It appears I am heading towards salvage RT after failed RALP. Additionally, I have an inguinal hernia that will need to be repaired and my research suggests that the hernia repair will need to be performed prior to RT. Would appreciate any advice from those that have had a similar experience?
Inguinal Hernia Repair vs. RT - Advanced Prostate...
Inguinal Hernia Repair vs. RT

I had hernia repair performed 6 months before my Dx. It was never brought up as any kind of concern during my whole journey. Good luck.
I left hospital with a shiny new inguinal hernia after my RP. Three months later had RT. Saw a surgeon several years later and he has no issues with doing the repair. If you are in a lot of pain, an inguinal brace ($30 or so) was life changing for me. So much so I’m in no hurry to go under the knife again.
When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, the scan showed I had inguinal hernias. My MO recommended brachytherapy and EBRT and postponing hernia surgery. Had to wait three months after EBRT for the laparoscopic surgery. While it worked, the surgeon said the tissue was ‘sticky’ and pushed back my recovery from RT.
Suggest you get hernia fixed first if your MO agrees, and then salvage RT.
I have bilateral hernias since the 80's. They haven't bothered me, but before I had my SBRT RT I asked if there would be an issues, and they said no.
I went through image guided MRI SBRT real time at UCLA without any issues.
Had my hernia repair 5 years after my failed RALP and RT. The only issue was whether the repair could be robotic. The surgeon said no.
I had left inguinal hernia repair a year after RALP and radiation were complete. Surgeon required open procedure instead of laparoscopic due to history. The inguinal nerve was encased in sticky scar tissue. And during procedure inguinal nerve had to be resected (cut).
This has caused a minor permanent discomfort due to local numbness in left inguinal area. Prior to surgery I would recommend to minimize inguinal tissue scaring to extent possible and discuss potential effects of scaring from both RALP and radiation with surgeon so he knows what to look for and how to best advise you.
I have a hernia also, for now I use the brace and lay on my back and gently push it back in. Some days it never pops out . Sorry I know it didn't answer your question.
I had an open hernia repair (R side) in 2008. I had RP in 2018, and then needed hernia repair (bilaterally) 2 years ago. When I told the hernia surgeon I'd had a laparoscopic RP, he said I couldn't have the hernia surgery done robotically--apparently due to scar tissue (?). But he did do the surgery, apparently without the robot.
Had Inguinal Hernia repair after RT. no issues
Not exactly your scenario......... but I had my (open) RPD and also had two hernias (left and right) repaired at the same time. I survived............... but remember hernias are like herpes and Pca.......always there... Enjoy 2025!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Happy New Year 2025.
I start the new years I the hospital for gastric ulcers.
You can't catch a break.....can you? Well hopefully your stay in the hospital this time is short and successful. May this New Year be less stressful and enjoyable for you, than 2024 was. Take it day by day...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I always appreciate humor to take lower the stress levels. You’re one of my favorite contributors on this forum. Thanks for your positivity and outlook!
Thank you for your kind post.
FYI: Radiation - I've posted this before so to those people who have already seen this please forgive me.
My age at the time was: 68 + years old (Fried during Feb. March and April 2005).
I had 8 weeks of salvage radiation to "the bed". 5 days a week (not weekends) for 8 weeks minus 1 day for a total of 39 sessions at MSKcc. The actual radiation was like getting an x-ray by my dentist. I never had any side effects during the whole 39 sessions. However, 2 years later my left urinary tract was "fried" as per my urologist (or from passing prior kidney stones he was not sure). So, I had to have a urinary stent placed up my urinary tract (through my willy which is really nothing - sounds terrible but it's nothing) to aid in passing my urine (which was never a problem anyway). So I had stents in and out every three months for many years and now I'm stent free, However today 15% of urine from left kidney and 85% from right kidney, but not a problem. So make sure you get a good radiologist. Also, I don't know if this would apply to you but guys here recommend SPACEOAR HYDROGEL to be inserted for protection of parts of your body. Make sure you ask your R.O. about the space oar and make sure you ask here on this forum before getting fried.
Updated footnote (yesterday 01/01/2025): Coincidentally I was having NEW issues and pain with my Neuropathy for the last couple of days, so I asked my wife (the boss and the brain) if she could recall when my Peripheral Neuropathy issues began since my old records were sort of scattered here and there. Her learned response was that "she thinks they began when I had my 39 sessions of radiation to my prostate bed".
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 01/02/2025 3:56 PM EST