City of Hope scientists develop targe... - Advanced Prostate...
City of Hope scientists develop targeted chemotherapy able to kill all solid tumors in preclinical research
Thanks for posting. Sounds really positive. Let's hope that this is the magic silver bullet.
Thanks. You are definitely not leaving No_stone_unturned. No pun intended!
Very interesting. I will be looking into every aspect of this method and also asking my oncologist about it. I'm actually excited.
Here's the link to the full paper:
Yes, saw this ysterday also,it does sound promising, still going through trials, but hoping for the Holy Grail!! And thats my Cancer Center, City of Hope! Cooincidentally, going for checkup there Aug 4th
Great news but one has to wonder WHEN? Here in oz anything new is put on a shelf somewhere.
You could get a B visa and move to LA for the duration of the trial.
I read this two days ago. This was one of two different topics that showed promising possibilities to kill cancer. These articles give me a mental boost and higher degrees of hope.
Lets hope it does more than just give us a mental boost. Bring it on I say!
Thanks for posting. Does anyone have information on how difficult it is to be a "guinea pig" for phase one of a clinical trial. They keep increasing the dosage to see how much a human can tolerate of their new miracle treatment, right?
I’m in a phase 1 trial now. It’s not that bad. The worst part is the monitoring that has to take place; ekg monitor, blood draws every couple hours. It’s just a lot of sitting around. For my trial, I’m there once a week for 4 hours and once a month for the entire day. Imo small commitment for staying alive.