Hmm... ADT: Although I may be sexual... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Hmm... ADT: Although I may be sexually dead from the waist down (hopefully for the short term), My mind is still active...

westof profile image
105 Replies

My darling wife of 46 years, APPROVED this post!


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westof profile image
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105 Replies
Kaliber profile image


westof profile image
westof in reply to Kaliber

Hmm.. That's it? No Yayahahahaya?

I guess I have to step up my game!


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to westof

I’m laying low .... I suspect I caused “ another “ thread to collapse ... dang nab it. It was a good post, couple things sprang right to mind yayahahahaya.

My wife and I have been married 43 years as well ... you got to give credit where credit is due ... dunno about you but my wife deserves a medal for her endurance and a years supply of Valium ( running to the cupboard for “ mother’s little helper “ )

😁😁😁😁😁 ✌️

westof profile image
westof in reply to Kaliber

Hmm... I think I know the "thread" you speak of... I thought it was me!!

Remember, we are all brothers and threads can close for a variety of reasons.

In a previous reply I said, "GO FOR IT" !

I don't think any of our brothers will crucify us for a casual verbal misstep.


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to westof

Thanks for that vote of support brother I definitely appreciate it. Yayahahahaya my heart is in the right place , perhaps my lupronized brain not so much. A little of my salty motorcycle enthusiast tude can leak out a bit sometimes ... plays better in some places than others yayahahahaya ya.

I really like brother LuLu ... he and J-O-H-N bail me out all the time. The real definition of “ got yer back “ . Gots to love ‘em ...same with you brother. Quality brothers. I just want to add a little up beat to counter the obvious Debbie downer element that is fundamental with a group like this. John is the champion of making things better, Balance and humor are good things. Good men face to face with mortality but facing it together.

Peace brother , hope you are having a great pre-Christmas. How good is it to get to see one more Christmas ! !


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Kaliber

You see, it's like this.... My wife gave me a choice of:

1. Sex.... or

2. Letting her clean out my ears with a bobby pin..... or

3. Making her laugh.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 12/21/2019 1:33 PM EST

westof profile image
westof in reply to j-o-h-n

Hmm... let me guess, bobby pin? Sorry, cheap shot!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to westof

Wooooooow ..... yayahahahaya bammm, ........good shot tho.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to westof


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/22/2019 1:39 PM EST

westof profile image
westof in reply to j-o-h-n

Hmm... When it comes to humor, I kneel at your altar!


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to westof

Never in front of priest I hope............

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/22/2019 1:49 PM EST

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to j-o-h-n

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya... that made me laugh hard enough , made my side hurt yayahahahaya. Even funnier because it’s both funny and the truth for most of us . 😂

Best Christmas wishes for you and your loved ones brother ...

Peace and holiday happiness ✌️

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to westof

yayahahahaya you sure do....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 12/21/2019 1:18 PM EST

westof profile image

Thanks, at 71, I feel great and my mind may still be semi-functional?!?

Your posts are the ones that really matter.


Tall_Allen profile image

He named his daughter Iodine? I guess it's better than naming her Merthiolate or Praseodymium.

westof profile image
westof in reply to Tall_Allen

LOL, when I was young, Jimmy Hatlo' was in every comic strip tabloid in America!

Keep up your amazing research and enlightenment; you have provided all with questions answered.


depotdoug profile image
depotdoug in reply to Tall_Allen

Or come along little pick squeak.

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Tall_Allen

I like "Betadine" that darling of mine.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Tall_Allen

or mercurochrome...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 12/21/2019 1:43 PM EST

siouxbee19 profile image

For some reason, your post reminded me of "the" other "salacious" post...ROFLOL, spitting tea out my nose...Here I go again! :'D

westof profile image
westof in reply to siouxbee19

Hmm... Hey Sioux, are you referring to my last post "Penis Fish" (salacious?) I give it my best shot! LOL


siouxbee19 profile image
siouxbee19 in reply to westof

Salacious was the first thing that popped up! 😂

in reply to siouxbee19

The beaches of Pt. Reyes National Seshore are something to behold . Limatour was my favorite .. I grew up in Marin just over the hill .My dad would take me out Johnson’s oyster farm . Then to limatour , pop those babies on the bar b que , in ten minutes they’d pop open a splash of bbq sauce and a steak .. mmmmmm memories ..Thanks Siouxbee 😎

ctarleton profile image
ctarleton in reply to

I fondly remember trips to Limantour beach in the middle decades of my life. Pick up some good wine and brie and other snacks on the way there. Spread a blanket, get the sand chairs set up, slather on some sun screen, and just "BE" there for the total experience on a sunny day.


