This is repost as I would appreciate any info on. I would like to say that after a couple months on EDTA (bulk supplements on Amazon powder I mix in husbands morning V8) his blood pressure and cholesterol dropped dramatically. His Doc was shocked. Yes antidotal. Maybe it’s something else but...
Anyway here is the repost:
I came into the possession of a thought, often triggered by a posting of someone on this sight, this morning and thought I would share what I found.
My musings started with two thoughts of how to fight this beast; inflammation and fibrin. I choose to research fibrin. This is what I found. It sheds some light on the why things work in vitro but not in vivo.
Beginning of the rabbit trail was the recent posting on estrogen. Which brought me to the thought of how excess (or perhaps the wrong percentage of compared to the other hormones) of estrogen grows fibroids. In women of course. I know as I have them. I am also a DES daughter which messed me up, but that’s another story for another forum I suppose.
Enjoy your day! And Press on, regardless!
Mama KV
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