I've just syarted my 3rd week of Xtandi -without any side effects until yesterday and much more so today. Both feet are now covered with red blotches and I have red spots over both legs and my chest. This sort of thing is listed as a possible allergic reaction to Xtandi but my MO says in 20 plus years of practice he has never seen it. At present I'm keeping on full dose but will stop if other significant effects occur. Anyone else experience this?
Unusual Xtandi side effect or coincid... - Advanced Prostate...
Unusual Xtandi side effect or coincidental ?

I've heard of it with Erleada, but not Xtandi. How are your liver enzymes?
My significant other had a serious reaction to Xtandi including the rash all over his body and swelling of his face. Had to do mega doses of steroids and allergy pills for a few months. Also had to carry an epipen just in case. He was pretty miserable for a few weeks while waiting for it to clear his system. He had started it after a couple doses of Xofigo. So we are not sure if that had something to do with the allergic reaction. We also could not find any information about such reactions. 🙃
to Mom or nani,
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 06/17/2022 7:00 PM DST
He did have to stop. He took it for a couple of weeks and slowly started having a rash and itching. We weren’t sure at first if it was the Xtandi or not since there was no initial reaction. After he woke up in the middle of the night with a huge swollen lip, we made the trip to the ER.