in reply to ctarleton

Fantastic . Thanks

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

The wifey is taking me over to nearby Monterey Tides for a few days for Christmas... I plan on sucking up all the fresh seafood I can. We recently watched the squid harvest right there in the bay .... seemingly endless semi- truckloads of tentacles and tubes day and night. Harbor all lit up at night with commercial squid boats , quite a light show.

Eating at Phil’s Fish Market on Moss Landing is a trip, you can pick it still wiggling off the ice in the front cases if you want yayahahahaya oftentimes headache inducing cornball bands and sitting in a giant barn at communal tables with strangers ... it’s a trip. Yayahahahaya he was on one of the Bobby Flay episodes. a little different from your droll pier 39 - fisherman’s wharf experience. Tides is affordable and immediately on the beach .. you can sit in deck chairs on the ground level and have high tide waves splash up on you. I like to get a pitcher of absolute Mary’s and go sit on the spa deck in the jacuzzi or pool. Huge cozy lounge with giant fireplace , watch whales breech out the windows. The Cioppino in their restaurant is amazing ... also watch dolphins and whales from the windows at your table. The millennials have found it now and it’s on social media , it’s changed the ambiance a bit but not in a bad way. Taking off the day after Christmas. We’ve been going there for over thirty years .... it’s changed over the years but sleeping at the beach is never boring.

Gonna drive up to grant grove in Kings Canyon Monday ... only about 45 miles from here ... see the snow and eat in the newly rebuilt main lodge restaurant. Get some use from my old farts poppy park pass. Used to do a lot of snowshoeing snow play every winter up there ....used to walk the snowshoe tours too .... not happening any more unfortunately. Wife trying to get the most from her Christmas vacation time from work. Hope I’m up to all of it. Looking forward to trying for sure.

Later gator

in reply to Kaliber

Cioppino ? My mouth is watering ! Bon appitito ! I was camping with dad about 40 years ago in Kings Canyon . The bears were out in force then . Trees to heaven . Wonderful Enjoy .

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

We camped out there many times back when the two daughters were young, in a small motor home. In the 80s. Chilly fragrant mountain morning air, fresh camp coffee, bacon and eggs .... BIG trees .... wow. You never get tired of that ... well the girls eventually did I guess yayahahahaya

A truck with a large bear cage patrolled the different camp grounds ... never saw a bear back then. Heard there are lots of them these days tho. Can actually rip the door right off your car. All the sites had bear proof food safes and garbage dumpsters back then.

I like my Cioppino best “ without “ the messy forest of snow crabs legs sticking out of it. Give me more clams , mussels , popcorn shrimp and a well simmered tomato wine heavy fish sauce base. Oh yea ... Yayahahaha.

Phil’s Fish Market’s cioppino, the one he had the Bobby Flay shoot out with ( video on YouTube ) and won, they sell it literally in buckets to take home .. that one has a fish soup base with a flavor reminiscent of an acidic lobster boil base .... delicious but not my own personal first choice. Plus Phil goes crab leg crazy when in season too.

in reply to Kaliber

You are killing me man😂

Danielgreer profile image

Hi westof, lol! I love the cartoon! It’s like a time capsule! And really like the dancing bear too!

westof profile image
westof in reply to Danielgreer

Hmm... Just curious, How old are you and how do you relate to the "dancing bear"?


Danielgreer profile image
Danielgreer in reply to westof

Hi westof, I’m 59 and love the Grateful Dead! How about you? Is that why you have the dancing bear?

westof profile image
westof in reply to Danielgreer

Hey Dan, My first concert was at the Fillmore East in 69 (after Woodstock, they were a disaster!) and they blew me away.

