The food to avoid for a patient with ... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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The food to avoid for a patient with advanced prostate cancer

ahjab profile image
31 Replies

My father has an advanced prostate cancer - he is currently staying with me. I would like to make sure I cook the food that will actually help with the treatments. Can you please let me know the food that we should avoid, and the ones that could actually help? Any articles on this topic will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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ahjab profile image
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31 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

There are no foods to avoid and none that will help. If he eats heart-healthy, he will do as much as he can do: Variety of proteins, highly colored vegetables, whole grains. Don't make him feel like he has to deprive himself of anything. If he is on ADT, he'll want to keep caloric intake a bit lower than normal and increase exercise.

ocman profile image
ocman in reply to Tall_Allen

What about eggs or egg whites?

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to ocman

Like all protein sources, don't eat them exclusively. Eggs a couple of times a week is fine.

ocman profile image
ocman in reply to Tall_Allen

What about chicken breast?

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to ocman

LOL - same advice (and before you ask, the advice is the same for dairy, red meat, soy protein, fish, pork, peanut butter, etc.)Just keep it varied, and eat lots of various vegetables too. Eat heart healthy. We evolved to be omnivores - don't fight evolution. The evidence is of incredibly poor quality that any of it makes a difference in the near term.

Jalbom49 profile image
Jalbom49 in reply to Tall_Allen

I have enjoyed your comments of prostate cancer as you are far more knowledgeable than me.

I agree about heart healthy.

And your views are mainstream.

Mine are not.

There is a movement exemplified by the ketogenic and carnivore diets that believe that saturated fat and cholesterol have been falsely demonized and are actually healthy.

Processed foods full of vegetable oils,

Sugar, and grains are the real culprits.

And mono-cropping has resulted in soil depletion, including magnesium and

Low levels of fat soluble vitamins such as A,D,K2.

Since 2013 when I went low carb and stopped all grains, I have reversed diabetes, put autoimmune thyroiditis into remission, and lost weight to the point that I am now down 100lbs from when I practiced medicine.

My omega 3 to 6 ratio is 1/3, close to the ideal 1/1. My hdl has gone up to mid 70s and triglycerides 60-80.

I have refused any treatment for “high cholesterol “.

I plugged by numbers into the risk calculator on The Cholesterol Code web site, and I am now low risk.

The biggest risk factor for heart disease is diabetes and lesser degrees of carbohydrate intolerance.

I will be glad to list references if you are interested.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Jalbom49

I have read about caveman diets and keto diets. I'm glad you like it and find it sustainable. I'm not a fan of radical diets for prostate cancer. I believe that advanced cancer patients should treat themselves well - they have enough on their plate without fussing over food. I haven't seen any convincing data that such diets help with prostate cancer. But there may be benefits for other conditions, as you rightly point out.

Jalbom49 profile image
Jalbom49 in reply to Tall_Allen

Yes, I agree. I have no expectations that any diet has been shown to help prostate cancer.

LearnAll profile image

The most helpful foods are Sulforaphane rich vegetables like Cauliflower, Brocolli, Mustard greens, Radishes ,Cabbage etc, After that Resveratrol rich foods such as Dark red Grapes, Peanuts etc. After that Quarcetin rich foods like Red Onions, Red Apples, Pink Guava Berries etc. And Cooked Red tomatoes which have both Quercetin and Lycopene in them.Mushrooms, Red Chillies, Black pepper also have anti cancer properties. Not to forget Green tea and Black tea for polyphenols and EGCG.

Foods to avoid or reduce significantly are : preserved meat, Stale packed foods loaded with preservatives, Foods full of saturated fat and any food which increase inflammation in the body.

The above information is based on hundreds of research articles available on PubMed.

Right food does not cure prostate cancer but can slow it and/or increase the effect of conventional medical treatment. Besides it can also improve general health, immunity and

control serious side effects which come with use of ADT.

smroush profile image

Here is a link to a very good document on prostate cancer and diet from UCSF:

I also recommend you check out the web site It has a good search facility; just search for "prostate cancer".

dhccpa profile image
dhccpa in reply to smroush

That seems pretty specific to me. I wonder what other SOCers think about those guidelines.

Jbooml profile image

I might advise home to put a little lemon in his tea....PC is very uroretentive and may cause unwitting backup in the kidneys...after having suffered recently from a kidney stone I squeeze a little slice daily in various beverages to combat this excruciating condition.

LearnAll profile image
LearnAll in reply to Jbooml

I remember about 30 years ago I met a 93 years old Army Officer who still worked where I worked. During Lunch hour, I asked him the secret of his long life and good health...He said " I never missed my fresh lemon/lime juice squeezed in my Tea. "

Another example is a 89 German Woman I met who have seen World War 2 and Great Depression..On asking secret of her healthy life...She said "In last 50 years, I have never eaten more than 1200 calories a day" She counts her calories like a mathematician.

