Hello, recently diagnosed with prostate cancer (no symptoms) and navigating care.
69 years old with current PSA of 7.692 (about 5-6 weeks after biopsy), Sept 23 (6.5), June 23 (5.5), March 23 (4.9), March 22 (3.8), March 21 (2.6), 2019 (3.4), 2018 (2.7), 2017 (2.9), 2016 (3.5).
Prostate MRI showed 2 PIRADS-4 legions within right peripheral zone 1 x 0.9cm and 1 x .07cm. “There may be subtle increased enhancement extending along the region of the right neurovascular bundle.”
MRI guided biopsied with 5+4, 4+4 on legions and one random sample of 6+6. Gleason 9. No PNI.
PSMA Pet Scan - malignant lesion laterally in prostate on the right. No metastatic disease identified.
Have heart disease. Bypass surgery 2001. Stroke 2020 (only deficit is balance). Heart Attack and Stent 2020. Recent diabetes controlled with diet (A1C 6.7).
Radiation Oncologist suggests 30 days of casodex, followed by Lupron injection, then 25 EBRT sessions, followed by 1.5-3 years of ADT, per NCCN guidelines. But referred to Medical Oncologist. Today MO scared about Lupron given heart disease. Referring to another cardiologist for consult. Also having radiologist relook at MRI for possible spread.
Thoughts on ADT with heart disease? Or the course length to hopefully avoid MI or stroke. Or a different course of treatment?
Thank you.