A year later they played the Brooklyn 46th street theater and nobody came(maybe 2-3 hundred)!

They played the usual 3 sets (2nd with the New Riders), however, after the 1st set (with the doors wide open, I went across the street to grab a beer at a local bar).

A few minutes later "Pigpen" sat next to me and ordered 2 double "Jacks".

We spoke for awhile and when the checks came I decided to cover both ( being the sport that I was). Maybe, $10 including tip. I had taken a year off from school and was working.

We hit it off and he invited me to come backstage.

Long story short: I mingled, took a few complimentary "hits" and ended up sitting on an AMP for the rest of the concert, facing the audience.

Hmm... I wonder what they were thinking?

Me, with my long hair, green Army jacket and a shit eating grin.


Danielgreer profile image
Danielgreer in reply to westof

That’s a nice memory. I can’t rival that but I had first row seats in 1978 in Carbondale IL when I was in college. Also, I saw Jerry’s last show at Soldier Field in Chicago and it was the last time I dropped acid! My wife is a recovering Dead head. She saw them 150 times! I was even close to that.

westof profile image
westof in reply to Danielgreer

Just read your 1st post.

Keep hitting them "long and straight"

Golf is great therapy!


in reply to westof

That Pigpen story is absolutely legendary! I would have loved to see the Dead in those early years. My first show was Anaheim Stadium in 1987. I was 17 and instantly hooked on them. Cheers!

Patrick-Turner profile image

I'm 72, and ADT has chemically castrated me now for 10 years since I was 62, when it was 3 years after the last sex I had with a female.

Good "vibrant intimacy" requires the partners to have fully working minds and bodies, and Pca treatment with ADT over a long time exterminates any ability for any kind of pleasure for a man, and his Rodger is just a drain pipe.

His desire often remains, but there are zero women over 50 who I know who want sex and most can't handle any presence of males or male things in their lives any more, even though at say 30 years before they all seemed to want sex more than men.

I now prefer to ride a bicycle than try to ride a woman. Best I could do now is a well done Muff Dive, but most older ladies have terrible trouble with their sex parts and their self esteem when naked that intimacy is impossible with anyone.

I have seen men get diagnosed with Pca, and wife leaves, because she knows sex is over.

So Pca tests love and commitment. But then I have seen a pile of fully sexed oldies leave each other to begin with someone else despite the expense and trouble over a divorce. At least I had enough sex to not make me feel deprived after getting Pca. I really don't mind being single, and not having one single female friend, and not having had any kids or family life after a wife vamoosed in 1978. There is much contentment to be had without all the gaming of each other than goes on in relationships. Marriage and sex can create a blissful existence, but it never lasted long for me. If ever I tried to make it work by communication I was condemned as a "control freak", or a "manipulator", or some other feminist jargon thing and so all deep and meaningful conversations were likely to turn into an argument and no man wins arguments with women.

I have dreams and visions of what might be possible to be with a woman, but the real world will never allow realization of such things.

So I am nice to all the ladies I meet, most of whom are with a man, and with no plans to desert him, but it is a crazy the idea that I'll ever again be invited to a woman's bed with purpose being Temporary Pussy Destruction.

Maybe we had 40C or 104F here today. Definitely hot enough. and the idea of a hot summer afternoon of TPD is just ridiculous.

I had a cycle ride to café this am early before it got hot, and a waitress of 20 smiled at me and that was quite enough.

Patrick Turner.

depotdoug profile image

Yeh, Where have all the flowers gone. Oh that’s an old song. Really where have all the good good comics gone?

Or where have all the good TV comedies gone.

in reply to depotdoug

Not even a good late night comic show any more . Come on Hollywood ? Give us something better ..? It Carson the king the I loved letterman . Now nothing? Take care Doug .🎄

depotdoug profile image

I’m 67.75 yo been married 43.6 yrs. That’s a mouthful of years together.

