I’m wondering if any RT patients went on to have false positives on the Fit test for colon cancer. I can’t find any studies or if any have been done. I’m due for regular screening but am hesitant if it’s going to start me down a lengthy road of testing because of radiation damage to my colon that is not related to colon cancer. In other words a false positive. My RT was 3 years ago and I’ve never seen any blood but the Fit finds it at a microscopic level. I should note I’m not at risk for colon cancer, it’s just recommended after age 45.
Fit testing after pelvic RT - Advanced Prostate...
Fit testing after pelvic RT

I had RT about 4 years ago 39 fraction over 5 weeks I think it was. I also did 2 years of HT on Lupron. Anyway, I used the Bowel test kit (checks for blood in Poo ) I received in the post and got a positive result, I was advised to see my GP. He then referred me for a colonoscopy performed at my local hospital. I asked the Gastroenterologist to also "have a look as she was there 🙄 " for radiation damage from my APCa treatment.
She found and removed 4 Polyps and told me afterwards I had "very mild radiation Proctitis. I do not have any bowel movement issues. Overall she done a great job and I'm delighted with the results.
If you get a positive result on the FIT test ,think very carefully before you ignore it!!
I wouldn’t ignore it. I was just interested in others experiences as to whether radiation damage caused a false positive. In your case that would seem not to be the case. I’m not adverse to doing the test. Just concerned that the radiation may make a positive result a foregone conclusion leading to unnecessary further testing. Thanks for relating your experience.
Fit test is not for cancer diagnosis it checks for blood in the faeces, the standard test for colon cancer is a colonoscopy.Blood in the poo can be for many reasons, many are not serious.
yes I know that. I guess my post wasn’t clear. I’m interested in hearing from anyone who had RT then had a positive Fit test that a subsequent colonoscopy revealed was the result of radiation damage rather than cancer, polyps etc. in short, is there any point to bothering with a Fit or should I just go straight to a colonoscopy to get things checked out.
I’m 70. Diagnosed Gleason 9 in March 2020. Did 18 months ADT and 45 tx EBRT. Finished radiation October 2020. Had colonoscopy April 2024 and doctor found one precancerous polp along with some mild proctitis.
thanks for your response. I’ve considered yours and PSAed’s comments and am thinking there is no real downside to doing the test. Maybe I’ll get a faster colonoscopy, if it comes back positive, and they can tell me the extent of damage in there from the RT. Always good to look at things from a different angle.
Approximately one year after RT my stools began being soft. It was like trying to wipe a sharpie. Couldn’t get clean. Was told that the radiation did some damage to the lining of the colon and the colon no longer absorbed water as it did before RT. So I started using a panty liner to keep from getting brown streaks on my underwear.
Wet wipes and/or showering after the morning “sit down” is the answer to that.
I’ve tried that. The problem with showering after every sit is impossible. Since I don’t sit at the same time each day. I work two jobs and it’s difficult. I use wet wipes after every sit. I use about 4-5 wipes each time and still can’t get clean. It’s like a never ending paste.
I've just completed 37 sessions of RT. I received a poo test and rang the helpline. They suggested I discuss it with my oncologist and said that the poo test had a shelf life of 1 year so no rush. I did discuss it with my oncologist who suggested waiting at least 3-4 months after RT. So I intend to do it in about 6 months.
Thanks for your input. Its nice your oncologist gave you some advice. I asked mine and he said go ask my GP. The last question I asked him he referred me to the clinic pharmacist. This doctor is the literal definition of “specialist”. Never ventures outside his guardrails. I figure I’ll go for it. No real downside.