How long have you live with metastatic pca and with what medication you have managed?
How long have you live with metastati... - Advanced Prostate...
How long have you live with metastatic(bones,lymf nodes..)prostate cancer?
61 years old. 9 years in June. Lupron, Abiraterone and Lynparza
diagnosed 8 years ago
Lupron ( Provenge 7 yrs ago )
switched to Eligard because of availability
many of the usual side effects - pretty much dealing with them though they can be nasty but I put up with it - because the ATD works for me
just shoveled snow
travel a lot
going to Machu Picchu in Mar
one foot in front of the other
try hard not to be a cancer victim - living life with cancer
sometimes I get tired of pushing forward - but then I push and am glad I did
Enjoy Machu Picchu. Been there three times, first was over 21 years ago. It has certainly grown as you can tell by how many are selling stuff at the bottom. There were only five when I was there first time. Very magical place. Found a large ax head in Manu last time. Great place and lots of people going there from Cusco. Great jungle. Lots of butterflies if you go at the right time. In around September. And you can see the national bird there. Very orange, but you have to get up early. And if you like parrots there were literally 400 one morning. Now I want to go again!
that was supposed to be ADT not ATD
Guy I know have lived over 10 years doing the right protocols. Many have reversed them as well.
I’m a newb, my odyssey began in 2023, 1yr, 6 months. RALP, ADT Lupron/Nubeqa*, Radiation.
Gleason 9(4+5), stage 4A, Mets to several pelvic lymph and one para-aortic node.
Looking forward to many more years… so far, it’s been bearable.
* Switch to Nubeqa due to Abiraterone/liver issues.
diagnosed at 54 gleason 6. 12 years this May. RP, RT, Lupron, Orgovyx, Darolutamide, BAT.
Lymph and now bone
DX 10+ yrs ago with mets x3 to thoracic spine and to 1 rib. Drugs Lupron,Docetaxel and denosumab. Proton beam therapy to prostate,bone mets and prophylactically to lymph nodes along iliac arteries. PSA 3months ago undetectable and MRI iyr ago no new mets seen
6 years since DX with cervical spine met and PSA = 111. Lupron and abiraterone.
Dx in 2018. Mets to bones. Gleason 9. Lupron, abi and pred. PSA started to rise so am plotting the new treatment.