But these are just anecdotes..can not be generalized.

podsart profile image
podsart in reply to Jbooml

How were your kidney stones treated?

What else do you do; did you take flomax?

I am dealing with now?

Jbooml profile image
Jbooml in reply to podsart

All I had available was flomax and a drug called Toridol...I drank water relentlessly...I was so wracked with pain I sat on the edge of my bed and ass bounced as they say bouncing helps move it along. Sorry to hear you’re having to endure this. My stone took 2 days to clear

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Jbooml

Water, Water and more Water.....until you get the urge to suck a fish....

If you get a stone, jump up and down....

Take if from an expert.........

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 04/05/2021 7:47 PM DST

Jalbom49 profile image
Jalbom49 in reply to Jbooml

I used to have kidney stones, but not anymore. Oxilates in tea and vegetables

Are a big source of kidney stones, and I limit them now.

ahjab profile image

Thank you everyone!

Magnus1964 profile image

Vegetarian or pescatarian (fish) diet.

FinalBossMatt profile image

Just eat clean, that's the best way to do it. Everyone's anatomy physiology is different. Cancer will eventually find a way to eat anything to grow.

I work better with a low-carb diet but others have high-carb vegan/vegetarian diets. Both are fine. Just the #1 rule should be to keep away from processed shit and not overthink this. :)

fmenninger profile image

Moderation is the key. Don’t forget to have garlic in your food to keep the vampires away....

Explorer08 profile image
Explorer08 in reply to fmenninger

fmenninger is right about garlic. It not only keeps vampires away, but, as one of the Allium foods, it is very beneficial for cancers, per my cancer nutritionist at UC Health.

Dastardly profile image

I think when you have advanced prostate cancer, you have earned the right to eat what the hell you want. My advice would be to prepare some of his favourite food. Make sure he enjoys his visit.

EdBar profile image

Just keep it heart healthy since prostate cancer treatments (ADT) can be tough on the cardiovascular system. A Mediterranean diet is a good choice and doesn’t deprive you of much. I don’t think specific foods will do anything for my cancer, the goal is to keep my body in a healthy state to fight the fight.


winkoliu profile image
winkoliu in reply to EdBar

Other than food, exercise is the most important factor for longer life.

EdBar profile image
EdBar in reply to winkoliu

Agreed, and for that reason I exercise daily, it helps keep the body in a healthy state to fight cancer, strengthens bones, promotes a healthy cardiovascular system, helps prevent SRE’s, and last but not least is good for mental well being.


Explorer08 profile image

Mediterranean diet is best. No red meat, if possible. Stay away from egg yolks and chicken skin - they contain choline. Limit alcohol if on ADT meds. Nothing with "Added sugar," which you can discern through label reading.

You'll find ten different people have ten different sets of advice on diet and PCa. I follow Dr. Charles Myers book, "The New Prostate Cancer Nutrition Book." If you want something really in-depth on the topic you can refer to "Nutrition & Prostate Cancer" which is a downloadable publication from UCSF Medical Center. It is part of their patient education library under the newsletter heading, "You Health Matters."

j-o-h-n profile image

EAT like there's no tomorrow..... who knows there might not be one.........

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 04/05/2021 7:51 PM DST

miscdenver profile image

A site with some useful information. Note the link to what to avoid:

Cooolone profile image

I believe if you're young, in your twenties, and know you have a family history of cancer, that if you live healthy and incorporate some of these ideas regarding diet, exercise, supplements... It MIGHT make a difference!

Ultimately, there's really no way to know, because tracking such would monumental and in all probability not be impossible. Let alone with reliable results.

IMO, once diagnosed with PCa, all bets are off! I don't think you're gonna effect much by changing your diet. But other health factors may be important though, which a good diet would help mitigate those issues and allow for better general health while fighting the cancer.

Also, I've never read or seen any study or reliable information that dietary changes once mets are present having ANY effect or impact. So maybe for G6 or those low risk patients it helps... Again, mostly anecdotal as tracking diet is especially hard. How do you track food stuff from source to mouth. From grains to meats, veggies, etc... So yeah, you could say high Omega 3 diet (Fish) helps, but what fish are we taking about, where was it sourced, processed, unprocessed, how cooked, etc.

Ultimately, do what makes you smile, what leaves a lasting positive impression on your life! Don't sweat the small stuff and allow this disease to overtake your being! The mind, is a terrible thing to waste ;)

Best Regards

miscdenver profile image

Recently had come across this information as well.

Is literally some food for thought..


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