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entering testing for novel approach to killing castration-resistant prostate cancer

George71 profile image
14 Replies


"A team of researchers from FIU’s Biomolecular Sciences Institute will soon expand tests of their novel approach to killing castration-resistant prostate cancer by cutting off its ability to repair damage to its own DNA."


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George71 profile image
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14 Replies
NPfisherman profile image

So it sounds like they have a compound ready for trial after 4 years....this is the real issue---castrate resistant PCA--the real killer---with Arvinas new drug--an AR degrader rather than blocker, the new macrophage drugs--1 in Phase1/2 in Europe, the much improved scans over the last few years with the fibrinogen activation protein scan coming which should detect PCa while PSA is "undetectable", as well as Lu-177/Ac-225 and Alpha Tau's new dart and injection.....We are getting there on making this into a chronic disease and maybe some day--a cure if caught early...

Good find, George.... Have a great evening...


henukit profile image

DNA repair disruption isn't it what PARP inhibitors do. Whatever they do, let them keep doing, the more the merrier. ;)

DarkEnergy profile image

Nice focus, targeting DNA repair for castrate-resistant prostate cancer cells. With only a $50k grant, hope FIU can pull it off, my old stomping grounds, nice campus.

This sounds much more powerful than using CRISPR for targeting the Androgen Receptor. (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...

Stopping the DNA repair in PCa cells is the holy grail, let's see them mutate from that!


formerly known as NYMets..


George71 profile image
George71 in reply to DarkEnergy


you incognito ?

Formerly known as Prince --

Are you mad at the Mets -- are they on a losing streak? My Astros have been stumbling lately.

DarkEnergy profile image
DarkEnergy in reply to George71

The Mets just got beat by the Braves, 12 to 3, enough is enough. Then watching the Red Sox beat the Yanks all the freaking time while I'm at Fenway park, too much - damn Sox..

Time to blend with the Universe, my friend, "Houston we have a problem.."

And yes, Prince was inspirational..


formerly known as NYMets..

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to DarkEnergy

NY METastatics

formerly known as j-o-h-n...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 06/19/2019 8:02 PM DST

DarkEnergy profile image
DarkEnergy in reply to j-o-h-n

My amazing friend, you broke the code, as a born New Yorker and based in Queens, i've attended Shea stadium growing up and watch my NY Mets baseball team .

So, I'm a born NYC and now have prostate advanced cancer diagnosis, thus metastatic disease, so NYMets, is a play of words, me a New Yorker with metastatic (Mets) disease,

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to DarkEnergy

Awwwwwwwww c'mon code smode....Hey My wife and son saw the Mets a week ago...I'M a NY fan... I used to play ball quite a bit but hate to watch it.... It's soooooo slow.... I pitched, played first base, second base, catcher and center field... Not all at once.... I loved to pitch (catching sucks)... If I were to watch baseball it would only be on TV.... You know I was just messin with ya.. The only time I used to go to "Shea" stadium was when I wanted to pick up a used part for my car..... Keep well Bro.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 06/20/2019 4:23 PM DST

DarkEnergy profile image
DarkEnergy in reply to j-o-h-n

Yes, Shea Stadium, you know what, I've sat for doubleheaders, "pain in the butt", term - must of been invented here.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to DarkEnergy

hahahah so so true......... almost as bad as waterboarding...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 06/22/2019 10:27 PM DST

George71 profile image

I wonder how they can target only CRPC -- I guess it has a bio marker that helps their DNA breaker find it... Why not engineer something that homes in on and enters prostate cells of any kind and kill them all we don't need any prostate cells anymore.

kaptank profile image

One of the well documented effects of high dose testosterone is double strand DNA breaks. There are trials at Johns Hopkins combining BAT with a PARP inhibitor.

Fairwind profile image
Fairwind in reply to kaptank

I ordered a vial of testosterone from the U.K. but Customs seized it and sent me a nasty letter...We will all be dead by the time these "breakthrough" treatments become available..

kaptank profile image
kaptank in reply to Fairwind

I am very sorry to hear that. It seems it is getting harder to get steroids through national borders. It might be worthwhile to seek local producers that only send through domestic post. The body building/weight lifting community is a large "grey market" for steroids. The truth of that is evident in any gym. FWIW my attempt to repeat a previously successful BAT is not going according to plan. I will report in full after a few more tests, but if not repeatable then its less useful.

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