Eating two mushrooms a day could lowe... - Advanced Prostate...

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Eating two mushrooms a day could lower cancer risk by 45 per cent, study finds.

cesces profile image
56 Replies

What do you make of this?

Eating two mushrooms a day could lower cancer risk by 45 per cent, study finds.

The Penn research examined 17 cancer studies from 1966 to 2020, analysing more than 19,500 cancer patients. The team’s findings showed that even though shiitake, oyster, maitake and king oyster mushrooms have higher amounts of the amino acid ergothioneine than white button, cremini and portobello mushrooms, people who incorporated any variety of mushrooms into their daily diets had a lower risk of cancer.


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cesces profile image
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56 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image


Kaliber profile image

Wow ... the makers of $10,000 a month Xtandi are going to be upset when they hear this. OMG .....


in reply to Kaliber

There's just no money in mushrooms unless they are the magic kind .

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Yea I dunno ... that market up on the corner charges an arm and a leg for a little bundle of fresh picked yayahahahaya of course I wouldn’t know anything about psilocybin cubensis but I heard that Oregon just legalized them.


in reply to Kaliber

We who live on the east coast are just waiting for the time all of you on the west coast are high on mushrooms 🍄 then well just bulldoze you into the pacific and start over again.

Now that's a plan.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Yayahahahaya ... the way I hear it, everything west of the coastal highway US1 is supposed to fall off into the ocean , next big earthquake, saving you all the work. Everyone out here has been stoned since the 1960s anyway. Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya,


in reply to Kaliber

They have been saying that since the last big earthquake. I think they're high.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

I think you are right yayahahahaya.


cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to

On the other hand, maybe the west coast should just succeed and rid themselves of the whinny delusional southeastern welfare states, and force them to pay for all the Pentagon money that keeps Texas afloat.

Take all that money back, and put it to better use.

in reply to cesanon

Few more replies like this and we'll start the bulldozers

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

What's that saying about hats and cattle?

Oh... and keep your govment hands off my medicare.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to cesanon

Yea you tell ‘em cesanon …….. think of all the poor young struggling Californians that can’t afford more palm trees for their yard, that second Mercedes , a new surfboard or even another whole case of Chardonnay …… bring that tax money back to where it came from.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to Kaliber

Where does all the anger and hostility in you folks come from?

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to cesces

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya .... exactly. I’ll bet it’s pretty hard to be angry and hostile against someone lying stoned in their deck chair playing with their favorites list on their mesh web music caster yayahahahaya. I see all that hostility and angst in the news but I would be helpless to explain any of that. I never see anything like that among any of my friends ...heck none of them are political at all including me. I’ve just never been political in my life .... I haven’t known any people that were ..... to speak of. I’ve never voted in an election and never will until we actually vote directly for a president and ( not and / or ) .... and there are two or four year term limits in the senate and house. Two or four years and your done ....on your way.

Got no place or time for any of “ that “ weirdness or dogma ... just got time to chillax and enjoy the California way of life .... politics , we don need no stink’in politics ( three amigos ). Debbie Downer doesn’t play in LaLa Land.

Just say’in 🌈🌼🌻🦋🌸❤️❤️❤️

TrashPanda72 profile image
TrashPanda72 in reply to Kaliber

Bring on the Blue Stems!!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to TrashPanda72

That’s the ones , plus a persistent annulus ......


golddiggingrandy profile image
golddiggingrandy in reply to Kaliber

used to pick them by the trash. bag full 40 yrs ago while stationed at Ft. Lewis I never knew I was taking a cancer preventative, shoulda kept it up. Now its just Chinese once a week

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to golddiggingrandy

You probably still could except too many people know about it now. They have legalized them down in Oregon ... and you can buy everything including spore syringes on the web thru Google, to grow your own. Both Denver and Oakland , Ca have decriminalized them too. I think they have great potential for depression and could be helpful for APCa guys too.

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

Wow...Im going to get a text to my son who has degrees in biochemistry and genetics that all he has to do is eat 2 mushrooms a day to avoid inheriting his father's PC...I'm sure he'll be on it. NOT. Ha.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Uh ..... probably too late introducing him to mushrooms....just say’in yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.

