Tall_Allen’s site where all the articles he has written are located. In the past I have just waited till he posts a reference. There has to be a better way. I wanted to send this web site to a friend. Thanks.
How do I go directly to …: Tall_Allen’s... - Advanced Prostate...
How do I go directly to …

Caution Mgtd,
Did you ever hear of the Collyer brothers who lived in a Brownstown in Harlem (NYC)? After gathering Tall_Allen's posts, the inside of your house will rival theirs.....
You can look them up on the WiKi....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 09/29/2023 3:14 PM DST
Perhaps the basis of a Honeymooners episode where Ed Norton was chiding Ralph Kramden for his thriftiness, as he quips:
“Congratulations on that .93 cent gas bill, Ralph. You broke the all-time, low gas bill record, set by the Collyer Brothers in 1931!”...
...all makes sense now. 😄
Wow!!! You must be a "Honeymooners" aficionado.....I enjoyed the show also but then I discovered the Playboy channel 😉.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 09/29/2023 5:58 PM DST
Guessing all your porn is pretty wet by now.
Yep and was before the deluge......
Hey Ana!!! Guess what? (she guessed already - smart ass) Monte still not room temperature.........(I lost the bet).................
Me 🤜 🤛 Igor
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 09/30/2023 6:05 PM DST
That Ana is sharp. Don't know why she's with such a loser.
Ana always says.......... Hey John.......... you're such a loser that you even came in second in the losers contest..........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 09/30/2023 7:09 PM DST
I know the feeling. Sat on the bench the whole football season. Just because I was 98 lbs. Sat on the bench the whole basketball season because I was 4 foot 3. I don't know why they won't let me play pickleball.
Official Notice: My post disappeared......???
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 10/02/2023 11:15 AM DST
Your whipping post? It’s probably underwater or the rats ate it.
Rats did not eat my ex-wife and left the post and chains intact.... However, a note was found on basement floor, which read "Family Courtesy".....
BTW I entered your "I Tickle Balls for free" tournament and ended up as your second entrant. I told my wife that I was second and you know what she said, Yep you guessed it.......... "Second? Johnny, see I told ya, you're a loser".......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 10/02/2023 5:06 PM DST
They wouldn't let me enter "I Tickle Balls for free" tournament. "Family Courtesy". Someday your ex-wife is going to find you. Tickling Balls is gonna be the least of your problems. I bet she brings an army of rats. But the Canadians won't even let you see them.
Did you mean the rats........... or my balls?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 10/02/2023 8:28 PM DST
lets not forget >>> Schweddy >>>