I’ve seen, visually spotted females (young ladies) at my Fitness go to places that swayed my attention away from Elliptically working out, or I almost dropped my Weight Plates, or embarrassingly bumped into a wall. Just starring at a physically fit babe shouldn’t happen without Testosterone hormones.. what do you men think?

tsim profile image
tsim in reply to depotdoug

Good for you, I noticed I only did that while I was on Lupron, now that I'm off and T is coming back I have no problem multitasking.:)

depotdoug profile image
depotdoug in reply to tsim

Ok, I'm on 2nd 90 days Lupron dose. 11 days in if that makes sense.

And 4 days into Gen Zytiga( you know Abiraterone) 250mg. No changes in my opposite sex visual sighting ability yet. It wont be long.

VictoryPC profile image
VictoryPC in reply to depotdoug

Testosterone also comes from the Brain...

depotdoug profile image
depotdoug in reply to VictoryPC

How does one reduce brain T-Levels or is that not a good idea??

VictoryPC profile image
VictoryPC in reply to depotdoug

That crap LUPRON will do that.. Horrible.

in reply to depotdoug

You are still a man . Attracted to what has always been attractive to you .. When we see a young good looking man or women we must praise that youth and exuberance ...

dadzone43 profile image

Bravo both. Attitude remains a principal part of our struggle.

lincolnj8 profile image

And more ice cream. Chocolate chip please

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to lincolnj8

I second the motion......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 12/21/2019 1:16 PM EST

Currumpaw profile image

Hey westof!

Thanx and a Tip of the Hat!

Bittersweet memories of learning to read sitting on my grandfather's lap while he explained the letters and how they were combined to make words while reading the "Funnies". He sat in his rocking chair in the kitchen after a day as a master carpenter, drinking his one beer and smoking a real Camel! My grandmother would be occupied finishing cooking.

In response to Patrick Turner.

The relationship they had would be unusual today. Loyal, loving, sharing --no Twitter, no Instagram, no butt exercises and pictures of the butt posted.

Life was simpler but richer with more meaning rather than possessions.

The only power tool he owned was an electric drill. He was known for his ability to sharpen hand saws.

He made a good living, drove a black Lincoln to work, had a television housed in an ornate piece of furniture with a record player on one side! They had a large garden and grew almost all the vegetables needed for the year as my grandmother canned many of them. They were upper middle class living the dream.


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Currumpaw

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

J-o-h-n Saturday 12/21/2019 12:25 PM EST

in reply to j-o-h-n

I loved that song as a kid ,not knowing the meaning until now . Thanks. j-o-h-n !

in reply to Currumpaw

That’s a great reflection on a different era . My grandpa Glen Jones of Loveland Colorado built hand made venitian blinds for a living in his small garage . No power tools . I have a couple of his saws and tools . Grandma was tending the garden and canning also . No TVs he was a tenor and sang often . Dad played the trumpet .. Grandpa passed of a heart attach at 58 ... That was average then . A simpler way of life .. ✌️

Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to

Hey Lulu700!

Venetian blinds with a hand saw! Do you have any of his blinds? A museum might be very interested.

What would people today do today if the rarely mentioned EMP, electromagnetic pulse, shut down all electronics? An engine with points and a condenser in the distributor would run. The other equipment and cars would be useless.

Imagine felling a tree as it was done years ago for fuel to heat a home! Candles? Running water? Dig a latrine! Or a very deep hole and build a structure over the hole with a bench in it to sit upon that oddly has holes in the bench and even a smaller hole.

No glyphosates in your vegetables if your lucky and the woodland creatures and bugs don't eat them.

Imagine not having air conditioning!

The education at home in those days? My mother was taught to say the alphabet backwards as fast as she could say it forwards. Her first grade teacher got a surprise! "Now do you want me to say the alphabet frontwards?".


Jimhoy profile image

So I was at the gym the other day and there was a beautiful young lady there working out.

The sweat made her shorts and teeshirt cling nicely to her tight abs and every crease and crevice!!! Her nipples were perky and I must say... absolutely, spectacular!!!

I had to get a closer look so I decided to talk to her!!! I walked up and said “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..... are you making any NY’s resolutions for 2020?”!!!

She said “screw you”!!!

So I got that to look forward to!!!!

