sorry I might have posted in the wrong area, but basically my husband has had urine probs urinating every 30 mins for months, been sent to urologist on the two week pathway this was two weeks ago, he had a mri which states 84cc gland with a PIRADS-4 lesion seen in left lobe that measures 14mm in diameter and says this requires further evaluation, he is 60 in few months, ( Smoker) his recent PSAHas been noted 6.12 which was the latest one last week, but before was 4.57 a few weeks ago, his creatinine is raised at 154
He is a diabetic type 2 but was to.d to stop metformin two weeks ago as has been dong well keeping levels down for several months. His renal function was normal a few months ago, urologist has now arranged for him to have an urgent Uro flow and a ultrasound scan renal tract on Monday, which is in two days time, however he has sent a letter out to him received today stating he’s on waiting list for possible prostrate biopsy transperineal one to be performed local in daycase procedure, what I’m asking for basically if anyone can tell me if this is a painful procedure as he’s really worrying about this, he has just been put on tamsulosin only two days ago, and was told maybe would need a catheter another thing that’s concerning him being told this, but no mention of catheter in this letter he has received today, this is all new to him and I guess like everyone else feels it’s a fear of the unknown