This sounds like an interesting approach. It will be too late for me, of course, but it's nice to see that there is action on several fronts.
Potential Prostate Cancer Therapy - Advanced Prostate...
Potential Prostate Cancer Therapy

For those who haven't read it, the article that Stegosaurus37 links to is about an experimental research project by Dr. Paul Mathew and his team to block the attraction of tumor cells to bone.
It was an interesting article. I thought it illustrated the kind of intelligent insight that really good scientists have. As for the treatment itself, as Dr. Mathew said, they're only at first base in this research. If it pans out, and the odds are always against the guy on first base making it to home plate, I expect that 10 years could pass before it is developed, tested, and approved for use. However, one thing I really like about Mathew's idea is that it's totally different from the existing research in hormone therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radionuclides. Each totally new treatment has a chance to help men who are, or will become, resistant to other treatments. Using the different treatments all at once might knock the cancer out. Using them sequentially might keep life going for longer and longer periods.
Ain't science wonderful?
I've done some financing for medical research and the toughest part to get money for is the first part. You've got a good idea, but good ideas are a dime a dozen. It takes a realization from the financing source that this might either go nowhere from the get go or fail later in the process. I really admire guys like Dr. Mathew; you not only have to be a good scientist, but you have to convince a financing source that it might pan out. The government/foundation/corporate money doesn't come until the mice have survived. Also the financing source has to be comfortable with the high probability that his/her money will produce nothing (and in most cases the profits and glory will go to someone else). Still, I can attest that doing the initial financing for a promising treatment (it wasn't for prostate cancer) can give you a feeling of real satisfaction.
Very interesting!
There are a lot of papers on PubMed for <prostate fibronectin>, although only 26 for <prostate[title] fibronectin[title] cancer>
This one jumps out to me because it mentions silibinin (from milk thistle):
"Silibinin inhibits fibronectin induced motility, invasiveness and survival in human prostate carcinoma PC3 cells via targeting integrin signaling"
I (& Nalakrats) use:
Wow, this is an excellent paper. I have been taking LE's milk thistle for more than a year but I had missed seeing this piece of research from 2014. Thank you so much Patrick!!
That's an example of research showing the efficacy of a supplement, in this case milk thistle. Some here would argue that nah, only effective in mice or a lab culture. I'm going to order some.
The reference here, and in many previous postings , is to EUROPEAN milk thistle. As far as I can determine, the only difference between milk thistle and the European version is that the latter is grown and processed in Europe. Does that give it some kind of advantage?
I believe that "European" implies "Silybum marianum" (as used in PCa studies). In which case, the country of origin isn't very meaningful.
It has been cultivated in Europe for a very long time, & perhaps the quality is more reliable?
The important thing is to buy a standardized product.
Thank you. If that is all, there are some much cheaper alternatives to LE.