Kaliber profile image

I dearly love mushrooms ... today alone I’ve been snacking on shiitake shrooms and I love to lay a clump of fresh white firm enoki’s on top of my near daily bowl of miso. Miso has so many ways to make it , it’s like a different meal every time. Mushrooms help make that happen. We’ve got a great Asian market up on the corner that has an amazing selection of fresh mushrooms .. they are farmed right here near town .. large Asian population here. In my case I don’t think eating as lot of mushrooms helped ward off my cancer tho ....

Just say’in 😂😂😂

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to Kaliber

Costco 10 ounce bag of Shiitake mushrooms and chilled Budweiser for your health.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to lewicki

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya .... omg ..... sounds yummy to me ... except it’d be Dos Equis ( XX) with limes.


lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to Kaliber

Great alternative.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to lewicki


lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to Kaliber

Fried bovine testicles will give you a twinkle they say.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to lewicki

I lived in rural Indiana as a child, ‘ mountain oysters “ were considered a prized delicacy , eaten with the weekly chicken dinner on Sunday’s. Farmers considered them to be an aphrodisiac.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to Kaliber

Near where I lived many years ago there was a blacked owned wholesale retail fish market. They had the oysters. I asked how do you prepare them , a black clerk older man said you do not need them when you are young.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to lewicki

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya good answer. 👏👏👏😂😂😂

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

MIso soup daily here too. Wife is Japanese. Been lovin MIso soup for 40 plus years.I take it since my diagnosis with all the extras she feels are good for my health that in the past I didn't want in there messing with the MIso flavor ( so add the shrooms, kale, chard, etc. ) I always liked it simple ...few shrooms, aburaage tofu, seaweed.

Please don't put cabbage in it. I told her I want Miso soup not cabbage soup.

Chicago was great...MItsuwa and Tensuke market place and local groceries were very diverse. Here in the Twin Cities a bit harder...Jonesing a bit. Still can get Maitake, Enoki, and of course Shitaki...I bet there on West coast you can get the $80.00 an ounce Eryngii ( I exaggerated the price ).

I recall you are out there in Fresno area not as great as LA probably but still more Asian food than here. My/our La trips were great for Japanese food.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

A really strong Miso soup I think is kind of like bone marrow. It feels like it pulses thru your blood stream and the brain reacts with a big than you I am at peace you have nourished me. Umami is overused but I guess that is what occurs.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS

I just finished my lunch bowl of miso ( no kidding ) and I think you hit it perfectly. as satisfying a meal as you’d ever want .... I’m in “ bliss “ right now yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. It’s really good to commiserate with a fellow miso enthusiast .... you “ get it “ ......


CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

Yea I dont want to go overboard but hey I'll say it again it really is good.Vietnamese food not on the top of my list(like some of course) and had a 1 month’s work trip to Viet Nam about 7 years ago. Had done my share of international trips but really got stressed and worn down on that one. That type of tired where your face, hands feel puffy when you can finally take a breath and relax. To my relief the top floor of the hotel I was put in had a Japanese restaurant. Miso soup brought me back to earth. It was and often is like an elixir. I ordered it about 2 in the afternoon with a meal. Sun was partially shining on the semi-outdoor seating with mix of air conditioning. I had awoken about 1:p.m on that Sunday from the customer arriving and met with them in the lobby. Let them know that “ NO, sorry not interested in going to the factory today “ That was point of arriving Saturday night—rest Sunday before working 7 days a week for a month in their hot factory “ –Ha.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS

If you have ever watched the Anthony Bourdain food show series, you’ve probably seen that the Viet street food scene has evolved considerably. So many outside influences coming for work and bring in their own cultural food aspects and needs. A new fusion food scene has emerged there. That’s the same street food Viet restaurants bring here as well. Every ethnic group has elements that don’t attract me .... for example I don’t eat the fish meat behind and including the last fish Gill and cheeks.... a super delicacy for many Japanese. But I treasure sashimi and specially pickled octopus salad. Some of those meat preparations and Viet seasonings I don’t care for as well, some so do humans eat that stuff. I do like fish head kimchi but it’s a learning curve . I probably gaged the first time I ever ate it .Yayahahahaya. Same I could say about The way many sikhs prepare / season some of their lamb kebabs or some of the Indian curry dishes. Still I love so much about a lot of cooking all those countries provide. A person can’t be expected to like it all. How about that Mexican blood soup, or a crushed lams skull delicacy. Same thing yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. Yikes .....

