We should all be very grateful to him for sharing his knowledge and wisdom and guidance for those who have questions about their cancer diagnosis and treatment. Where he came from and why he is so generous is something we'll never know. God bless you, man.
Tall Allen: We should all be very... - Advanced Prostate...
Tall Allen

Agree..#ThankYouTall_Allen. Huge respect for you
Agreed. Who was that masked man?
Hear, hear! Well said, he is a fountain of knowledge and a kind person. Thank you Tall_Allen!
Yes, we are lucky to have him.
So, so grateful 🙏
I’ve learned to respect both the man and his fount of knowledge.
”In all the gin joints in this world” we are indeed blessed to have him around as our resident expert. thanks TA.
amen …. TA is the best. His presence and well thought out , VERY knowledgeable, replies make this group a dramatically better place.
IMHO, he beats the heck out of AI for one simple reason.....he actually cares. By making use of his vast knowledge we can create better dialogues and hopefully better outcomes when working with our care teams.
Thanks for the very kind words.
I concur. You keep us all well grounded especially in this era of increased misinformation and fake news. We all hope one day for a cure as we fight in.
Stay strong
Thank you Tall_Allen for all of your knowledge and help!
He is a life saver for me, cant get bigger than that 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I very much agree 👍
yup TA is the man we turn to for SoC. Without TA on this site we would be much worse off. Put more positivity with TA we are a strong collective for new and experienced warriors.
His knowledge has both amazed me and also helped me so many times , great respect. Thanks TA
Definitely an asset to this group!
I second what everyone is saying about Tall Allen. He is one of the best assets on this site and several other groups as well. All information is freely given.
Tall Allen.............. let me add my voice to all the others, and say how much I appreciate your willingness to lend your opinions and knowledge to so many of the issues which are raised in this forum.
TA has always been generous with his time to me and I’ll be forever grateful.
I remember once asking him what he did for fun. He said this is what he does for fun!
God bless you Allen. Thank you for your guidance and help.
Just woke up to this. Can only second what those before me have said. TA, just knowing that you make yourself readily available to share your boundless knowledge on all PCa matters is a daily confidence boost. Sincere thanks, continued good health and please don’t go away!
Gave me good advice first time I posted on this site. Very grateful 🙏
great post. Thanks so much Tall Allen
Totally agree with all that has been written. T-A is the best. Henk.
He honestly uses the forum to support others in a open and knowledgeable manner. Truly altruistic.Thank you
yes. I agree. We have brought much of his information to Martins MO when we needed to ask questions and put a plan in place. Thanks Tall_Allan.
Priceless asset
I agree. I may not say a lot here, but I have learned so much from Tall Allen. Thank you so much.
Agree 1000%! Very grateful!
Absolutely. Thanks. TA
We are very lucky to have your wisdom, guidance, candor, and advice for this group! You answer us promptly with solid information! Thanks TA!!
TA is a wealth of information, always backed by facts. His statements are direct and to the point, with respect. When reading a question of interest, I immediately look for TA’s response.
I'm very grateful 🙏
Malecare (and the world) is a better place because of Tall_Allen. Thank you for always taking time to read through and respond to the questions that come in from folks (like myself) desperate for information and advice.
Totally agree.
Thank you for being here TA. Your knowledge and honesty is much appreciated.
THANKS TA Gave me hope from day one. And have learned so much from yours and other post on this site.
110% in agreement. Thank you Allen!
Agree 100% Tall_Allen is not only knowledgeable but also generous with his time. I learn a lot from his responses. Provides me with hope as I navigate this condition. Thank you, Tall_Allen !
Agree! Thanks TA!
We can't say "Thank you" often enough to TA. You are very much appreciated.
Totally agree.
Thank you TA for relentless research work and then sharing your knowledge hereS
Always most grateful to have TA's input.
Truley amazing person with unbelievable knowledge that is always appreciated.
I always look for his input first.
We are blessed to have him share his knowledge.
I avidly read Tall Allen's comments with the trust that the question will be answered, my knowledge will expand, and I will feel safer on my journey with PC. Thank you Tall Allen!
Hear hear!
Yes. Thank you Tall Allen.
Thanks and gratitude for all you have done TA
Really grateful to have him around and so thankful for his unstinting support
Thank you TA! amazing person
Couldn't agree MORE! Thank you Tall Allen!!! We appreciate you!
Yes, Thank you. You are appreciated very much for many reasons.
Tall Allen, has certainly found one of his callings! Being so kind and willing to help is a blessing to all of us, but his knowledge and experience is on another level where very few stand...thanks brother!
Truly Grateful!!!
Kudos, TA
nothing more to add beyond what has been said, just want to say thank you as well!
A blast from the past.
“When E.F. Hutton Talks, People Listen.”
In 2024 When Tall Allen Talks, People Listen”
He is a beacon of light.
