I take the drug metformin for T2D and have just read (via links from this site) about supposed or possible anti-PCa benefits of this drug.
Anyone have any knowledge or experience in this area?
I take the drug metformin for T2D and have just read (via links from this site) about supposed or possible anti-PCa benefits of this drug.
Anyone have any knowledge or experience in this area?
Google “ metformin benefits prostrate cancer “. Metformin is supposed to be able to lengthen the time a person goes from castrate sensitive to castrate resistant while on successful adt. Many people on the group use it exclusively for that purpose and don’t have blood sugar issues. I take a lot of metformin myself but I have medication induced bg issues. Metformin also lowers blood pressure . If you are taking blood pressure meds and take less or more metformin , you need to keep a close eye on your bp. You may need to recalibrate your bp meds. Of course “ always “ ask those questions and get the advice and direction of your medical care team on this subject. It can be complicated.
Re Metformin: In addition to glucose benefits there are significant chemical interactions which block prostate cancer cells. So, just goog the topic and spend three hours or so. You will be well rewarded. Bottom line: Metformin was realized to have a Ca preventive benefits when they first learned that diabetics on Metformin had a much lower incidence of Ca. Then, the benefits of Metformin IN ADDITION TO THE GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT, began to surface. Highly recommended. Cheap too.
If you are taking it for another purpose, you have to take it. But the best evidence is that it does nothing for prostate cancer, unfortunately.
Beg your pardon. I was a patient of Snuffy Myers, along with several thousand others. His protocol, with metformin a key anchor demonstrated great impact. I believe Laurence Klotz from Canada has also written and spoken about this positive impact a good deal.
ADT does tend to cause metabolic syndrome. I regard control of blood sugar and insulin to be an important part of the general process of managing PCa.
Look up the Care Oncology Protocol which includes metformin. Care Oncology Clinic is in London and in the US now.
I take Berberine each day.
I’ve been taking it for over 6 years now, part of the Snuffy Myers protocol. PSA remains undetectable and I’ve been able to maintain a healthy BMI despite being on ADT since dx. I’ll continue to take it. It’s cheap (free from Publix) has a good safety record and I’ve experienced little or no SE’s. At the very least it helps you avoid metabolic syndrome from ADT.
TONS OF INFO HERE ABOUT METFORMIN...... just do a search of our data from your home page...to view where you can find it and view it. (Search on key word "Metformin").
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 11/28/2020 1:33 PM EST
Some of us take metformin for reasons that indicate that it helps counter some ADT side effects and also that it helps with blood pressure / blood sugar regulation.
It does NOT prevent PCa, however - but is recommended after the fact for some individuals.
I am not diabetic but I have 2 out of 3 markers indicating a per-diabetic condition. From what I read within these forums, metformin was recommended for me. I ran it by my GP and he agreed.
I was experiencing some neuropathy during and after my first round of ADT, so it seemed like it was the right thing to do - after consultations.
My doc at M D Anderson (do you know of anyplace more renown?) has me taking Metformin. It's cheap, has almost nothing in the way of side effects and it might be helpful. However, as others have said, it does not cure our malady. PS The timed-release version of Metformin from one manufacturer was recently found to be a probable carcinogen so I was switched to the non-timed-release type