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

Yes Bourdain for sure.I was fortunate to be taken out a couple times by the Viet Nam customer to those outdoor eating drinking venues ( sit on stools just off the street and girls in mini skirts serve you ).

It was a great eating experience. After I got sick..ha. I looked up the name of one of the fish and found out it came from a local river but it sure tasted good.

They knew I love sashimi and against my better judgement I ate " their " sashimi too. All kinds of finger foods arrived at the table.

I'm not knocking it at all> I would do it over again but pass on the ice chunks plopped in my beer glass. It was kind of like toasting a drink when the guys from the customer factory would plunk a ice chunk in my beer but I kind of knew better and sure enough I think that's what caused me 5 or so day of diarrhea and cramps lol. Looked out my hotel window one day and noticed ice delivered just set down on the side of the street where the pee, and what not traverses the gutter. Probably odd that I survived. Ha. Interpreters wife wanted me to go to the hospital. I digress. Just my personal trip down memory lane.

OH sashimi. Of course what I ate in Japan was to die for. Here in the states on a trip to L.A. found a really good place. I'm not wealthy so I bought my own breakfast and lunch so that I could blow my daily business allowance ( $50.00 ) on sashimi dinner. I did so then when I finished I said well....I would like to order the same that I just ate and I put it on my personal card. I included what you don't like....hamachi kama--fish cheek/collarbone along with the sashimi ( its marinated in a soy predominate sauce then grilled or broiled ).

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS

I absentmindedly drank a glass of chilled water in Reynosa Mexico ( across from McAllen Tx ) one afternoon at an exotic 3 seasons restaurant and had the same thing happen. All the locals have immunity built up, but not me. I might have been a wee bit drunk as well yayahahahaya. Viet Nam has become a “ place to be and be seen “ on the international surfing / water play circuit as well .... like some beaches in the Canary Islands, So Cal beaches , Australia, etc. it’s famous for its wonderful exotic wind characteristics at a couple beaches.

It’s not my generations location anymore. Things and times have changed dramatically nowadays. The international young crowd hangs there now.

Kite surfing and sail boarding Viet Nam
CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

Yea crazy. Way back before I had work that brought travel I was in the Navy. In the late 70's had 4 days at Pattaya Beach Thailand. Most port stops were only 4 days and 1 day was a 24 hour duty day so you only had 3 days. Our aircraft carrier was too big to dock so these small boats that held about 30 people or less were ferrying us from the ship to land. I had already traded a coworker duty day so that I could have all 4 days in Thai stick paradise.I was a Corpsman and it looked like one day was going to be used up waiting in line to get off the ship so I changed into my uniform, put my jeans and t-shirt in a ambu bag case went to the front of the line and said they need a doc on shore. Soon after on shore in one of the jeep like taxi's the guy riding shot gun said in broken english " you like smoke " as he showed me a bundle of stick about 5 inches in diameter that was about 5 dollars. It was a tough job getting that bundle smoked up in 4 days. Talk about wake and bake. I always recall thinking the giant psychedelic colored Toucan birds were talking to me as I walked the path from hotel to the main street in the mornings. We surmised we could live there the rest of our life on 10,000 dollars at the most.

