Can ADT Alone Eliminate Individual Bone Mets?
Can ADT Alone Eliminate Individual Bo... - Advanced Prostate...
Can ADT Alone Eliminate Individual Bone Mets?

It can sometimes shrink them so that they are undetectable, if that is what you mean.
You’re saying undetectable but not dead?
Yes. There are usually some cells impervious to hormone therapy.
I thought I read hear that some bone mets can heal in such a way new, healthy bone material grows over the shrunken met thus cutting it off from any food supply and killing it
ADT is not a cure for metastatic PC.
I know that. Just wondering if a single bond met could be cured even though the blood is still filled with cancer cells.
exactly, there is no cure once PC has spread beyond the prostate, unless one gets beyond lucky with radiation and it happens to hit the very first location that pc spreads to, so an almost impossible thing to happen.
Yes. But huge mistake to use ADT alone when clinical studies have proven that Zytega along with ADT extends life significantly over ADT alone. And usually with minimal additional SEs.
I consider Zytiga ADT
Does that mean you are using Zytega too and didn’t mention it, or that you consider Zytega the same as ADT so you see no need to add it to your regimen?
If it’s the latter.....big mistake.
I’ve been on lupron plus Zytiga. In fact you and TA helped convince me to add Zytiga to lupron. They are both considered ADT, either separately or alone.
Currently on an ADT holiday.
ADT selects for stem-like adaptations. Since PCa "stem cells" do not need androgen, they are unaffected by ADT.
So what PCa cells are affected by ADT?
Cells that are dependent on androgen.
But ADT also selects for adaptations whereby PCa cells get by on small amounts of androgen, & for cells that manufacture the androgen that they need.
So what PCa cells exist in an individual bone met? Cells that are dependent on androgen, PCa "stem cells" as you refer to them, All of the above, or only some subset?
Hi 6357axbz,
I know about one young patient who was cured many years ago. His psa level was over 3,500.00 and he had numerous bone metastases. He received early chemotherapy, hormone therapies, radiotherapy, biphosphonate medication and other drugs. I can send details by email. It may be possible to contact him.
Happy New Year!
Thanks for the reply donits. No need to send the details but thank-you fie offering.
My bone mets do not show active disease. I’ve been on Lupron for nearly 6 years, and was on Xtandi for over 4 years. My PSA has been undetectable for over 5 years now. I am still hormone sensitive. I recently stopped Xtandi on the advice of Dr. Sartor due to SE’s of long term use. It was affecting my BP and the risk/reward was not worth it given my status.
The areas where bone mets were have turned into sclerotic or scarred areas so they never truly healed completely. It is possible that there are still dormant cells in these areas, I continue to monitor my PSA closely and could restart Xtandi if needed or Sartor says I could also opt for IMRT if activity is limited.
I continue to use Lupron, Avodart, Metformin and estradiol patches - part of the Snuffy Myers protocol that I’d been on for years.
Listen to Tall_Allen. When I was diagnosed I had one bone tumor on my R. Inferior pubic ramus. The ADT shrank it to the point that it “went invisible “ and did not show up on scans for well over 3 years...until 12/26/19 when it appeared again, along with a few other hot spots. I go back to the Jax Mayo on 1/9 to see what my M.O.’s plan is for treating them.
Hope it is helpful to you. Best wishes! 😎
Just keep on top of it boys. Once we have advanced PC, there is no cure so one must be aware of this and ensure that one gets regular testing and be ready to start anew on HDT, for less is always better.
I have been beyond lucky in terms of many repeated cycles of IHT and still responding.
your right but the good guys are working on it for us, very hard I might add, so they need our support, so please, ALL MEN GO ON DRUG TRIALS IF YOU CAN!!!!
You are right that with the current SOC, there is no cure. Just delay and wait. However, under the right circumstances and with a research approved ultra standard of care, cure is possible. However, there are many factors involved for success. I am most fortunate to be among those cured of metastatic prostrate cancer. Never give up.
Gourd Dancer
I am very happy for you G. As this is the first case I have come across with the results he noted, I and I think many others would sure like to get more details etc. on his various treatments, so that others can share in his extremely good fortune.
Hey 6357axbz,
In an unusual case, not prostate cancer but with bone metastases, Dr. Ruth Heidrich became a vegan after having, I believe, breast cancer leading to a double mastectomy and also metastases to ribs. She refused chemo and radiation. Within a year the metastases were unable to be detected. She has run Ironman events even in her later years. I'm not saying it will work for everyone. Sometimes I think it is more about what happens between our ears than anything else with some people.
I am not sure why these unproven so-called cured cases keep coming up on our site, nor why people put posts on other cancers or whatever onto this site.
This site is for advanced prostate cancer patients, that is what it is for, to inform, to assist with some background and support and to enable a man found in this end stage of the disease to make the best medically approved treatment options by providing information and the knowledge of those of us already in the war.
It is also to offer support and to educate us, provide a voice for us to heard from and in time, hope that it can evolve into an even stronger site where it becomes the gold standard in terms of where to turn when pc advances.
The fact is that there has never been a case where a man was clinically diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and were then cured by any treatment or not.
I do not mean those who never had pc to start with, or for those who may have lucky enough to have had a great response to earlier treatments but for whom, have just bought more time than some with aggressive strains that are like a moving freight train.
Please stop posting these unproven hearsay type statement of a cure, because it does incredible damage to those new to the war and will grab onto anything that offers the magic pill-which as you go along in the war, will find out are nothing but snake oil salesmen
taking advantage of the situation of those less fortunate.
We are all in the war here and having to fight off these type of posts and comments is taking a toll on all of us, so please respect that prior to throwing in useless posts.