My PSA was 9.75 (07/28/2022) and testosterone 43 (08/17/2022) when I got my first ELIGARD 45mg dose on 08/18/2022. I'd been in a full time Foley catheter for two weeks at that blood
On 09/06/2022 PSA had dropped to 3.95 (18 days) and Testosterone to 17.
On 09/23 it had only dropped to 3.80 (5 weeks) and T of 10.
Despite those numbers I have very bad urinary issues that are worsening: Frequent (every 1-2 hours) small volume urinations, terrible urgency (almost incontinent if I stand up to pee), and a very weak stream that's almost a dribble. It's like I never had the TURPs. I can't get a good night sleep because I have to wake up to pee at least every two hours.
I'm wondering if since my pre-ELIGARD testosterone was under 50 before treatment (what my MO said it needs to be) and my testosterone was almost zero before treatment, does this mean I've already got castration resistant growths?
RO gave me oxybutynin (5mg twice daily) suggesting it might just be irritation. Minimal effect after two days on it.
Any thoughts?