I’m curious if anyone here has experience with filing for Disability for Advanced PCa?
Has anyone here gone on disability fo... - Advanced Prostate...
Has anyone here gone on disability for Advanced Prostate Cancer?
with advanced pca, you should be able to qualify for disability
Keep in mind that it can take 2 years for your claim until you get first payment. A big issue is keeping good health insurance. The cancer treatments are very expensive
I chose to keep working until I could get on medicare (plus suppliment plan)
Good luck fighting the beast
Thanks for your reply! I like working. I am 62 and three years away from Medicare. I work for a very large builder supply company in the Southern United States. I have excellent insurance. Our business is pretty good still considering current economic conditions but, I’ve been in this industry a long time have seen it change over night. I see change on the horizon and looking ahead, would it be prudent to begin the process now in order to be ahead of the game when the down turn hits? Just being honest here and seeking advice from fellow warriors. Thanks

If you are talking about Social Security disability, I think a doctor has to certify that you are disabled, meaning you can't work. That might be tough to claim if you are employed when you apply.
The link below has more information.
Yes...did at 62 to get on medicare at 64 since 2 yr waiting period....paid me my pittance that i would get at 65....and got letter yesterday that im off disabilty...cus im 66...was no prob getting dis...if your stg4
Yes, I started receiving it at 55 years old. I'm using my wife insurance for treatment for stage 4 prostate cancer. Also, my waiting time was 5 months for my first payment.
A friend of mine was working as a software guy and having troubles due to brain fog. He has aggressive localized PCa and about 1 year out of 2 on ADT for primary tx (along w/EBRT+BT). He recently filed for short term disability, and had no difficulty having his Dr sign off.
Most advanced PCa qualifies for the SSDI compassionate allowance program which typically fast tracks the qualification. When I filed five years ago the definition did not include “bone mets” or “hormone refractory” in the definition. Here is the new definition from SSDI-
Prostate Cancer – Hormone Refractory Disease occurs when the cancer is recurrent (comes back despite hormonal intervention) or the cancer has spread to the bone or visceral organs (visceral metastases) such as the liver and lungs.
I was able to get retroactive benefits to five months after diagnosis if I filed in the first 12 months from diagnosis. Not sure if any of that has changed. The five month waiting period also set the 2 year waiting period to get access to Medicare. In my case, they had realized their previous definition of “visceral mets only” did not make sense. Also, my case ended up going to the state office instead of the local SSDI office which I think helped it get processed more efficiently. I was able to complete the process on my own with a doctor write-up as well and it was done within a few months.
Some people do not want to do the process on their own or missed the first 12 month filing requirements. You can use a disability lawyer who will end up getting part of any retroactive payment where applicable.
if you are doing the work you love and enjoying it and are well paid for it. Then don’t stop. On disability you must show that you cannot and are not working. Suggest considering continuing at least until eligible for Medicare if you are able too. Don’t think you would be happy out of work just now?
I retired, then applied for SS disability. I'm stage 4 PC, and it wasn't a problem to qualify. Retired at 62.
If you have stage 4 prostate cancer you don't have to prove or show you are disabled to get approved. But as long as you are working and earning money over around $1K per month, they will not consider you disabled. There is a delay though so you do have to think ahead. I got paid back to my diagnosis date after I applied, but I'm pretty sure you can only go back a year max. They have attorneys that specialize in this and are limited by law to a reasonable amount they can charge. And they can only charge you from the money they get back from the government for you. I didn't use one, but wished I had. The Social Security people were a pain in the ass to deal with.
I applied for Medicare disability 2 years ago amd receird back pay and social security,. They took the date I start stage as stage 4 and that was my waiting period. Because I had been stage 4 when I first applied I started benefits right away.
Anyone in Canada with similar concern?
I was on my insurances company disability for 5 months, they said I should qualify for CPP Disabilty. Paperwork done by insurance company was on diability within 2months. I got it and was topped up by insurance company to there limit.
Stayed on it until I turned 65, then it turned to CPP. I'm in Ontario am stage 4 .
If you are a veteran, have prostate cancer (and/or any of several other conditions) and served in Vietnam or Thailand during the Vietnam war era, you automatically qualify for VA disability because of exposure to Agent Orange. Of course, you have to apply. I applied four months ago, and still waiting for decision, but from all I understand, it should be automatic. Could be about $4,000/month, tax-free for a married vet!
First requirement is your Doc giving you a statement that are in fact disabled and not able to work at your current position. I went through the gyrations trying to receive disability and ultimately without a doctors statement I was denied. Additionally, no lawyer would take my case without the letter.