Dr ordered a CT scan prior to Brachytherapy and IGMRT radiation. My partner has been on ADT meds for 3 months. Wanted to know how to read the results below.
Since prior studies as above, decreased pelvic lymphadenopathy
Abdominopelvic nodes: Decreased right posterior region
External iliac adenopathy .8x.7cm previously 2.0 x1.7. Decreased left obturator lymph node .8 x .5 cm, previously .9x.7cm.Decreased left iliac bifurcation lymph node 0.5 x 0.5 cm previously 0.9 x 0.9 cm and decreased left common iliac adenopathy 1.0 x 0.7 cm and previously 1.5 x 1.2 cm.
Also since he will be getting Brachytherapy and 25 rounds of IGMRT radiation with no spacer gel concerned about damage to the bladder and long term side effects. Wanted to hear from others who have undergone both.