Totally agree! I stopped reading another site because of all the crazy theories with no basis in science. Tall does a great job of keeping those off this site and gives straight up science based input.
Thank you so much!!!!
THANK YOU TA for all the knowledge you have imparted on this site. It makes the journey a little less stressful, and helps us from spending the time searching for answers.
Yes. TA…dont know where or how you have all this knowledge regarding prostate cancer, but you do and we are all lucky you take the time to help us. THANKYOU!!
I don’t consider a question fully answered unless TA has “chimed in”……..thank you for your presence here.
Thank You. T A ! I look and read all your posts Grateful for your presence !
I can’t thank you enough for helping clear the mists of quackery/chicanery and poor science, in our attempts to live with this difficult disease. Thank you so much
Yes. Allen helped educate me on my cancer, laid out the studies, and went with me on one of my appointments, among other meetings. He’s made a huge difference in all our lives. I’m grateful for his passion for knowledge and compassion.
I don't post here very often, but I do read here every single day. When I do post, I always do so with the hope that Allen will be one of the responses. Thanks for all you do....here and elsewhere.
Thanks TA!
Couldn't agree more. Thank you TA!
You are a blessing to all or us ... thanks T A
Couldn't agree more. Not only is he well-informed he's extremely generous and thoughtful with his time and expertise.
TA you are a legend, thanks mate 😀
agreed, a 100%
He does what I cannot do. Thank you TA.
I always wondered exactly how tall TA is??
What a wonderful source of information, advice and encouragement you have been, Tall Allen! Thank you!
I couldn’t agree more with all the accolades presented here for Tall_Allen. He has provided me with his thoughts and information and I appreciate so much what he has to say and how he says it that I often read posts and his responses to issues that don’t directly concern my issues. I hope you feel proud and very good about all the people you help in the site.
I agree with everyone that we are extremely lucky to have TA on this forum.
He's seems blessed with experience and knowledge. He has guided most you.
I believe when most of us post a question or concern here we look forward to any response we might receive but it’s not complete until we hear from Allen. Much appreciated!
Thank you Tall_Allen! I trust your every word, you are such a kind person!
Agree.. Tall_Allen is blessing to Humanity and prostate cancer patient . Huge knowledge and generous to reply queries which are repeated and sometimes irritating .
Thank you Allen
Thanks Tall Allen for your help in getting us informed about PCa when we needed. You are such a nice man to all of us. All your responses are given promptly.
The journey we have been taking has been a difficult one, not knowing when this journey will end. We are just buying time to prolong our lives as we don’t expect there will be any cure at all. However, to some, there might be a total cure.
As for me, this treatment isn’t easy. But I am optimistic about it in that Jesus Christ is an answer to all my worries. He will surely take care of me no matter what happens to me.
Thanks again Allen. God bless you!
I cant even describe how much TA's help was to me back when i was trying to figure out what to do re treatment types. I would have been lost without his candid, honest, whether you like it or not opinions about my case and situation. In the end I decided on my course of treatment...SBRT...based primarily on his input and it turned out to be the best thing for me up to this day. Regardless of what my future holds I will never forget how much TA helped me through that period. You the man, TA! God bless you.
Ditto! To every reply here...except for maybe j-o-h-n...(love you j-o-h-n!). TA has been such a trusted source of information and knowledge. His quick responses have been so valuable as we try to navigate through treatment decisions. Certainly helps to have a better understanding before we meet with our medical teams to be able to ask the right questions. He's helped me several times.
Grateful for you Tall Allen. Grateful for every member here. The ones that share their treatment details, side effects and what's helped them, their humor (you know who you are), their QOL posts that help us to pay attention to things that bring joy. The ones that bring our attention to new research. The ones that cheer you on and bring you hope. The ones that honor our fellow members that have passed. Grateful for this community.
Ditto to the preceding: glad to be part the community. Thank you TA
I'm grateful to receive a comment from anybody on HU. But Tall Allen has replied to every post of mine and always provide valuable info. I feel blessed and forever appreciate his effort and help. Thank you TA.
very thankful!
He is definitely a great asset to our community and keeping us alive longer and keeping us well informed!
Thank you Tall Allen.
Sorry not a fan.
Gee, I wonder who chased off Nalakrats and Patrick, the two whose posts I really valued.
Absolutely! The voice of reason.
I rarely ever post publicly on this forum, but I have to say that I am eternally grateful for all of the sound and science-backed knowledge that Tall Allen contributes consistently here. We are so very fortunate to have such a genuinely caring individual who willingly shares his findings, provides direction and clarification to those of us who are lost in the vast amount of information floating around.
Since I joined this forum, I have always read any contribution from TA and found his knowledge and sharing of his time very impressive and reassuring. Thank You TA.
As we say in Irish - Togha Fir - Great Man!