I am sorry to say that I lost my soulmate on January 8. He was doing ok and then his kidneys failed and they triedstents but there was to much in the way. Nothing worked..brought him home with hospice on a Monday and he died 36 hours later. I thought it was the worst day of my life.but living without him is. Strength to all you warriors. Lady Sings The Blues
Horrific disease: I am sorry to say... - Advanced Prostate...
Horrific disease

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to live with a hole in your heart.
I am so so sorry. I’m afraid my husbands kidney problems may very well take him before the actual cancer does. Your post is so heartfelt and I send prayers and love to you.
My heartfelt condolences go out to you LSTB , for the loss of your soulmate . He was lucky to have you there by his side to hold and kiss him and say goodbye. All of stage 4 guys hope we will have someone to hold our hand and say goodbye , and maybe grieve for us a little after. You are there for him, how good is that. I’m thinking good thoughts for you ( transfer of merit) that your pain will pass soon.
Best wishes 🌼🌻🌸🦋
I'm so sorry ....
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m a wife. And, I
Cannot imagine how difficult losing your partner is. You spend so much time getting close and sharing everything with that person.
May you find ways to smile along side the grief and terrible sadness.
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s tough to loose your soulmate. I’ve been preparing my wife of 33 years for the day my journey comes to an end. I can write down all the things to do to manage finances, maintain the house and cars etc. But, there is nothing I can do to prepare her heart. Stay strong!
From his picture he looks like a fun guy! I am sorry to hear that he has left us. Hold strong and keep his memory alive. He was lucky to have family at his side.
His passing leave us all feeling a little empty. All our love.
How heartbreaking. I'm so sorry to know your man has passed and that you did so much for him. This disease robs so much from our men.
So sorry to hear and I wish you much strength. I just had a stent put in a few weeks ago and it was stunning how fast these situations can develop. I hope he didn't suffer long and that you have many good memories of your time together.

I’m so sorry. This must be so hard. You’ll be reunited one day.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Peace be with you.
Sorry for your heart wrenching loss - stay strong.
I am so sorry.
Oh he looks like such a sweet man. I’m another PC spouse and my heart goes out to you.
Thank you for sharing this sad news with us.
I'm really sorry for your loss! It must be really hard for you to see your loved one dying in front of you. May I know how did this happened? I'm just curious that how could suddenly kidney failure can happen.
I hope you can live well and can find new ways to spend your time with happiness.
Best Wishes!
He was ok at Christmas, we knew the cancer was getting worse. he started not feeling well that Friday. Sunday he went to the hospital and they said his left kidney was gone (he had already had a stent put in it) His right kidney they tried to put a stent in it and it didn't work because he had a tumor in his bladder and it was blocking it They tried another procedure going through his back and that did not work either. The cancer won.. Heartbreaking Any questions just ask.
You are a warrior too, time to sing the blues then find the strength to get out and try to carry on.
So sorry for your loss. I’ve been there and can tell you to hold on to the good memories and just breath. Time will help heal the wound.
So sorry for your loss. My prayer is that after my demise, my wife will be able to go on without me and find meaning and joy in her life. I am certain your husband wished the same for you. Bless you and may you somehow find a way to get to the other side of this sadness.
Dear Lady Sings The Blues,
I am so sorry for your unspeakable loss. I cannot even imagine the pain you feel right now. Please know that there are men and women who metaphorically are sitting in silence beside you, mourning your loved one.
God bless!
Dear Lady, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweetheart. Peace be with you. Mary
I am so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers for strength and peace
I am so sorry...peace be with you.
Once again Gracie and I will fly into the sunset with this picture(of your husband) on the glare shield (dash) . His Blue Skies are now forever....God Bless
I am so sorry for your loss. May the Peace of God be with you.
When robe is rotting just shed it...
Bye bye my life
Helo happiness..
Helo sweet caress
I think I am going to die...
Death is freedom from physical trap..
Die dancing with a glass of good wine as Nobody ever dies...
stays in our mind as long we live......
So friend....your buddy is living forever in your mind....
From hills of Himalayas
There are no words. Being human and loving someone deeply makes them part of us. When that person dies, our pain can feel like we have had them torn from our bodies like a vital organ because they were vital to our lives. One of the toughest parts for us emotionally, as patients, is the pain we know we will leave behind after our pain is gone.
I do hope you have a really good support system of family and friends that can help you through the deep sorrow you feel. I wish you continued sunny days and great memories and to be able to laugh and enjoy your life again. That is what life is about.
Good luck.
So so very sorry
RIP good man
I’m so sad for you
Breaks my heart each time another man says goodbye
I hope you have support
Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽
Wishes of deep peace to you in your grieving.
My thoughts and prayer is with you. I hope you know the Lord. Knowing and believing in His Promise brings great joy, peace and comfort to me. Everyday I wake up is a chance for me to do good for others and complete my task on earth for Him. And when it is my time, I know that I will be reunited with Him and my loved ones in Heaven (not like an earthly family)
So very sorry for your loss. And strength to you too!
