This is my good luck charm, my black cat.
Happy Halloween: This is my good luck... - Advanced Prostate...
Happy Halloween

Her eyes are bold and beautiful !!
It is a boy
And probably shares something with most of us?
Not prostate cancer but can get cancer like us, one of the other cats has had skin cancer and had it removed. He is still cancer free today but keep a close eye on him.
Beautiful kitty!
He is my cuddle buddy, my support cat, the one that I hugged and cried for 5 minutes when I first got the news 2 years ago. All my 5 cats are my support team along with a friend who shares my house for the past 20 years.
A formidable looking beast!
Handsome guy!
We have eight of cats.
The Mama and Papa came with our house...just hanging out as semi wild cats that we decided to feed.
We were amazed at how quickly two turned into eight.🤔 Coyotes got two, otherwise we would have ten.
We live "out in the woods "in a swampy area. The cats do a great job with the rats and snakes...keeping those critters away from the house.
Except when they decide to bring one or the other to us as gifts.😆
All are fixed now and all are family.
Take Care,
Does he ever bake biscuits or knead your lap?
Have a mice day...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 11/01/2019 1:10 PM DST
Love him. She looks just like my Sookie. Keep her safe inside from people who have diabolical schemes about sacrificing such cats at Satanic rituals. Sad to say that the last statement may seem bizarre but there are newspaper reports of such Events.