received it at St Georg in Bad Abling 20 years ago
Mistletoe A Dr. P Hindererger at John... - Advanced Prostate...
Mistletoe A Dr. P Hindererger at John Hopkins has a trial going on . Can your doctor get the medicine to take. Germans have been using it.

"NHS branches out into mistletoe cancer therapy"
1 year ago•15 Replies
I was surprised to read this headline in the Sunday Times on 23 December. It appears that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde had referred 47, and NHS Lothian had sent 42 patients for Mistletoe therapy at the Centre for Integrative Care at Gartnavel hospital. The article also stated there were two clinics in England as offering treatment "with possible NHS funding". The article states "patients in Scotland are being treated with an extract of the plant in the hope it can boost the body's immune system...
"An assessment by the NHS specialist pharmacy service found that laboratory testing of mistletoe indicated potential benefits, but there is currently no compelling evidence to support the use of mistletoe extracts in cancer therapy."
"Stefan Gelder, of the Camphill Wellbeing Trust in Aberdeen, a charity that offers the therapy, said it had helped some people. Claimed benefits include more energy and better appetites. His experience was that mistletoe has with some people but not all - an impact on tumour reduction."
I found this reference on the hospital website:
Mistletoe treatment in cancer patients
Cochrane review April 2008. Preparations from the European mistletoe (Viscum album L.) are among the most prescribed drugs in cancer patients in several European countries. Proponents claim that mistletoe extracts stimulate the immune system, improve survival, enhance quality of life and reduce adverse effects of chemo- and radiotherapy in cancer patients. The review found that there was not enough evidence to reach clear conclusions about the effects on any of these outcomes and it is therefore not clear to what extent the application of mistletoe extracts translates into improved symptom control, enhanced tumour response or prolonged survival. Adverse effects of mistletoe extracts were reported, but appeared to be dose-dependent and primarily confined to reactions at injection site and mild, transient flu-like symptoms. In the absence of good quality, independent trials, decisions about whether mistletoe extracts are likely to be beneficial for a particular problem should rely on expert judgement and practical considerations. Authors' conclusions: The evidence from RCTs to support the view that the application of mistletoe extracts has impact on survival or leads to an improved ability to fight cancer or to withstand anticancer treatments is weak. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that mistletoe extracts may offer benefits on measures of QOL during chemotherapy for breast cancer, but these results need replication. Overall, more high quality, independent clinical research is needed to truly assess the safety and effectiveness of mistletoe extracts. Patients receiving mistletoe therapy should be encouraged to take part in future trials.
U.S... naturalpathics offer the mistletoe now. Haven’t done it yet myself.. Good luck if you do ? Peace ✌️

I’ve been into mistletoe for decades .... if fact I still have some desiccated mistletoe hanging in the kitchen entryway, left from years ago. The oak trees here are hanging heavy with it .... it’s everywhere. The type we have is known poisonous to cats and dogs and cause seizures in humans. At least that’s the lore ... dunno how accurate that is tho.
I did see where it’s been popular in Germany for decades as a treatment for cancer .... probably a different kind I’d guess.
Dr Uzick
Has provided it for years ... I think it’s a last ditch effort for late stage cancer
If I’m ever burning up In hell again with APC eating me alive I know a guy who knows a guy that will
Make oleander serum for Me and I’ll give that a shot ...

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya right and we have plenty of that here too yayahahahaya we also have giant castor bean plants ... bet that stuff would fix something too yayahahahaya
And faster too ! Might need neither with the virus . I think that shot would take me out . I got a bronchial
thing and asthma right now . Peace friend🕊
Hey Lewicki!
Do you feel that it helped? How much mistletoe and how often? How have the last 20 years been?
Went to St Georg Klinik in Bad Abling Bavaria 20 years ago. Psa was 6.2. Had Transurethral Hyperthermia. Took home Mystletoe and gave myself injections at home .
The whole treatment there kept my cancer Psa at about 2.4 for 12 years. Went back two more times . Keep coming back. ADT for years, xtandi for 27 months, trial ESK 981 at karmanos cancer hospita, failed, did 2 sets Chemo , went to University of Heidelberg in 2019 3 times for AC-225 and Lu-177. Psa is now one. Was to go back this month but Chineese virus changed things. Lufthansa canceled flights a few days before I was to go back for finale treatment. Most likely a good idea I did not go.
Amazing ! 😎
Hey Lewicki!
My heart goes out to you! You tried so hard like many of us to rid yourself of the cancer or control it with the least amount of damage to yourself. I understand that. I do indeed!
Take care of yourself. I have a doctor friend that can infuse mistletoe.
Thanks. I would like his name for my file and any printed literature the doctor may have written.
Hey Lewicki!
A very forward thinking doctor. Outside the box and ahead of his time.