We have an opportunity for stage I, II, or III patients who are currently on hormone therapy for in-person interviews in NYC on November 14th. The purpose of the interviews is for a healthcare company to learn more about prostate cancer through the experiences of a patient. Participants are paid $175 for the 60 minute interviews, plus $200 for an optional assignment. Additional stipend may be provided for parking, tolls or transportation. There are also openings for those not living in the area of NYC for phone interviews ($125 paid) If you are interested in learning more, please complete this registration. research.net/r/Malecare . If you qualify based on criteria for the study, you will receive a call from Pillar Patient Advocates to review further details. Malecare will receive a donation of $100 for anyone who participates through this communication. Please click on research.net/r/Malecare to register.
$175 for interview plus $200 for foll... - Advanced Prostate...
$175 for interview plus $200 for follow-up

Hi Darryl,
I'm curious to know who Pillar Patient Advocates is and what is their business model.
There are groups, secretly created by big pharmaceutical companies, that call themselves "patient advocates". They advocate, for example, to prevent or eliminate price controls on drugs so that patients can "get access to life saving drugs". They've got money for websites and patient recruitment furnished to them by drug companies.
An example of this kind of "patient advocates" group is "Patients Rising" ( patientsrising.org/ ) See: healthnewsreview.org/2016/0... for a different view of what "Patients Rising" really is.
It's something to think about.
You’ll find a couple of articles In Bloomberg magazine about the pharma fakes. Search for articles by ben Elgin I’m quoted in one of them
Thanks. Here are some of what I found:
Sheriffs’ Ads Slammed Drug Imports, and Big Pharma Helped Pay the Tab
Pharma-Funded Charity Touted ‘Higher Profits’ for Drugmakers
Pharma’s Secret to Lobbying for Higher Drug Prices?

It’s just a patient referral business for marketing companies. I don’t know precisely why she chose that name.
We live in a complicated society. I can find hints and clues about Pillar in LinkedIn and elsewhere, but getting a clear picture of where their money comes from and what they do in return for it is not easy.
My provisional recommendation to our forum members is - go ahead and contact them if desired. The money is good and it helps Malecare too. However, be aware that, without knowing more about what's going on, signing petitions or engaging in advocacy at the behest of Pillar may promote an agenda that profits drug companies instead of patients.
If Pillar wishes to respond to that, I'm all ears.
This is a single employee operation who makes her money getting referrals and subjects for a marketing company. Nothing more complex than that. You can read more here research.net/r/pillarpatien...
I just completed an interview last Friday that was arranged by a woman named Hallie from Pillar. I was given a date and time for the interview (1 hour). The interviewer asked my opinions about marketing statements that promoted "Product X", that they may use in a product marketing brochure. That's all there was to it. No petitions or advocacy. I didn't see anything sinister in it. I'm supposed to get a check for $125.00. I filled out their registration form a few months ago. At that time I didn't qualify for the survey they had available. They contacted me again 2 weeks ago and set me up for the one last Friday. I don't know if it's the same interview that is the subject of Darryl's post.
I don't need a long interview. "All longterm ADT is destructive and totally sucks."
I have had 4 1 hour interviews arranged by Pillar. You use your phone and they show slides of questions on your computer and ask your opinion. No right or wrong answers. They mostly seemed to be to help them design patient pamphlets and possibly how to get patient to nudge dr. towards that treatment. One was definitely for Erleada. Last was for parp inhibitor, for sure. Not sure which one, don't know a lot about that subject. Doesn't matter. They are just trying phrases to use in advertising. One was actually by web cam with a very nice looking young lady. They sent me a free $20 web cam because I didn't have one. 3 paid $100 each, last one $125. Get your check in about a week. $100 for an hour is attractive to someone whose only income is SSA. Or if you're bored. If you want to, jump in, the water's fine.
Of course I am Stage IV, and apparently they have surveys for caregivers sometimes. You may be able to register and have an interview in the future. I had 2 in one week. Just guessing here.