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Asteroid Bearing the Name of Superstar Ted Nugent Makes Its Way Toward Earth

Cisco99 profile image
32 Replies

At various points in my disease I have coldly contemplated taking my life. You know what I'm talking about -- when it gets really bad, maybe you can limp to a cliff and jump off it. To save your family the misery. To save yourself the misery. To save the bucks so your family will be left with something. About once a month I am fascinated by the prospect of "walking off the job." It's no good of course -- you will just give your loved ones nightmares for life! That's when I heard about Asteroid Ted Nugent ...

Suicide is still illegal in some states.

Life insurance companies will deny your claim.

Then there is the problem encountered

in murder mysteries, what to do with the body.

If you have loved ones you do not want to leave

a mess.

You don’t want them to open the door and see you.

There must be a way.

You could step off the curb and dive

under a bus,

But that would be so mean to the driver,

To his wife and child.

They will never get over it.

There is the possibility of well-meaning intervention.

A cop with a bullhorn might talk you out of it.

Or you attack a squad car like you are on angel dust

and instead of shooting you down

the cop takes you home for meatloaf and pie.

Play golf in an electrical storm.

Teeing off on the eleventh hole

and lightning taps you on the shoulder to cut in.

Your friends would remark how you loved that

damn game.

You could change your mind about all this,

Then a suicide bomber steps into the store.

You T-bone a car at the mall and out steps Death,

all bloody in his hoodie,

a 48-oz Big Gulp in one hand.

Death expires.

What happens then?

Time passes.

The predicament deepens.

You pay a killer to take you out, without saying

where or when.

Make it look like an accident, you say.

Years pass, and you see his name in the obits

And write a check to the charity he loved.

Remembering you are allergic to bee stings,

you wade into a honeysuckle bush,

But the bees that swarmed there last summer

are gone,

killed off by neonicotinoids.

You dream every night abut relief.

A swooping roc from the Arabian Nights

snatches you in its talons

and carries you off to its nest beyond


Where its hungry young are waiting.

In your misery you shake your fist at God

and lift a revolver to your temple.

A band of winged babies appear out of nowhere, with sashes,

and assume you bodily into heaven.

You demand an explanation.

One baby explains, They are running a promotion today,

And you’re the lucky number.

You think today might be the day, and high in the sky

you see a bright light bearing down on the earth.

It is an asteroid named Ted Nugent by

whimsical astronomers.

Ted has been arcing across the galaxy for 4 million years

And on its face is etched your name.

The asteroid’s purpose is to find you and put you out of your pain,

Per your request.

But the asteroid won’t just tag you --

The oceans will rise, the earth’s crust

will cave in like an aluminum can,

Fire will rain down on every zipcode,

Everyone will perish, humans and beasts,

bodies crushed in closing fissures.

The world will be extinguished

And frantic crowds about to be swallowed up

nevertheless turn toward you and ask,

What did you do?

How did you make this happen?

Why are WE getting dragged down along with YOU?

Written by
Cisco99 profile image
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32 Replies
westof profile image

Hmm... I love waking up on a Sunday morning to sheer, unadulterated optimism!

You omitted the gold standard: Cyanide pill!


in reply to westof

Good thing I didn’t have a pill when I had those dark thoughts..

Captain_Dave profile image

I once read that if a person commits suicide, they don't end the pain, they just give it to another person.

westof profile image
westof in reply to Captain_Dave

Hmm... Well said. Look around you and see how many lives will be impacted. Especially those who truly love you.


Cisco99 profile image
Cisco99 in reply to westof

I know this well. My daughter took her life 10 years ago. It flattened us all flatter than paper -- for years.

But I do feel argumentative about people in end-stage. If you tell family members what you might do some day, and assure them of your love and gratitude, and tell them they are not to be any more mournful that if you die by natural causes -- it seems to be more OK to me.

Many things go unsaid about cancer death. That extra burst of morphine that takes a suffering patient away. Doctors and nurses don't talk about it, but it is a common mercy. We write about this in our living wills.

Then there is assisted suicide.

westof profile image
westof in reply to Cisco99

Hmm... No rebuttal. We are all different and I have never walked in your shoes!

