Will this immunotherapy vaccine treatment work for PC?
Sipuleucel-T (Provenge®) Will it work... - Advanced Prostate...
Sipuleucel-T (Provenge®) Will it work for PC?

Yes, it has been proven to extend life.
Yes. Important Notes :
PROVENGE works differently from other cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy. Unlike these treatments, PROVENGE may not lower your PSA level. The goal of PROVENGE treatment is not to lower PSA level, it is to extend life.
So one can never really tell if it worked for any give individual patient? Or do scans done afterward show effectiveness against existing tumors?
I have one more thread for same topics and very interesting feedback : healthunlocked.com/advanced...
My father starts his Provenge treatments starting 5/14. We are hoping it goes well. He was diagnosed with Ductal.
Please post some details after he finishes it. It doesn't seem to be used that often, and I haven't figured out when specifically doctors recommend it. Can it be used anytime after ADT begins to fail? Can it be used at same time as docetaxel, or just before or just after? It's mentioned here and there on the forum.
It is most effective when your PSA is <5.0, it has been shown to extend OS longer when used at that level.
Worked for me
I was told at the very beginning that after ADT failed I should do Provenge, even though it would not lower my PSA because it would prolong my OS and improve my QOL. My local MO, at the time I asked for it, grudgingly approved it because it is made difficult by the local university hospital refusing to do the extraction (Leukapheresis) so I had to travel 2 hours for that part (to a Red Cross facility that would do it). Otherwise it was just another infusion with no side effects. Did it help? Dunno, but it sure didn't hurt!
You started after ADT failed? We're you on ADT alone or had you already done abiraterone, Xtandi, or similar? Thanks
Yes. I had been on Lupron + Xtandi for over 5 years, Lupron + Bicalutamide/Casodex for about 18 months before that. To be clear: a PSA above 2.0 was the action point for me and my MO.
My PSA was nearing 3 when I stopped the Xtandi and did Provenge. During those 6 weeks my PSA was stable but shot up afterwards and I tried Xtandi again. NOTE: I also had an orchiectomy (castration), just before the castration. So I also stopped Lupron (SEs were driving me crazy) at that time.
Stopped the Xtandi for good when my PSA started rising again and then went to Docetaxel but had to stop after 4 doses due to SEs. Was able to get Pluvicto about 10 months later.
Hope this helps.
from what I’ve read, it can help a little bit so it’s better than nothing, but it’s old immunotherapy technology. If I were considering immunotherapy I would look into some of newer CAR-T trials.
Had it last Nov. No side effects, also had to travel to RC site and sit in that recliner for 3 hours. But that's a out it. Not sure it works or not. Good luck.
We couldn't get the treatments we wanted when we wanted them. So my husband had ketoconazole until Provenge could be arranged followed by Extandi. Provenge made Extandi work better longer. Later treatments didn't work until he got lucky with Keytruda. Five years after finishing Keytruda, his scans are clear. Each man's story is different as we are all individuals.
how many months or years your husband took ketoconazole ?
That's great! It'd be nice to get a miracle like that
My father gets his first dosage administered tomorrow. He has ductal adenocarcinoma, and he does not want chemo. They found the cancer after it had spread to the base of the bladder and he was passing blood. The cancer spread all over to his bones. He was on abiraterone for a while, but then that started to fail. So we will see how he does.