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Jimhoy

Funny....... (writing that one down)....Thanks

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

J-o-h-n Saturday 12/21/2019 12:12 PM EST

in reply to Jimhoy

Unfortunate when physical beauty is not translated to the personality within . Beauty is only skin deep for some . 😫

westof profile image
westof in reply to

Amen, Scott!

j-o-h-n profile image

ENT doctor to patient: "Start drinking this glass of milk while I tell you jokes. When it squirts out of your nose, you're cured."

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

J-o-h-n Saturday 12/21/2019 12:20 PM EST

in reply to j-o-h-n

Coca Cola used to work for me.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to

I think you meant Coke..... usually in not out...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/22/2019 1:42 PM EST

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to j-o-h-n

Yea ....... when you squirt cola out your nose , it washes out the $45 each boogers ..... I hate it when that happens.


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Kaliber

hahahaha..... me too..........(keep that hanky handy)...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 12/23/2019 9:45 PM EST

VictoryPC profile image

TRIMIX..It will raise the dead.................

westof profile image
westof in reply to VictoryPC

Hmm...Does it come in pill form or do you need an injection?

VictoryPC profile image
VictoryPC in reply to westof

They have topicals but the injections are easy and fabulous. Been using it for 4 years. The absolute best. Better than when I was 18.

westof profile image
westof in reply to VictoryPC

Thanks!! My urologist suggested this, but I was hesitant.

Making an appointment on Monday!


in reply to VictoryPC

What??? That’s awesome got you. Trim ex eh?? Hmmm 🤔

j-o-h-n profile image

I second the notion......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 12/21/2019 1:14 PM EST

MerryChristmas Mr Allen . I thank you for helping so many . Thanks for your time brother . 🎄

addicted2cycling profile image

What does a guy (ME) who is waking up in the recovery room after his bilateral orchiectomy say to the nurse who asks --

"How are you feeling sweetie?"

me in my best feminine Soprano voice --

"Very well thank you and how are you love?"

carbide profile image

I heard that we are imprinted.

I still look 😉👌

westof profile image
westof in reply to carbide

Hmm... I looked up imprinted. Please expand your thoughts.


Cisco99 profile image
Cisco99 in reply to westof

Konrad Lorenz set up an experiment in which ducklings were hatched next to a ping pong ball. They followed the ping pong ball all their lives -- as their mother.

They were imprinted by the ping pong ball. Sometimes ducklings saw LORENZ as their mother -- see pic.

Tim Leary later used the word to describe what happens to people in a psychedelic experience. Whatever people think, it resets them -- even if it's a bad trip. For the rest of your life, or until you trip again, you will be a new-ish person, redesigned to contain the lessons of the trip.

Kaliber profile image

Right on brother LuLu ... I feel pretty good myself at the good fortune of making one more Christmas and in not too awful condition ... it’s a heck of a gift. Even better with all of you guys and gals here that understand it the same.

Wanted to wish you, your lovely lady and family ,if you have some , a merry Christmas brother. I know we all appreciate this differently than we used to . It’s a little happy .. a little sad .. kewl to be able know them both. Change is the only stable thing anyone can expect from life.

Peace brother 🎅

in reply to Kaliber

We must evolve! Whoo hoo we’ve made another one..Thanks for the kindness.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Uh ... huh .... you bad brother .... bad to the bone. Interestingly I definitely get that perspective as well. Yayahahahaya. Still it’s Christmas, maybe Santa will bring me a shiny new Corvette yayahahahaya.

Peace brother LuLu ✌️

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Since I’m an ordained Zen Buddhist, Celebration of Christmas in the religious sense is not something I participate in here. Of course it’s a Christian religious holiday for many who see it that way ..... Buddhism is a very open accepting kind of religion and we are happy for all religions to exist , flourish and be themselves as they wish.

This Christmas is more of a milestone celebration for me, I’m happy to be here and happy that my wife is happy that I’m still here as well.

Usually I wish everyone a happy holiday season , rather than saying merry Christmas. .... this being a figurative expression, not religious. I forget this and screw up sometimes and people can’t read my thoughts. So many other religions exist out there, I wouldn’t want to insult or disrespect people’s religious views by saying merry Christmas yayahahaha I know this isn’t politically correct lately .... you’re danged if you do and danged if you don’t... can’t win. Yayahahaha whatever

Peace brother ✌️

westof profile image
westof in reply to Kaliber

Hmm... Really, "ordained Zen Buddhist"? Wow, that came out left field!