But yea your right. Years after internet was around I was like hey I can look up that Pattaya beach place...its nothing like it was circa 1978.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

Plenty of work trips to Mexico. Drinking got the best of me in Mexico City. Let my guard, common sense down and got what was the best hot dog I've had in my life from a street vendor. Walked by a couple weeks later and noticed his sink was a 5 gallon bucket next to his hot dog stand.I paid dearly for that. After I recovered I looked up Montezuma's revenge---too much information--it really is E-coli causing the problem. Yuch. Also found that it had been studied and some U.S. college students developed immunity after about a year or year and half I think it was.But if they returned to the states for only a month or so they lost their immunity.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS

I have miso pretty much every day ... miso is the base for a huge range of miso dishes ... it’s never boring or repetitive. Having a Japanese wife is cheating ... it took me years to nail umami , years. I am master of the 5 miso flavors now ( sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami ). A precision touch on the umami .... sometimes I kinda think its mind manipulation, 30 minutes after my bowl , I’m still salivating and lip smacking due to umami manipulation.

I have a bunch of different flavored mini “ dim-sum like dumplings in the freezer , I change these up frequently as an additive. I’m a tofu lover too ... wakame of course , plus greens like chard and kale. I buy those big dry packs of ramen noodles and the chilled wet packs of udon noodles too. I love the pork and crab mini’s with abandon. Yayahahahaya. So good I’ll bet they have Cocaine in them Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. I wouldn’t like cabbage soup as well, the exception being I like to lay on some summer kimchi for a change up, now and then. nothing much “ cabbage like “ about that tho.

Surprisingly, Fresno has an “ enormous “ population of Asians residing here. Huge !!!! We have few Japanese but Hmong, Cambodian, Koreans and more abound here. Indians are well represented too .... Punjab , sikh’s. And tons more. The main population is about 56% Hispanic, 19% Asian, 8% black, the rest various whites including Russians etc. Fresno county official population about 1.4 million, add in the “ others ‘ and its about a quarter of a million.

There are so many Asian restaurants, udon don’s and Pho shops etc. it’s mind numbing. Fresno has a surprisingly strong restaurant and ethnic shopping cross section for a agricultural base town . It has its own Vallarta Super Market ( Hispanic food market chain as large as Walmart or Target ) , and mega sized Asian food stores like R-N markets . I have a R-N within driving distance for my etrike. I can spend $200 there in the blink of an eye. Yayahahahaya

I buy those green, paper thin, individual seaweed snacks by the giant economy sized package. I thought they would be awful but , surprisingly, they are hauntingly delicious. Beware of the wasabi ones, it’s a real mist of wasabi and those are dangerous to your digestive system .... super delicious tho.

Kinda like S.F. , there is a food shop or mini restaurant around every corner here. It’s the nouveau riche of field workers revenge on the wealthy “ man “ ... and boy howdy have they gotten it right. It’s smok’in hot here ( daily temps near 105F now ) but little known and ultra kewl too.

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

Marinated fried chicken wrapped in seaweed is good.

Easy to overspend is right. Try to go in with " just get the essentials " then start justifying ......hmmm a couple cans of Japanese Ice coffee, hmmm some kashiwa mochi ( mochi with the red bean paste inside ), hmmm ...on and on.

I shouldn't sound as if degrading lack of diversity here in twin cities---plenty here. Just short of some of the Japanese foods we like.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

I just looked on google maps. The factory I went to about 3 times was way south off of east north ave ( exit 129 off 99 ). Agricultural is right. I thought then this must be the California cowboy thing.The last time I was there about 2010 I stayed at the Hampton Inn way North kind of on Herndon Ave.

As usual on work trips not much time to take in the sights when I was there.

Wished I could have taken time off and seen Yosemite to say the least.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS

I never thought you were disparaging anyone or anything at all there buddy ... .. the Twin Cities just doesn’t jump to mind as an Asian cultural center .... noting wrong with that. At less that 6% Asian population , it probably does pretty well considering. You guys, back there , still have majority white ethnic cross section .... diversity is a good thing. 400 years ago , all California cities were Hispanic or Russian , then many majority white for decades and now many, like Fresno, are increasingly diverse. That’s always seemed to be beneficial for me ..... it works well.

