I am not talking about research...
Just for fun...: I am not talking about... - Advanced Prostate...
Just for fun...

I'll raise
Ok, lets try again.
I'll see your 'La Vie Boheme' and raise you one 'Flirtin' With Disaster'.
My submission for the de novo mHSPC subgroup theme song.
Oh I try to raise your southern rock (but then I must leave for now, it's bed time here), for the name of the song rather than for the lyrics, even if the lyrics are not completely out of context:
Ok, 2 to 1 for max. One more and lets call it a draw.
I see your 80's Punk with a 90's Hair Rock.
In a way coming face to face with cancer has been liberating in that all my other problems pale in significance, I've just let go of everything and nothing bothers me anymore. My rediscovered outlook on life (reminds me of being a teenager) can pretty much be summed up here
90es/2000 punk….and you cannot even imagine how hard it was for me to get all Pornograffiti guitar parts scored, I had to spend a lot of money to get the original transcriptions from the USA in 1991, he is one of my favorite guitarists and this album is one of those I would take to the desert island together with Led Zeppelin 2, made in Japan by Deep Purple and eat ‘em and smile by David lee Roth (Steve Vai was simply perfect there)
You know, I agree with the fact that everyday problems that seemed to matter before...now look like complete BS. I would prefer to have the old good problems of course, but on the other hand, if they found a cure tomorrow, I would be cured and also a better person in many ways.
On the other hand, when I complain about something I complained about in the past...like "Who put plastic garbage in the paper garbage bin?" I can feel people smiling and saying "He is back"
I was fortunate that I was ready for retirement when cancer struck, so there is that too.
Yeah, I also would like to know... "Who put plastic garbage in the paper garbage bin?" Really irks the hell out of me......and pisses off the NYC rats too....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 11/17/2023 12:37 PM EST
These posts from you and skiingfiend make a nice change for an early morning read on here. Nice to see you taking a break. Your Browns are on a roll, playing Steelers this weekend.
Hi! The Browns are less predictable than my reactions while on ADT...I hope they will become more consistent. Steelers ah? Their nemesis I remember that winning against the Steelers during the regular season was enough to make everyone happy, no matter if it was the only winning game of the season...lol
You guys don't need meds.......you need shrinks......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 11/17/2023 10:45 AM EST
You blasted me!