However, that being said...

Merry Christmas Brother!!

Ok, so I'm not pc, just happen to have PC!


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to westof

I’ve mentioned it a bit here. 35 years formal Soto Zen training , A member of Shasta Abbey Soto Zen monastery 15 - 20 years.... I was ordained a lay minister and worked for the monastery for many years, conducted the local meditation group etc. , retired about 18 years ago. Lay ministers are married ordained members that do not live in the monastery ( the monastery is celibate ) . more like a deacon in the Catholic Church but stronger minister level .

A lot of variety here in the group eh ? Yayahaha ya yayahahaha

With palms clasped brother

westof profile image
westof in reply to Kaliber

Hmm... All kidding aside, I respect your commitment and dedication.



Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to westof

Thank you brother westof , sitting and staring at a wall in shikantaza meditation for twenty or thirty years takes a lot of hard work and dedication yayahahahaya

Of course Christmas is a Christian holiday, Hanukkah , for the Jewish faith, etc. .... as a Buddhist I respect them all. My father in law was a deacon in the Catholic Church and never tired of calling me a pagan .... I suspect all bible based religions are the same in that respect. I’m totally good with that yayahahahaya, I Very much deeply respect their right to their own religious views and beliefs....

I “ moved on “ past all the trappings and man made religious structure long ago. I still have the robes, rakusu etc .... but , in my view, the presence of god ( if you will ) is non changing and present everywhere , in all things at all times. A monastery is an important place for many on their path of training but only a ( long ) stop along the way for me. The presence of god ( if you will, Buddhist don’t have a supreme being , The Buddha was only a regular guy like you and me ) is just as Permeating here in my back yard as it is anywhere else on earth. After a while ( decades ? ) You realize you can’t close your eyes or mind and turn away from the presence of that which is the eternal. Like many things , once “ seen “ it cannot be undone.

So I’m sitting here in my Jacuzzi immersed in the presence of that which is the eternal ... writing this while enjoying my morning Jamblu coffee and cinnamon toast for my metformin pill. This seems irreverent.... or then again ...does it ? Yayahahahaya.

Disclaimer: I speak only of my own views and understanding here , in no way is this intended to represent anything else or proselytization . Soto Zen Buddhists do not proselytize. This is of me and only me.

Peace brother westof 💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️

in reply to westof

Me too! That’s awesome dedication .

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to


And 53 years not ever sick really .

Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to

Hey Lulu700!

I was exceptional. No more. An elderly doctor --------let's just say that a doctor, a friend, went ballistic when I told him what his elderly peer had done and a radiologist blurted out that I should sue. Can't undo what has been done sometimes. Same type of comments from all medical people.


westof profile image

Hmm... Hey Scott, you were one gutsy young man!!

I'm just guessing that those youthful qualities, have carried over to the present day.

You define guts!



lincolnj8 profile image

When I do ice cream, it's on sale

I have a fondness for iodoral, an iodine supplement that I've posted about.

in reply to

Good for the blood ?sorry that I missed that post . What’s it good for?

in reply to


in reply to

Mama Mia!😫

in reply to

Dupuytren's too. Xiaflex is used to treat both disorders but didn't work for me. Patrick mentioned his success treating dupuytren's with iodoral and that got me clued in. And to think that some people scoff at supplements.

Cisco99 profile image

I find I still like looking at people. Just cain't do nuthin.

westof profile image
westof in reply to Cisco99

Hmm... Brother Cisco. I have read many of your posts and admire your writing style and the way that you express your thoughts.

However, at this time I can't relate to the pain that you are feeling. My time for that may be further along the road.

You can rely on the members of this forum, to provide help and assistance to the best of our collective abilities.

Is there a local support group that you can meet with and try to sort things out, face to face?

Just a thought...



Kaliber profile image

Yes yes just thinking about abalone makes my mouth water. Commercial fishing was banned back in the 90s I think ( gotta feed those furry sea otters ) ... and even the seasonal private sport fishing continues to be closed up until 2021 or so, so far.