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

Love diversity. Feels good to be surrounded by humans that represent the world. When we moved to Chicago land in the 90's from another midwest area we noticed no one looked at us funny when we spoke Japanese in the store because you would here about 5 or 6 different languages in the store.Was waiting in line at local city building to get sticker for car around 2017--Jamaican woman in front of me. Mexican decent people behind me. Arab over there, Russian at the counter, Indian decent family there, the whole line was full of humanity. It felt good to be there. Wanted to tell the guy in the WH this is the world we live in and its beautiful.

Oh yah!

Darryl profile image

Aren’t mushrooms grown in horse sh*t?

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to Darryl

Yes. I have always wondered about that when buying fresh mushrooms at the supermarket.

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to cesanon

Most of that will brush off as your get ready to eat them. The rest just keeps the biomass in your gut happy.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Darryl

Woohoo Darryl ….. you go get ‘em. yayahahaha. 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️

in reply to Darryl

Probably explains why Kennet Square is the mushroom capital...It's surrounded by horse farms.

DMohr011 profile image

So that was the reason I got this cancer? I'll tell my wife. She thinks I got it from my kayak.

Wouldn't 2 mushrooms be considered microdosing?

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to DMohr011

Well depends .... a single 5” psilocybin mushroom growing from a cow patty in Central Texas probably would not be micro dosing

Just say’in 😂😂😂😂

DMohr011 profile image
DMohr011 in reply to Kaliber

True. Some of them get to be close to 100g!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to DMohr011

Yea ... I lived there 12 years .... some years we could walk thru the fields and get bushels of them. People drove down all the way from New York and Massachusetts for the feast some years. Now you can just buy the handy 8” X 8” medium squares , make a slit , add the spore syringe pak and some sterile water and grow your own in a closet. In Oregon they are legalized , buy them off web sites , CL or Reddit, delivered to your driveway.

The main bang only lasts about 20 minutes but after effects a few hours. Then can’t use them again for several weeks. Here in California I have the Kaiser drug use contract to get my opioids, I’m sometimes tested 5 times in one month ( 2 blood daps and 3 random urine daps ). No shrooms or Mary Jane for me anymore.

DMohr011 profile image
DMohr011 in reply to Kaliber

I've been reading about some real positive mind benefits from low dose Psilocybe and advanced cancer patients. Treating the mind is something. SOC doctors could give a shit about.

Uncle Ben's makes it easy too, from what I I gather up ingredients and become a student of mycology.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to DMohr011

Yea I’ve been seeing that in the news too. From my experience, I’d say those reports are well founded. Plus as “ naturals “ go, it’s an laughing easy breezy experience. Surely we’ll worth pursuing to treat depression. Uh ...yea ... not uncle bens so much, it’d be agar infused sterilized rye grain more likely. Still once you got the mycelium honking , it’d probably grow on shoe leather yayahahahaya. Modern times handy preconditioned / nutrient infused , pre growth, medium packs are commonly available and and inexpensive. No more canning pressure cookers, slants , 50# rye grain, wide mouth mason jars, and all that old school crap. Spores are available on Google and so are the medium blocks. You’d grow the physically small species that is common and natural along the Oregon coast. They are powerful and reproduce in multiple flushes. Grow ‘em on a shelf in a closet ... spritz them a few times a day when the Mycelium emerges and keep the temps in the low 70s. Dry them in your oven at low temps and freeze them in the freezer. 7-8 bitter chewy little dried ( still soft to the touch ) stalks and you are good to go for about 20-30 minutes. The after glow can last until tomorrow.

I’d like to see them made available to APCa men that are having trouble with depression and sense of loss. I believe they could be very medicinally beneficial for us guys. Certainly harmless enough to be worth giving a try.

Just say’in 🍄😁😁

Of course all this is just what I’ve heard tell ... ❤️❤️❤️

annaneves profile image

Wow, that is really nice information. I love mushrooms because they help me with my ancient attacks. I do mushrooms daily and the information that you are stating is really nice to hear. I love to smoke weed and do shrooms, I’ve been doing both since high school, and I’m pretty sure that I’m mentally stable only because of them. I mean, what could be better than a shroom trip while you are watching Rick and Morty. I usually order medicinal mushrooms from and I can definitely say that they have the best organic shrooms that I have ever tasted. That is why I would love to recommend them to everyone.

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