We all stand with you in your grief. Thanks so much for posting. It started me thinking that our kidneys need to be carefully monitored. My Dr expressed concern that my creatinine level is over the upper limit at 1.4. Now I know why. Drinking more water every day.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
In silent presence of the heart we stand. With you. In support. Holding your grief.
So very sorry to hear of your lose, the one thing that scares me the most is leaving my soul mate behind alone 😢😢. No words can help at this time ❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏
My sincerest condolences. Im sorry to hear this terrible news. I’m sorry for your lose.
My deepest condolences.
You have been his rock and partner and I am so sorry for your loss. May you find comfort and love with you family and friends, and peace with you God.
Those of us fighting this disease appreciate the love and support our partners and caregivers show us. You made his journey much easier with your love and support.
There is a grief that cannot be spoken.
I too lost my husband to this disease just this January.
We always think these continued treatments will work and they will be ok another few months maybe?
It is still shocking to lose them.
Be strong-find solace that there is no more pain.
Peace be with you.
A great deal of money was contributed to Prostate Cancer Research in my husbands name.
Perhaps it will one day find a cure!
I am so very sorry-I hope you can find strength to carry on. I am hoping with each new day you will find peace.
I am so sorry for your loss. Losing your soulmate must be terrible to deal with. My prayers for you. No more suffering for him..
Hi, my is Lynn, I also lost my soulmate this past Oct.21st. I share your pain. 😢 ...We had fifty seven wonderful years. I’m trying to learn to live without him... this ugly disease went to my husbands liver. Sam, lived only a couple weeks after that..
For me as the weeks go by I miss my husband more. I’m not doing well with this new normal.. 😢
I’m so very sorry for great loss.
Sending strength, love and prayers your way.
Hugs Lynn Pa.
to ronnie1943... My sincere condolences on the passing of your husband this past October. I guess he would have been 77 years old this year. May he live in your heart forever and may he find peace and eternal love and thoughts of you.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 02/25/2020 5:56 PM EST
Please accept my condolences.
My heartfelt condolences for your loss, peace be with you.
So very sorry for the loss of your soulmate
My condolences.
Sorry for your loss. He rests in peace now. Hugs.
So sorry for your loss
I am sorry for your loss and hope you are able, in time, to focus on the good times you shared together and remember them with a smile.
I am very sorry for your loss 🙏🙏
So sorry for your loss he looks like such a great guy. This disease sucks I hope you have friends and family to help you through this
So sorry for you loss. At a time like this it is difficult to find suitable words to console for the loss. I have found the following has helped me deal with the passing of someone close, and hope that this helps you in your grieving:
Death is nothing at all
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I, and you are you
Whatever we were to each other, that we still are
Call me by my old familiar name; speak to me in the easy way which you always used
Put no difference in your tone; wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Pray, smile, think of me, pray for me
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
Let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever was; there is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.
There is no more pain…, All is well.
Adapted from Henry Scott Holland
Very sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in the happy memories that you made together and in the hope that you'll be united again!
My heart goes out to you & I send prayers.
To Ladysingstheblues,
Take solace in memories of the good times. Grief can literally cause physical pain. It takes time.
We learn to deal with it. It takes time. Take some time for yourself as you grieve.
I am so very sorry for your loss❤️🙏
I am so very sorry for your loss. Many prayers to you and your family. This is a horrible cancer I hate it💙
Deepest condolences. May wonderful memories bring comfort in these difficult days.
Big, big hugs....
May your grief pass quickly so that he may live in you..
I am so very sorry. Like the many who have posted, I wish I could say or do something. May you find peace.
I am so sorry for your loss.
😢sorry for your loss god bless
To Ms. Ladysingstheblues...... It is my turn to sing the blues... God Bless....
j-o-h-n Tuesday 02/25/2020 6:01 PM EST
So sorry for your loss. May your soulmate rest in peace.
I am so sorry for your loss madam Ladysingstheblues. The pain may never fully go away but the joy of the wonderful times spent together will last forever.
I’m very sorry for your loss. I basically live in fear of losing my husband too as he is stage 4 with bone Mets. I’m trying to enjoy life and spend time with him. Prayers for your family
Our condolences. I could not fanthom losing my husband. May god wrap his arms tightly around you in this diffucult time! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I am so deeply sorry that you have had to join the infamous group of widowed spouses. My heart bleeds each time I learn of another wife who has to journey alone after a long battle with her husband's prostate cancer. Bless you and your family. I really got so sick and tired of hearing, "It just takes time." But four years later, I'm beginning to understand, although I'm no where close to being "healed".
dear ladysingstheblues,
please accept my deepest sympathy. your husband looks like he was a wonderful guy. thank you for posting and telling us about his death and for posting the great photo of him raising a glass.
in case you are interested in reading anything about grief, I am going to provide a link to a column I read not too long ago and a link which is mentioned in the column. The columnist knows whereof she speaks as she lost her husband after a long illness and is also a grief counselor....
"Grief is as unique as a fingerprint."
may he rest in peace.
another spouse
Peace to you Ladysingtheblues..Rest in peace dear man ..🙏
Thinking of you today .