My husband was diagnosed in Jan 2018 with Gleason 10 PC. It’s been a tough couple years since then (treatment EBRT, brachytherapy/seeding, Lupron (2 years)). No recurrence at this point but initial treatment was in Northern VA. We have since moved to Fort Myers, FL area and are trying to find a good doctor for him to continue with follow-up monitoring. We would appreciate any recommendations for this area. Thank you in advance.
Need a doctor recommendation for husb... - Advanced Prostate...
Need a doctor recommendation for husband SW FL area

radiation oncologistDr. Constantine A. Mantz - GenesisCare
medical oncologist
Syed Zafar - Florida Cancer Specialists
With all the negatives of going thru that treatment, congrats on making it thru what studies are now showing to be the most effective protocol , cure-wise, for that Leason 10!!! Where was that brachy boost done?
All the treatments were in Fairfax, VA under the care of Dr. Sibley with VA Cancer Specialist. The treatment was tough (particularly the Lupron) and there are lingering side effects from the radiation but at this point happy to be on the other side of it. Now monitoring…..
I'm sure that you can find palliative continuing care, but my suggestion is Dr. Ugene Kwon at the Mayo Clinic in Rodchester MN. I've been a patient at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa for 11 years and had my eyes opened wide after my first visit with Dr.Kwon I believe him to be the #1 premiere PCa Doc in the country.
After having been treated for meta bladder cancer by Dr. Jonathan Rosenberg, Chief of Sidney Kimmel Institute at MSK, and based on his recommendation ("I'd send my parents to her") my wife is under the care of Elizabeth Guancial at FL Cancer Specialists in Sarasota. Suggest you check the credentials of Drs. Guancial and Rosenberg. Best of luck.
I am also a patient of Dr Guancial and have been for the past three years. Check out her bloodline, it is quite impressive. I have found her to be thorough in her explanations, willing to listen, and very available. After brief relationships with the Mayo Clinic (Jacksonville) and Moffitt in Tampa I have found an MO that I can work with. Florida Cancer Specialists have locations all over the state so I don't always have to travel to Sarasota for tests and treatments.
Lots of good docs and centers to choose from. Welcome to Florida. Maybe try to find one that is close to a Radiologist that has the Pylarify scan. Relax and enjoy.
Greetings Nat & SUE (sorry some info requested here may be redundant)
Please tell us your bio. Age? Location? When diagnosed? Treatment(s)? Treatment center(s)? Scores Psa/Gleason? Medications? Doctor's name(s)?
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/29/2021 10:37 PM EST