EBRT + ADT: Is this considered a viable... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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arete1105 profile image
25 Replies

Is this considered a viable combo? Anybody have any experience with it? (Lupron + Casodex)

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arete1105 profile image
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25 Replies
Tjc1 profile image

What they did with me was start with ADT then afer 3 months or so did radiation. ADT shrinks the tumour and weakens cancer cells so radiation has a better chance of killing all cells.

arete1105 profile image
arete1105 in reply to Tjc1

Did you have bone mets? What type of RT did you get?

Tall_Allen profile image

A "viable combo" for what diagnosis?

arete1105 profile image
arete1105 in reply to Tall_Allen

IIIA with osseos mets & pelvic lymph nodes

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to arete1105

So EBRT to what?

arete1105 profile image
arete1105 in reply to Tall_Allen

CAn EBRT cover the whole body or just a focal point? I am asking about using it in a general application, along with ADT

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to arete1105

There is no answer to a general question. You can only use it for specific circumstances. No, you can't have whole-body EBRT.

Patrick-Turner profile image

I had a gleason 9+9 PG tumour, so could not have an RP. I had standard 70gy EBRT after 6 mths on ADT which reduced the PG size to make it a smaller target.

Time for ADT was 2 years, then I paused thr ADT.

This treatment tickled my cancer pink, ie, failed badly, and 6 months after pausing ADT the Psa went from 0.08 to 8.0, and I went back onto ADT and have been on it since 2012.

The Lucrin ADT injects failed, so docs added Casodex, had salvation radiation 2016, Psa went to 0.4, then casodex failed in 6 months, so I went onto Abiraterone which failed after 8 mths, and countless bone mets have been found so I started chemo 5 week ago.

I'm 71, diagnosed in 2009, Psa only 6 for real bad tumour, so Pca probably began in 2004, and because Psa was low, I was diagnosed way too late, and the process is chasing the horse after its bolted. Nevertheless, up to beginning chemo life has been good.

Every man has a slightly different story with Pca; I know guys who had EBRT and Pca went away, but they had tiny tumour, not very aggressive.

The Docetaxel probably will fail. I might get Cabizataxel, may get Lu177, Ra223, but it ain't over yet.

Patrick T.

Coopertino profile image
Coopertino in reply to Patrick-Turner

Keep going Patrick

Patrick-Turner profile image
Patrick-Turner in reply to Coopertino

I am trying to keep going, ain't quit yet, but Aunty Destinee knows all that the doctors are ever going to do, and she knows when my time is up. But I have no idea what will work or what will not, in my battles ahead. Methinks we just have to accept the uncertainty of outcomes, and even if I did get a remission, what will then ambush me from the shadows of my future?

We can only be here until we ain't.

Its a nice sunny day here now.

Patrick T.

Coopertino profile image

Yes it is a protocol for prostate cance. My husband is on it now. The cancer is in his lymph nodes and bones in his back. Good news is is it is not in any major organ. He is now having chemo with taxotere.

arete1105 profile image
arete1105 in reply to Coopertino

So is he having EBRT + Lupron + chemo?

Coopertino profile image
Coopertino in reply to Coopertino

He had HIFU in 2010 and radiation the following year.

Mathes72 profile image

My Dr. at md Anderson in Houston took me off casodex last year

arete1105 profile image
arete1105 in reply to Mathes72

So are you saying you are only on ADT now? Do you have any bone mets or is it still in the cap? How long were you on casodex?

Mathes72 profile image
Mathes72 in reply to arete1105

No, md Anderson only took me off casodex, I had prostate removed six years ago,psa started to go up three years ago.had 37 radiation, psa was up after 6 months,went to md Anderson for a second opion came home to Nc. had 6 chemo,provenge, on lupron,zitiga,presisone,xgeva all in the last 17 months,psa is going up slow but going up for the last 3 months,we are discussing what next,have bone mets,small, will be going for cat scan an bone scan,i feel good a little tired,i walk every day go to gym play golf drink half gallon of water daly. That is my story

NewAgeBrother profile image

Was the 70 Gy with 40 fractions (eight weeks)? Generally, it would be 78-81 Gy. Radiation oncologists have found they were undertreating cancer in the past just like today's focal treatments are going now with larger margins.

Also, it doesn't take six months of ADT to shrink the prostate. Two months is fine as basically all of the shrinkage is done in six weeks. But, this may not have been standard practice in the past. They are finding that the duration of ADT can be shortened especially post-radiation. Two months is generally all you will see today for pre-radiation.

Joes-dad profile image
Joes-dad in reply to NewAgeBrother

Can you point us to where you are getting your information for your claims in your second paragraph? Well, how about your claims in your first paragraph too?

NewAgeBrother profile image
NewAgeBrother in reply to Joes-dad

These are not "claims" but are current standard radiation therapy and hormone therapy prescribing information used by any competent radiation oncologist or medical oncologist.

Just google "conventional fractionation for prostate cancer" and "androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer", you will get tons of confirming data.

I would prefer that you do that rather for me to pick a given source for you.

arete1105 profile image
arete1105 in reply to NewAgeBrother

It might be standard therapy for localized cancer, but is it also standardized treatment for bone & lymph mets?

Joes-dad profile image
Joes-dad in reply to NewAgeBrother

Good luck finding a study that says starting ADT 2-weeks before RT is the best amount with any comparison to other amounts of time. Sames goes for the amount of "shrinkage" of the prostate. Telling someone that "Two months is fine as basically all of the shrinkage is done in six weeks."

Joes-dad profile image
Joes-dad in reply to Joes-dad

And I can say that, in my case, mine was not done shrinking at 6 weeks or even 8 weeks after starting ADT.

NewAgeBrother profile image
NewAgeBrother in reply to Joes-dad

Joes-Dad, you misread my message. I said two MONTHS not two weeks. Also, some prostates just don't shrink much. If your prostate has not shrunk in six weeks, then it doesn't matter how long the ADT course last. For instance, mine shrunk less than 10%.

I am simply trying to be helping here but all I am getting is blowback. I will spend my time more wisely next time.

Aretes-105, yes this is for localized cancer.

cesanon profile image

If you are doing EBRT, it would likely make sense to accompany it with ADT... depending.

But the other way around, it may be less likely to make sense.

SBRT, is the most narrow targetted type of radiation therapy (along with proton thereapy).

David2703 profile image

I stared taking 150 mg of Casodex one month prior to stopping Lupron. 150 mg was shown as effective in European studies. Good luck

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