Why don't you grab your sticks, tee up and try to shoot your age (leave the umbrella in your bag) and pray for many more rounds.


in reply to Cisco99

So sorry to hear that Cisco ...

in reply to Cisco99

Can we agree that death is merciful when the suffering is great to bear?

Danielgreer profile image

Hi Cisco, I’m guessing that we’ve all though about a way out at some point, even if not completely serious about it, although maybe not the Ted part. Is the metaphor of the frantic crowd mean that we are reminding the crowd that they will all suffer and die like us?

Cisco99 profile image
Cisco99 in reply to Danielgreer

I wrote this two years ago, so I seem to be hanging in there! What troubles je more than anything is that, the longer I live, the more I eat up of a very meager "fortune." If I took myself out, it would be to set money aside for my disabled son. To work all those years and squander the savings on extending a pretty miserable life -- I struggle with that.

Danielgreer profile image
Danielgreer in reply to Cisco99

Hi Cisco, I somewhat understand your thinking. Although I’m guessing that I’m not as far along as you quite yet so it’s hard for me to completely understand. I’m concerned that your disable son needs you and if you were to do something he would be put in a difficult situation? If so, you do have something/someone to live for.

in reply to Cisco99

I can relate ..

in reply to Cisco99

Whoooa. ...I am almost positive most men while in the jaws of a tenuous APC contemplate taking matters into their own hands.. many do , many don’t make it to HU. The fact that you are here sharing this private writing bodes well for you .. I too was in a bad place two years back .. if we can at our lowest point understand that all human emotions are fleeting and not permanent ..Joy and pain both.Neither last for ever...

noirhole profile image

My wife would kill me!

Cisco99 profile image
Cisco99 in reply to noirhole


in reply to noirhole


Cisco99 profile image


Murph256 profile image

I’ve gone through all the machinations and calculations, and I’ll be damned if I can figure an easy way out of all of this.

Hang in there. Its never as bad as it seems during your worst moods.

in reply to Murph256

Ain’t no easy way out... we’re here to suffer and prove how much we can take. That said , better to

Always find a silver lining in the storm ..

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to

There are indeed EASY AND PERSONALLY PAINLESS ways to "exit stage right." Have discussed matters with wife of 46 years and kids.

Cisco99 profile image
Cisco99 in reply to addicted2cycling

I was thinking maybe a microwave oven "accident."

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to Cisco99

A MICROWAVE oven big enough for a recliner as one goes round and round.

I've hit the sack with the thought 'I wouldn't mind dying in my sleep tonight'. Don't live in an assisted suicide state but might wish I did if things got really bad. At least those were the thoughts in the weeks immediately after diagnosis. Just living life these days and wondering how I could improve my poker game. I'll be 70 soon and it doesn't get any easier. The thrill of the final table and the agony of the early walk of shame away from the tables. Maybe I should 'sell some action' at the WSOP. With my record ... that's a joke.

j-o-h-n profile image

I shot my twin brother in a botched suicide attempt.............

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 12/16/2019 7:01 PM EST

in reply to j-o-h-n

You might take a small arms class.. poor twin

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to

In the army we called it a "short arm inspection".....Catch my drift?

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/18/2019 4:34 PM EST

in reply to j-o-h-n

😂I do!

Yo Cisco! Fantastico! Words from one that’s lived the APC fiasco.. I’ve hung from that cliff , thought about that bus. Some how my mind has abandoned those thoughts. Too much damage to the loved ones left behind ... There is a Japanese saying” A man is not a man until he’s contemplated suicide” well? I guess I’m a man then. Thinking about it and doing it , is two different things. In one of my tri-monthly drug testing appearance s , They always ask me a barrage of mental health questions . This time I answered Yes, I’ve had thoughts . How often? Everyday my answer. Next thing i know theyre telling

Me to wait here , a social worker is on the way . I told them I refuse the social worker . They called them

Off. Two young nurses were there with me. They asked what happened? I told them . They both told me that each one of them thinks about ( it) suicide everyday at work . We all had a great laugh . Thanks for bringing the truth and your word mastery to us . I loved it 😂

Cisco99 profile image

In every way an admirable person! I liked "Journey to the Center of your Mind" ... 50 years ago.

You look a bit like Jerry Springer in the photo!

Cisco99 profile image

I blame the quaaludes

in reply to Cisco99

They took a lot of folks out by crashing their cars . That stopped the production ..

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