrophy which can co-exist with macular or retinal disturbance. The neurology of the retinas can also be affected by the AF itself. Similarly, it can affect hearing.

The AF and retinal disturbance is easily over looked or not understood. But there are established neurological relationships and one of the symptoms is transient haemotopuaas.

Also ocular muscle changes can occur which effects movement of eyes.

If you experience persistent by visual disturbance with AF then it might be prudent to get a referral to a neuro-ophthalmologist for consideration of mitochondrial inheritance of the retinal epilthium cells. These are essentially dramatic pigmentation cell changes. The only person I aware of who has much expertise of this link is Mr Nigel Davies at the Cromwell Hospital London.

Won't do you any harm to make enquiries through your GP. Good luck.


You clever clever person..That all makes sense...So where do l go from here now.....Also what is the prognosis? C

Thank you again...First step to contact Mr.Davies Secretary and see how l go from there....C

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