Right there under the commercial pier ( the one you can drive on ) there is a commercial abalone farm and they have a small store right there on the back commercial fish pier , near the large commercial fresh fish market , called simply “ abalone store “ , you can’t miss the small store front, it has a large sign. About $30 a pound a couple months ago. They have a few lined up in iced pans when you go in and can always go downstairs and get more yayahahahaya. Yummmmmmm. Yummmmmmm.

An Asian friend turned me onto those canned farmed abalone from Chung Chow City ( a San Francisco China Town located business ) on Amazon. Around $20 a can with 3 or 4 small medium seasoned soles. They are pretty good , same as most canned seafood ... they get 5 perfect feedback stars on Amazon. I thought they were pretty good when properly scored and pounded the heck out of in heavy duty plastic wrap. I like it two ways, cooked traditionally , lightly seasoned flowered in butter with minced garlic .... and it’s best raw of course but hard to lose the rubbery part without pounding it squishy yayahahahaya.

Monterey pier , the one you walk on , has a restaurant called Abalonetti , about half way down the pier that has amazing fresh seafood, including abalone ... you have to ask for it and ask how much since it’s seasonal pricing. Expensive for sure but OMG delicious. Probably similar to a large lobster tail.

Monterey is such a treasure for fresh seafood .... staggeringly large and diverse amounts come from right there in the bay ( calamari doesn’t get and fresher than wriggling on your plate ) it’ll drive you crazy with hunger lust.

I guess you can tell I get seriously into fresh seafood . Monterey goes overboard ( pun ) to make it happen. Add in the fact that Monterey area is the salad green and artichoke capital of the world ..... salad city ( Monterey - Salinas ) with Monterey bay seafood .... oh yea brother , It’ll make your tummy smile. 😁😁😁😁😁

in reply to Kaliber

I’ll try amazon ! In the meantime I’m dreaming of Abalonetti. Artichokes fresh sour dough. Mmmm.. enjoy

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Kaliber in reply to

the main point here being that from Prescott to Monterey is half the distance from Prescott to NOLA ..... if you think about it.

If you wanted to have a world class easy kayaking experience in the Moro Bay estuary, you look physically able ( fit in a kayak well ) , I can cue you into that too and even link you to my Moro Bay kayaking photos. It’s very easy ocean tides kayaking and needs very little planning with the tide tables and launch locations ( rentals and launch dock very inexpensive ) . Chucking in a massive stinky musky elephant seal nearby side trip ...... nice way to relive a bit of the Marin experience in a new way ... a nice cool wet break from hot cacti land this summer.

Just say’in brother ....

( both these destinations are work locations for my wife’s medical field rep job ... I’m there many times a year on the company dime yayahahahaya . Over the years I took many people to the estuary experience, i had quite a nice trailered kayak setup back then. I know what’s needed to make it easy and exciting )

in reply to Kaliber

Sounds like a dream to us..

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Kaliber in reply to

When you are over there baking in the heat this summer , and if you feel well enough ... you could think about a trip there in May, June or July sometime. Relive your younger Marin days and put on about 20 pounds yayahahahaya. Something to Put on the bucket list .

Peace brother ✌️

in reply to Kaliber

We surely will be up to the bay to visit family .

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Kaliber in reply to

The Bay Area is magic. You can literally feel it when you drive up 5 from farm town Fresno. The negative ions or something. Excitement- electricity in the air..... wonderful. Got my new supply of Xtandi , finally, and now I can head over to Monterey for a few days myself. Our gift to each other this year. Some Absolute Mary’s, Montrachet to wash down all the fresh Monterey Bay goodies I can woof down yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. Yea maaaaaann .....

Have a good one brother LuLu

in reply to Kaliber

Si Senor !

addicted2cycling profile image

Thanks much. HUGE difference for myself compared to most (all???) others is that "I've NEVER had an issue" with the boys being gone. Not once have I regretted having castration or had self worth issues. It will be 5 years in April that I proudly and willingly joined the UEC as in Unique Eunuch Club. ;0)


in reply to addicted2cycling

A unique club to be in. I don’t regret it either. Take care

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