Does anyone have long term survival figures for Lu177 treatment? Is is a one time thing or can it be repeated? Is it easier on the body than ADT? Thanks everyone.
Lu177 Long Term Survival: Does anyone... - Advanced Prostate...
Lu177 Long Term Survival

What I have been told by my medical oncologist is that for every three men, one has an amazing reaction and the cancer disappears completely. For another third, Lutetium has neither a positive nor a negative reaction. For the last third it doesn't work at all. Good luck!
From anecdotal evidence here, it seems like a decent amount are negatively impacted. Any stats on that?
I don't have stats. I was just quoting my medical oncologist (MO). There is no question in my mind that Lutetium is not the silver bullet. That has still to be discovered (hopefully soon). Lutetium does not work on men whose cancer does not emit the protein prostate- specific membrane antigen (PSMA) so a PSMA PET scan is essential. Good luck!
Read my posts.
Is there more than one Samitevitj Hospital in Bangkok?
In this trial they determined that overall survival was about the same for Lu177 and Cabazitaxel. However, Lu177 had less side effects.
I am about to start Pluvicto, finally. I have done a lot of research on it so I am ready for what comes.
The patient brochure is found at:
For some it works great, others not so much. Efficacy is listed at 30%. My Radiation Oncologist has stressed this figure. So 2/3 of men get little to no benefit.
Lifespan, from the research, appears to be an additional, on average of everyone in the trial, 3 months. Now for those who respond well, it is obviously much more. For the rest, back to ADT and Chemo, I guess.
I have not found information on repeatability of Pluvicto. That would be a good question for your Radiation Oncologist.